Zed used to be an easier matchup but lately the CDR on the game is kinda high plus Hydra items make the lane harder to play (Mainly Tiamat). As Runes you wanna take Fleet because if he is atleast a bit good he would never try to take extended trades. WIth that said if you play in a lower elo i would suggest Lethal Tempo. Against zed start Dorans shield and get Sheen on your first back. Thats because he will be looking to take trades with his W E Q combo on repeat whener he has his W back up. For that reason you wanna have sheen and Fleet so you can recover his damage. After lever 7-8 try to start contesting the waves so he doesnt roam on every wave. In teamfights if you cant 1shot him with your team try to avoid him unless you can catch him. Bad matchup because of his superior kit and items.
Against Vayne the best setup is to go Summon Aery as your runes and E max. Your goal is to poke her as much as you can using your E ability which is the one that you will be maxing first. Whenver she tries to Q into you or AA you just drop an E and you equalize the trade or maybe win it . Another advantage is that most Vayne players are gonna be thinking that you are going Q Max so they also might pick the wrong spells / Runes. As your starting item go Dorans Ring and on your first back buy dark seal ( you wont be needing tear thanks to manaflow band from sorcery tree ). As your first item if enemy jungler is also AD champ you can rush frozen heart after Dorans ring + dark seal Still a bad matchup overall but can be easier or harder depended on the enemy player
Pretty Much same Matchup as Vayne but there are some good and bad parts. First of all you cant really run him down due to his E which he can escape easily every time you try something without you being able to interupt it. Sadly to his Kit he can also take bone plating on his secondary Runes and minimize the damage from your E. Start Dorans Ring buy dark seal on first back and then go towards frozen heart if they are heavy ad otherwise go for triforce.
It's really hard to lane against Camille, from level 1 to 3 her trades are really strong, if she lands her E. That's not the main problem overall, after her first back lane is a disaster. A good all in with Sheen and Ignite can pretty much kill you. If she engages with her E, you can kill her - if you have between 150-200 stacks it won't be hard to kill her. A good Camille will never do that. If she holds her E there is no way you can run her down. I suggest dodging a Camille above D2, it's not worth taking the flip.
Aatrox matchup is movement related but overall a bad one for you. Since Nasus doesnt really have any dashes or speedups its really hard to dodge his full combo after he hits the first Q. The highest chance to dodge his full combo is after you get hit by his first Q. The moment he hits it he is gonna try to Q2 + E in so you wanna make a step towards him so you dodge the knock up. If he uses Q + E on first Q then he doesnt have a way to close the gap between you and him since he only has 1 Dash and his W is pretty easy to get out of. Another tip whenever the wave slow-pushes towards him and you want to crash it you have the option to stand inside the wave so when he tries to poke you he hits the wave as well resulting in the wave to push back to you. Dorans Shield as starting item into triforce and if the enemy jungler is also AD you can frozen heart or Sunderer sky
Ahri is a shit matchup overall but it depends on the opponent it can be really hard and sometimes easy but in general the matchup is bad. If she lands her E on first levels you are pretty much almost half Hp due to electrocute W and her Q so your goal is to avoid her E . You can do that by pretending you are going for a minion with your Q and just step back or stand behind minions its hard to farm under tower. Level 7 or after sheen the matchup is easier but u can never run her down unless she used her R on a roam. Matchup stays the same on every season so there isnt really any change. Dorans shield as starting item.
Against akali, Runes setup is really important. Go with fleet setup with Dorans shield as starting item and rush Sheen as soon as possible to recover her Q + Passive damage. A tip that is gonna help you a lot is her Passive range. So whenever she Hits Q on you and you get slowed she is gonna have her passive ready and her passive AA Range is similar to Nasus Q range so whenever she walks up to hit you with the passive you wanna trade back with you and Sheen. If you dont have Sheen dont ever try to trade back with her you will never win trades. Only solo kill potential you have is if you take some good trades having her around 70%Hp then you can solokill her if she used her W At;east. If her W is up there is no window for you to kill run her down. Also something last if she knows she dies to you she might try to get behind you and R out so maintain a good spacing between you and her if she tries to do 1 step back so she gets behind you, make sure you take 1 step back as well
Bad matchup on every phase of the game. I would suggest dodging the matchup in higher elos where every Anivia player is an otp. If the game is played in a lower elo it is still playable but hardly. Take Fleet setup With Dorans shield and try to dodge her Q by baiting that you are going for a minion after she misses the q her damage is not that big till level 6. Only window you have to kill her is if she uses her W but again her passive is kinda tanky and you dont have lethal tempo because you need the fleet movement and sustain for the lane. Really bad matchup you are getting outscalled in every way possible due to her items and her kit. Lastly against anivia you will never have prio.
