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Pyke Build Guide by Tokitawa

Support 🦈 [S.14] PYKE JAWS 🦈 META & more (Aram, Arena, Reddit, Whatsapp, Twitter, ...)

Support 🦈 [S.14] PYKE JAWS 🦈 META & more (Aram, Arena, Reddit, Whatsapp, Twitter, ...)

Updated on February 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tokitawa Build Guide By Tokitawa 82 12 234,288 Views 19 Comments
82 12 234,288 Views 19 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tokitawa Pyke Build Guide By Tokitawa Updated on February 19, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Pyke
  • LoL Champion: Pyke
    Fun builds

Runes: 100% presence runes

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Zombie Ward
Relentless Hunter


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
What I do at the beginning of early game
1. Buy the support item and the two potions, and the Warding Totem
2. Go to ward on a strategic spot that will allow you to know where the enemies will come first, or your buff if your jungle is starting top side, or the river to prevent early ganks.
3. Back and take the Oracle Lens, and go back to help your jungler on his first buff or straight to your lane.

This way, you can start stacking the 10 zombie wards. :)
OP Vision
With those following (and a good roaming), you'll maintain the accedent of vision for the whole game:
> Zombie Ward
> Support item
> Oracle Lens
> Umbral Glaive
OP Early trade
Take the advantage at level 2 if your ADC and you (with your support item) don't miss a single minion.
> Early E on any of the enemy (ADC priority if enemy support is tank).
> This will most of the time force the enemy to flash. Trade won.
> If you feel that you can take the kill bc your ADC follows you then flash too, behind the enemy who flashed.
> If you manage to stun the two enemies, you can also ignite one of them. You might take two kills on that. Or force two flashes.

I will update the guide every hour to bring you detailed explanations, a maximum of possibilities and constraints as Pyke! 🦈


Hello everyone! Welcome on my Pyke guide! 🦈
I hope this gonna help you playing that champion better, from discovering to mastering him!

I will keep updating my guide everytime I feel it's needed. Whenever I find out something useful to say, whenever I find new possibilites, etc. so please keep this guide next to you!

Before we get into details, let's be sure we all know what is Pyke good and bad for:

βž• Best roamer
βž• High damages
βž• Finisher ultimate
βž• Is a strong combo with 99.99% ADC
βž• Strong 1v1 against many champions

❌ Hard to master
❌ Low HP
❌ Assassin, so one CC and you're dead
❌ Ultimate is dodgeable

Now that we all agree on what Pyke is, let's get started!


Let's take a look on who synergies well with Pyke.






This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs!


Let's take a look on who counters a lot Pyke.

Zilean has an instant point&click immortality.
Taric also has an immortality, but most importantly a strong peel to offer.
Poppy is a Press-W-to-Win against Pyke.

All characters who temporally dissapear from the map are boring. That's why you should use all your bans for Master Yi, Zed, Kayn, Vladimir and Fizz.

It's always complicated to charge your Q against Soraka's silence. You want to engage with E first in that case. And be awared of her ultimate cooldowns before using yours.
Kindred's immortality field is annoying as well, but you can hook anyone out or temporize with your E.
Shaco's boxes are hell. But as a support, your Oracle Lens will help you finding your way to reach him without taking any box.
Jhin is a strong duo with Pyke, but also a strong counter.


Morgana's black shield doesn't counter your ultimate.
Leona, Thresh and Nautilus are strong tanks with heavy peeling. Build lethality first and focus on peeling your ADC.

This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs!


Coming soon...

This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs!


Of course.
Assassin must have.

This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs!


Coming soon...

This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs!


Coming soon...

This part of the build will get updated a lot, so keep the guide on your favs!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tokitawa
Tokitawa Pyke Guide
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🦈 [S.14] PYKE JAWS 🦈 META & more (Aram, Arena, Reddit, Whatsapp, Twitter, ...)

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