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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Sion
A brutal warlord from a bygone era, Sion was revered in Noxus for choking the life out of a Demacian king with his bare handsβbut, denied the peace of death, he was resurrected to serve his empire once more. His indiscriminate slaughter claims all who stand in his way, regardless of allegiance, proving he has retained little of his former humanity. With crude armor bolted onto his rotten flesh, Sion continues to charge into battle with reckless abandon, struggling to remember his true self between the swings of his mighty axe.
Sion is a tank with huge amount of basic health thanks to his W.
Sion also can be dominant in laning phase in some matchups thanks to his high basic damage. He scales good into the mid game.
Sion has built-in semi-global
ultimate basically allows you to roam from base straightly into enemy lane. Another thing to keep in mind when playing
Sion is that you can afford sometimes not building full tank if you are ahead and get items like
Titanic Hydra,
Sterak's Gage,
Death's Dance, are good on
Sion in some situations or full lethality build to one shot.
Good and weak points
+ Passive allows to keep fighting after dying for few seconds + Decent base damage + Safe pick, can be blind picked + Build-in HP permanent scaling in kit + A lot of CC + Good engage |
- Ultimate can be easily dodged by Flash or any blink/dash - No escape besides ultimate - Easy to interrupt his ultimate by CC - Kinda Immobile - Doesn't do well against a sustain champions - Falls off if behind |
Tips & Important informations
If you took fatal damage and you are on
passive you can use item actives, goes through
E but you can't use your summoner spells
or take
W passive permanently increase your health whenever you kill an enemy, large monster, pets, clones, wards and even things like
passive works on towers/inhibitors/nexus
If you died and your
Teleport is on cooldown and there is big minion wave coming to crash on the turret don't hesitate to use your
ultimate to get back on lane immediately and take whole gold and experience from wave
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