Annie used to be an easy matchup but not anymore after her giant buffs. Startings items Dorans shield and first back make sure to rush sheen to sustain her burst combo ( Q AA + W + Electrocute and Maybe 1 more AA in the end due to the fact that you will be stunned ). Would recommend Lethal tempo cuz fleet wont make that big of a difference. Only window for a kill is when she uses her stun and she close to your turret so you have space to kill her or atleast get her flash. If they have AP jungler i would suggest going MR Boost (Mercs).
The Cassiopeia matchup is one of the hardest. First levels Cassiopeia works like Anivia if she hits her Q, she will start kitting you with her E and the extra MS she gets when she lands her Q. The reason this matchup is hard is because of her R and W. After some levels, if she wastes her W (which has 24 seconds cooldown), you can take advantage of it and all in her. Worst case scenario you get hit by her R and she runs away with phase rush. If she uses Conqueror instead of Phase rush you might have some chances of running her down. Dorans shield as starting item Lethal tempo is gonna feel way better in this matchup if you feel confident. If they have AP Jungler i would suggest going MR boots.
Depends on Cho 'Gaths playstyle, the laning phase can be easier or harder.
If he goes Grasp for Runes and tank items its gonna be harder for you to kill him and he is gonna be more more useful in every state of the game and not only in lane. If he goes Arcane comet for runes he is gonna be less tanky and its gonna be easier for you to kill him after you sidestep his Q.Not much to talk about this matchup Dorans shield as starting item and Lethal tempo on runes.
Corki was 1 of the easiest matchups some patches ago. Sadly its not anymore but it still is a pretty easy matchup if played correctly. Sidestep some of his Q's and the lane should be free. You can always run him down if you have sheen + boots no matter where he is as long as you have your sums up. Lethal tempo for runes but if you havent played the matchup atleast couple of times fleet is recommended. Dorans shield as Starting item.
HUGE TIP : Avoid his First strike damage its important and game changing.
Dr. Mundo
Versus Mundo Take Lethal Tempo as runes and Dorans shield for starting item. Stack as much CDR as possible so this way you can stuck as much as you can. First buy you should be locking for lucidities or sheen if you arent familiar with the matchup or you arent confident in your movement so you can dodge some of his Q's. Really easy matchup nothing to talk about.
Gangplank 's passive really hurts. Early levels try to survive using Doran's shield, Fleet footwork and Second wind. Dodge Gangplank 's barrels by pretending to walk up but then backing away right after to dodge the 2 part barrel. On your first recall buy Sheen so you can heal a good amount of Hp whenever he uses his Q. On your second recall buy boots of lucidity. Once you have 150-200 stacks pretend to all in him by using your W. He will immediately use his W to remove the slow. Whenever your W is ready, instant Wither him and run him down he wont be able to prevent the slow because his W has bigger cooldown than yours.
Grasp for Runes and Dorans shield as starting item. Rush Sheen on your first Back and make sure to keep your grasp ready so whenever uses His E if you just press Q on him while he dashes to you he will get hit by the Q no matter if you get knocked back by his E. Repeat it on cooldown after you got sheen and win small trades. Dont look for extended trades untill his phase rush is down. Tricky matchup untill you get used to is so this way its not an easy one or a hard one. You overall getting a benefit due to Grasp rune.
Graves is really good matchup for Nasus. First few waves try to stack as much as you can. He cant really do much to stop you, when you walk up for Cs make sure to stand behind minions so his auto attacks gets blocked. After you buy Sheen with 100 stacks and your R ready you can run him down. The only bad thing about graves is that he outscales you after 30+ minutes due to Lord dominik's regards and Infinity edge.
Diana is easy for Nasus if you manage to survive the early levels. Start with Q on level 1 and try to stack as much as you can. Diana 's level 2 is dangerous. The amount of damage she can deal with Q E AA E AA + Electrocute is really big. After you buy Sheen, wait for your level 7 and run her down when she jumps on you. Make sure there isnt a minion close to her turret to dash back with her E so she can escape. Dorans shield as starting item and Lethal tempo for runes.
