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Easy matchup for lane, you can W his engage most of the time. Be sure to buy a randuins second item, rushing a wardens, since it screws up his attack speed.
As with many champions with dashes, Poppy can stop them from dashing forwards or away. Just rush a bramble against Urgot to deal return damage when he uses his w. Tabis are also suggested against most Aa-centric champions.
Just be sure to use your w to stop his ghouls and you will be fine through the lane phase. Just be careful for midgame, you cannot 1v1 him unless you are already relatively strong or VERY good wall positions are made available.
It is very awkward to rate gangplank, in the lane phase he should not kill you, but you cannot do anything to him, it is up to jungle pressure if either of you win lane. late game goes to gangplank, so try to pressure him, i advise a summon Aery build for a gangplank to out-poke him.
Dr. Mundo
This match-up is very VERY hard. His cleavers do % magic damage. But a Mundo E gives him a ton of AD that can match Poppy W passive at low health. You can maybe fight him pre-6, but one Mundo's cleavers are maxed and he has ultimate, you can't hope to fight him unless he is really far behind.
Just play passive, you out-scale hard being a tank, buy tabi and chain vest to build into your sunfire cape. take W second to stop Pantheon jump/stun, and to get the extra armor from W passive.
This match-up is rather awkward, the more you dodge, the better it is for you. Now, the funny thing is, you can just use your W when illaoi ults to stop her from using her little W jump that makes her tentacles slam, so by-by illaoi dps.
This girl is funny, your W stops every dash (which wins you many match-ups alone) kind of screws over fiora, this matchup should be easy
Darius is a ticking time bomb, with his true damage ultimate when he has 5 stacks. you need to do quick trades and save your W for running away from a trade.
Poppy W, you win this, like most dash-based characters.
One of the few champions that has a dash where you don't screw them over completely with your W. just wait for Aatrox 3rd Q that he often accompanies with a dash to get close to you and W it to stop a lot of damage.
You out-scale (slightly) but Garen out-damages Poppy at every stage of the game, out-sustains you as well. the only thing you have going for you is the cc you have in teamfights with your ult, but Garen pick potential is high enough to negate this slight advantage.
It is awkward to rate this, he can do things early and will have ignite advantage. You out-scale and stop his dash with your W, so take it second to prevent his lvl 2 and 3 all-ins.
Use Poppy W to stop Jax Engage in lane, but Jax is a late game hyper carry, so you need to try to end early and try to protect your team from him in the meantime.
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