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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Kayncer

Jungle S11 Morde Jungle (Off-Meta)

Jungle S11 Morde Jungle (Off-Meta)

Updated on October 12, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kayncer Build Guide By Kayncer 12 1 17,387 Views 14 Comments
12 1 17,387 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kayncer Mordekaiser Build Guide By Kayncer Updated on October 12, 2021
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Runes: The Main Runes

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Challenging Smite

Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

S11 Morde Jungle (Off-Meta)

By Kayncer

I am Kayncer, Originally a Kayn Main, but I am making this Guide since I had a lot of fun playing Mordekaiser!

I am 18 Turkish/German and happy to say this is only my 2nd guide so I am not used to much of this website (like all the image colourisation etc) but happy to present this "off meta" Guide for you!
Why Morde Jungle?
Morde Jungle is really fun AND Strong, the Tank Build is such a brain less but useful and effective build that it´s actually fun just smashing your enemies with AA´s, he is the best Ganker after level 6 THE BEST since he will always get a kill on the hardest Lane you can usually gank on, which is Bot Lane + you don´t need to much Item knowledge as his items are pretty straigt forward!
- Early Game -
-Early Game-

Try to farm a lot/ invade against late game Junglers or Junglers who are weak like Kayn in his Early, one of the easiest matchups! (first buy should be Ionian boots)

You should always pop Ghost in River to catch up to lanes asap, mainly gank only if people overstep, otherwise wait for level 6 to gank
- Mid Game -
-Mid Game-

By now you got your mythic and Red Smite + your ult, this is the time you should always win in your ult and pretty much spiked in also, you should be able to contest most Objectives!

You should be able fighting 1v2-3´s depending on the enemy champs, try to ult the one from them with the highest armor or AD//AS stats!
- Late Game -
-Late Game-

You should avoid getting into late Game cause Morde doesnt Scale THAT WELL and anyone can have QSS at this stage of game so it will be impossible to get a good ult out.

Try to take down the towers asap cause otherwise the game is over for your existence LOL the Tank build will help you with teamfights tho, be careful who you ult as always
Tips and Tricks/ Combos
If you want to start a battle make sure you got your E up to even get in Range (Combo is simple, E,Q, AA into Ult) Whilst ganking a lane to you should do - E Q R AA to not get minion aggro.

If you gank a Lane and Q or E someone you won´t get minion aggro, you only get aggro if you AA the enemy champ

Most of the time you wanna pop Ghost in the River so you get fast to a gankable Lane!

While you Q you can also Flash to hit someone, but you should rather use Ghost instead of Flash.

if you´re waiting for cooldowns use E AA Q AA.

You can Pull enemies over walls with E!

Or if you go Tank build Ghost - E if it doesnt hit just R, Red Smite and AA to death
Thanks for looking at this small but Funny Guide/Build if you want more Information or maybe got questions left, I got Discord and you can hit me up there this is my DC Acc


Thanks once again and I´ll be happy for any opinions on improving for this guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kayncer
Kayncer Mordekaiser Guide
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S11 Morde Jungle (Off-Meta)

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