Most Nasus players think this matchup is unplayable due to the pressure he applies with his Q. First levels let him push the waves and try to last hit under your tower. Farming under your tower against Heimerdinger is fine since he cant do much. On your first recall buy Sheen and try to recover the amount of damage he does. (YOU WILL BE BEHIND ON FARM EXPERIENCE AND PLATES) but there is not much you can do about it. If you manage to stack well against him, if he makes a mistake like throwing his E, make sure to take advantage of it and run him down. If he has ignite its gonna be harder to kill him since you wont be healing much. Dorans shield as starting item and both Lethal Tempo and Fleet can work
On level 1 Start with E and try to last hit the firstt 3 melee minions. Never walk up for Cs against Irelia. If you get hit by her E the amount of damage she can deal is crazy. A good Irelia will zone you out of lane. Give Cs and experience if needed just dont die no matter what. Nasus outscales Irelia after a certain point. Staying alive against Irelia is really important. After you buy sheen kindlegem with 200 stacks you can kill her after she makes a mistake. Remember not to fight her in a big minion wave since she can use it to heal while you fight. Watch the wave before trying to all in her. This matchup gets way easier after 1 item. Dorans shield as starting item and on Runes go lethal tempo so you can also push the wave at lvl 4 when its slowpushing towards her but also for 1v1's on sidelane and in laning phase.
Do not underestimate Jayce 's damage on early levels. Dont let him trade you for free. A good trade from Jayce can drop you to 40% of your Hp . Farm safely on first few levels and do not try to all in him on level 6. Wait till you are level 8 and upgrade your W. Once you have Sheen, if he jumps on you instant Wither him open Ghost and run him down. If he has Phase rush let him use it and then all in him. Lane will be harder if you lane a good jayce and he knows how to zone you of the wave and play with minion aggro and wave managment. Both Fleet and Lethal are fine Dorans shield is mandatory. After he buys Serrated Dirk lane is even harder.
Kassadin before Archangel's (Item) Buff was a really easy lane. Now its a bit harder at late game but laning phase stays the same. Level 1 you can start attacking the wave in a medium pace not to slow but not to fast. When the second wave comes you wanna hard push the second wave because you will get level 2 first. So medium push first wave and hard push second. 3rd wave is gonna be a cannon wave and then you have to respect his damage. He is gonna get lvl 3 first because the wave slowpushes to you and that is really good because Kassadin's level 3-4 damage is really big due to electrocute. Whenever you try to take a Cs he is gonna E + AA + W into electrocute + Q before you run back so there is no way to outrade him or make a trade even untill sheen. Focus on stacking untill your sheen and lucidities. After you have your items try to take short trades getting him 50% Hp so whenever he R's in make sure to insta R W Ghost and Flash his Flash. As runes you need Fleet in higher elo but in lower elos you can just Lethal tempo. You are stronger than him untill level 16 / 5 Items. Be careful on XP on this matchup because it plays a huge factor.Not the best matchup but playble with a bit of practise
Free stack pre 6 against Katarina. There is nothing she can do to you unless you stand on her daggers. Overall laning against Katarina is easy and having a lot of Cc against her is another way to shut her down. Be careful when you try to run her down, first look at the wave position so she wont escape.
First back make sure to buy sheen to Equalize trades. Remember an Equal trade is worth for Nasus due to your passive which is lifesteal. Fleet on runes Lethal if enemy team is high Melee champs.
Kayle used to be the easiest matchup for Nasus. That changed after people saw how broken swifties boots are and start abusing them on the matchup Plus the new Tenacity rune and slow resist on Rune shards. You can never run her down if she has the correct setup which is Q Max + Fleet + Celerity + Flash Ghost. So for that reason you wanna play E MAX nasus on lane. Start Dorans Ring on first back buy dark seal and then work your way towards Frozen heart. This way you wont need to buy tear for mana sustain and just keep on abusing her with your E. This is allowed to happen because of Kayle's low Mr which is 1 of the lowest Mr's in the game. Your priotiy is to poke her down because she wont have teleport. If she has teleport then she is just in a disadvantage, If lane played correctly and using E well You should be able to have a really easy time. When it comes to runes you can either go fleet with 2 addaptive on shards for E damage or summon aery for a bit more burst on your E.
Really bad lane for Nasus but it really depends on the player. In lower Elos you can get away with Q maxing and pretty much sidestep his Q's and play kennen like he is a poking matchup. The higher you get the harder the matchup is you will get more zoned punished poked etc. Only counterplay in Higher Elos is E maxing with aery and try to poke him down while being as even as you can on farm. Start dorans Ring into Triforce and try not to get poked down for free.
