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Quinn Build Guide by stormchump

Other Quinn, the Swift Ganker (Jungle Build)

Other Quinn, the Swift Ganker (Jungle Build)

Updated on December 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stormchump Build Guide By stormchump 1,845 Views 0 Comments
1,845 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author stormchump Quinn Build Guide By stormchump Updated on December 11, 2013
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First of all, it seems that many people underestimate Quinn and find her useless. Quinn is far from useless and if you have played her for a while, you will probably know that by now. So here is my guide on how to jungle with Quinn and Valor! Enjoy!

This is my first Champion build, so sorry if it lacks information or does not look good.
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Creep order and Ganks

Start off with blue, and make sure you will get level 2 here (all champions except for you must be far enough from the creeps). Ask for help when people wont come to you out of their own. After getting blue and reaching level 2, you will face a choice, wolves or wraits. Keep in mind that you do this in order to get your smite up for red, so don't use it here! After this, make sure you got enough health (use health pots) and fight red. After getting red, you should have reached level 3 and you are ready to land your first gank. Look at the closest 2 lanes if there are good gank possibilities and gank if there are. If you can't gank, tell your teammates you can't (to avoid blamers) and continue killing jungle creeps. You can gank lanes as soon as there is a good distance between the enemy champion and his tower or allies. For fast ganking and suprise tower dives I recommend using Tag Team (R) and then Vault (E) to get close to your enemy within mere seconds.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stormchump
stormchump Quinn Guide
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Quinn, the Swift Ganker (Jungle Build)

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