Really hard matchup but in lower elos its really easy. Start dorans shield and go fleet footwork, Try to sidestep some Q's here and there and it will make a huge difference. If your enemy isnt good enough to perma zone you, you wont have a problem sustaining in the lane. Since you dont have any Kill potential unless she throws her E, which she might greed for damage and waste it . If she does you can run her down and try to kill her depending on your items and stacks. On first back make sure to buy Sheen for sustain and build normally. If you dont see any All in potential just hold your sums for drake fights 3v3's 4v4's since you will be stronger there.
After the nerfs, Lucian mid isnt a huge counter anymore. However it still is a big threat due to his Burst Kit and his Runes ( PTA ). Dorans shield as 1st item into Frozen heart if enemy jungle is also AD. If enemy jungle is Ap build towards Triforce since u wont get the max value out of frozen heart. Fleet is recommended until you get familiar with the matchup. First back make sure to get sheen to sustain his damage. Try to avoid getting hit by his whole kit and be careful on when you are going for a minion since if enemy lucian is good you can get really punished for it and probable getting below 60% of your Hp just in a trade.
Pretty simple laning phase but can go really wrong if you get poked pretty quickly or die in laning phase. Against lux you need Dorans shield and second wind no matter what. Dodging her spells here and there is gonna make a difference on how easy the lane is gonna be. If you make it till level 7 you shouldnt have a problem anymore and you already outclassed her. First back make sure to buy sheen to out-sustain her.
Malzahar lane used to be very easy. However after unflinching's changes the lane got kinda harder and thats why if he R's you while you are low Hp you wont be able to exit the silence effect fast so you might die. Still the matchup is pretty easy untill he builds Rylai's. All in all free stack his Minions aswell and just be careful after level 6 not to be below 40% Hp.
One of the hardest matchups atm. Been meta for so long but matchup hasnt changed at all. It used to be easier matchup but not anymore. Best you can do is buy sheen on first back with second wind and dorans shield and bait some of her Q's. Even after that you cna never run her down due to phase rush and her R which pulls you back. She always gonna outscale due to her kit and items so you dont really have many chances to win the lane
Laning vs Pantheon is hard. Level 1 and 2 he isnt that big of a threat for. The pain begins after his level 3. A good pantheon player will zone you out of your lane. Give up Cs and experience if needed. Pantheon 's kit is really good for dive so you should stay above 40% of your HP at all times. Your main goal against this matchup is to survive the laning phase with the help of Fleet footwork and Second wind. Trying to solo kill a pantheon is pointless due to his R which he can use to escape. Things are easier if you have a Jungler - Support with atleast 1 Cc ability. Overall focus on farming and surviving the laning phase, keep your resources for teamfights or objectives.
Against Qiyana you should be Looking for short trades. First wave you can start AA'ing it getting prio slowly making sure you hit lvl 2 first and E'ing the whole next wave so you can crash it with xp advantage and minions advantage. 3rd wave respect that she gets level 3 first after the first 2 minions of the 3rd wave and just wait till the wave is bouncing to you. Try to stack as much asyou can because at level 6-7 you wanna have around 80+ stacks to take short trades with her. In order for that start Dorans shield and first back buy Sheen to make the trades worth and then lifesteal from passive + fleet + second wind + d shield, She might roam a lot since she can shove waves really fast so be ready to ping the position she is heading. After your second recall this is where you wanna start taking control over lane and getting prio Q'ing her whenever she tries something. Running her down can be quite tricky due to her green form which makes her invisible and pretty much stalling until your R is over. Not the worst matchup but takes some games to get familiar with it.
For Nasus, Ryze is a big threat. Thats why you never have kill pressure against him. Early levels try to survive using Fleet footwork and Second wind. The only kill pressure you have is with your Jungler - Support with Cc. First recall buy Sheen so you can sustain the lane and try to stack as much as you can. Its pointless trying solo killing him. You wont be able to do that because of his R and Phase rush. Try to save your resources for teamfigts or objectives. Bad news are that he outscales you due to Archangel's staff. I suggest dodging the matchup in high elo ( 400Lp + )
Used to be all time permaban but now that Azir is way stronger you are forced to play the matchup. He still remains really hard to deal with but The conqueror resolve setup for sylas is kinda dead atm so he is prob going electrocute into burst build. These are good news if you are able to survive the early game and get to level 7 which you gonna have ur lifesteal upgraded. Level 1 respect him stand behind your minions since he will be looking to take a really good trade
( E AA E + Electro + AA + Scorch ). If that happens you are already down 50% of your Hp and things are gonna get even worse as long as you dont Tank the second E you should be fine. Never try to 1v1 him unless you wanna bait him to use his R ( Your R ) its good trading R' for R since his Cooldown on your R is way way higher than yours, So look for Trading R's and then dont get low untill you have back your R. If that cant happen just keep on stacking dont get damage for free and use your Sums + R on drake fights or on Scrims 2v2 3v3 etc. Start Dorans shield into sheen. Against sylas Boots are not recommended untill triforce is built. Maybe T1 boots only ( 300g ) ones.
The only reason why the matchup isnt put in the extreme threats is because of lower Elos syndra players. Normally you dont stand a chance you get outscaled outclassed from her kit / items and her stacks.If game is played in high elo i suggest Fleet if lower you can get away with lethal tempo. Reason the matchup is almost unplayble is because she is just a better champ with better items and free gold from first strike on her trades. You can only run her down if she uses her E which again a good player wont use E out of nowhere. Early levels avoid taking alot of AA's for free since thats her early damage not her abilities. If you have lethal tempo on 1st back you can also buy boots of lucidities and try to outspeed her and run her down after she uses E. If fleet make sure to go Sheen and sustain the Lane even more untill your 2nd recall.
Talon is a hard matchup for Nasus. His level 1 is weak and there is nothing he can do. After his level 2 avoid walking up for Cs, the amount of damage he can deal is really big. The only way to kill talon on early game is with your Jungler. After his level 6 there is no kill pressure anymore. Once you hit level 8 try to have permanently priority against him so he cant roam and snowball. Do not follow Talon 's early roams, most attempts will be fail. Focus on farming and build an experience lead against him. Keep your resources for teamfights - objectives. If you manage to get a lead against Talon there is not much he can do.
Twisted Fate
if its AD tf and the enemy team has an AD jungler aswell rush frozen heart. It can work with both fleet and tempo so it doesnt really matter. If Tf is Ad and enemy jg is Ap just work your way towards Triforce. If double Ap mid jg you can go for mercs with legend tenacity into triforce. If Ap tf and ad jungler just go triforce. Start Dorans shield and avoid taking his E damage when he has the passive ready. Other than that in lane you should be fine you never kill but you also never get killed. He will roam a lot so focus on stacking. After he uses his R on a roam, when he is back on lane make sure to try to run him down after he uses his W. That can only happen with Lethal tempo so if you are Looking to kill, go for it. Late game it can be really hard to deal with him since he will be having Rapid and Looking to W you from distance. Not much to talk about the matchup it mainly depends on how good the TF player is gonna be. The lower the elo the easier the matchup. If he has R up you can trade R for R its still worth.
Free stack pre level 6 against him . First recall buy sheen and Boots of lucidity. Wait for your level 8 so you have some points on W aswell. You can easily run him down, the moment he walks in range for your W, instant wither him and run him down with Ghost and R. Your main goal against Veigar is to finish the game before 30 minutes otherwise you are pretty much doomed. Go Lethal Tempo for runes and make sure to stack as much as you can on early levels so you can run him down later on. If you are able to kill him 1-2 times and stacking well you can even Dive him after a point with Tempo. Pretty easy matchup but you are getting outclassed later on.
Vel'koz is an easy matchup for Nasus. Try to survive his poke using Fleet footwork, Second wind . First recall buy Sheen and heal his poke. After level 6 there is notching he can do. Overall pretty easy laning phase for Nasus. The only tool he has to make a gap between you and him is his E, if you manage to dodge that you are able to run him down using W and Ghost. be careful and dont underestimate his damage. He can deal A LOT true damage if you get hit by his spells fully.
Vex is A hard matchup. She has a lot of burst and not mainly poke. For that Dorans shield wont really give you the max value out of the item since it will only proc 1 time on the entire burst trade. You need sheen asap to be able to play the lane. Its a movement matchup and if you can dodge some spells you should be fine for the rest of the lane. Fleet is needed on this lane 100%. Solo killing her can be hard unless you have boots of lucidities and sheen plus her wasting her Feat on minions or you side-stepping it. In teamfights you are gonna be way stronger unless you die in laning phase and she gets a massive XP - Gold lead or from really good roams by her which you cant really punish other than shoving a wave at most. Getting Prio against her wont be easy but its a need after a point since you cant be giving her control all over the lane for ever. So try to stack as much as you can early on and after 2nd MAX 3rd reset start taking control over the lane and Look for those 2v2's or being able to rotate to objectives easily.
Used to be 1 of the easiest lanes for Nasus in season 11. After season 11 items changed got buffed and entire meta changed. Fleet Second Wind Dorans shield and sustain his Poke. Make sure not to fall truly behind in Cs and XP plays A MAJOR role on this matchup. Dont greed for any solokills unless you are sure about it. In teamfights you are stronger but after his 3-4 Items you start falling off. Again you hard win Sidelane so make sure to snowball out of it. Dodging his W should be really easy so if he oversteps and you already have a number of stacks around 200 with sheen or sheen + boots you can really just kill him.
Even laning phase its all about how snowballs and plays the lane better. Free stack and avoid his empowered Q you should be fine. Fleet can be good Lethal is for more aggressive playstyle but really that depends on if he is gonna make the mistake of losing his phase rush and being close to your tower. Lower elos make sure to go Lethal and higher elos Fleet with full sustain setup. First back always sheen and then boots of lucidities to keep stacking. Once you reached a point around 200 Stacks, no matter your Runes whenever he loses his Phase rush if he is kinda close to your tower you can open Ghost and R and either take both of his sums or kill him fully, Vlad is a threat if he gets to really late game so make sure if you get a lead or being even to do something about it. Look for some 1v1's 1v2's on sidelane to snowball out of them since you HARD WIN the sidelane and you both wont have Teleport since you both need Flash Ghost on your setups
Only FREE FREE matchup that you will play. Dodge some Q's here and there stand behind minions so you wont get stunned by his E and stack as much as you can. Dorans shield + Second wind + passive should be enough sustain for Xerath lane so for Runes pick Lethal tempo and run him down after level 7 and 1st back.The more you stack the more lifesteal you will get out of your Q damage so prioritize stacking on this lane since he cant really kill you unless you really make a huge mistake.
Yasuo is a weaker Yone but with Irelia Q on his E. That can be good and bad depending on how the wave looks. Overall way easier laning phase than Yone but can still go really bad if a big mistake happens. Lethal tempo is also good you wont need more sustain than Dorans shield and second wind. If Enemy jungle is also AD frozen heart into Triforce can be really good. Respect his lethal tempo he can kite you really easily if the wave is on his side.
Lethal Tempo nerfs on s14 was a life saving. Lane got a bit easier but its still hard. Sheen rush with fleet and Dorans shield and try to avoid some of his Q's by pretending you are walking up for a minion and after he casts his Q you can take it. Matchup becomes hard after his Full boots he is gonna be able to close the game really easy so make sure you arent really far from your tower otherwise he cant take a trade that is gonna lose you up to 75% of your Hp if you dont use W and evne if you lose you wont save a lot of Hp plus you gonna waste your mana. After your sheen make sure to go lucidities to match his Movement speed. Tabis are not worth since he is doing a lot of Ap damage from his W passive and True damage by ignite and E.untill you put some points in W and build Triforce lane is kinda hard. Just remember dont get 2 far away from your tower and NEVER walk up when he has His Q tornado ready since he is gonna be able to stack lethal tempo in 3 secs.
One of the worst Matchups i would suggest dodging the matchup if its played in higher elos. The reason for that is that her burst is insane and you can never walk up for a minion since she will be zoning you of the wave with her E ready. If you get hit by her E you are gonna lose a massive % of your Hp due to her kit + electrocute and then she is gonna have ignite ready which makes the lane really hard to deal with. E max is not worth and never will be due to having the same range with her. You can try but it wont make a difference, Best counterplay is to go full Sustain Dorans Shield Fleet Second Wind + Sheen 1st back and then negatron cloak for 50 Flat MR which is gonna help a lot. If zoe is not a really good player you still have chances. In teamfight make sure to avoid her if she has 2 flashes 1 of her W. Its not worth using everything for her. Focus on the whole teamfight and play accordingly.
Really easy matchup for Nasus all you have to dodge is sidestep some of her Q's and sustain the Lane. Dorans shield both Tempo and Fleet are good in this matchup. You should be looking to all in around level 7+ with sheen.
Really weird and tricky matchup but should be fine after some games. Lower Elos all you have to do is sustain and free farm which he will allow you to cuz he isnt that great player. In the higher elo part you need to adapt your whole playstyle around this matchup. As runes go Grasp 1st item Dorans shield into Triforce. So since you have grasp you always wanna be in touch with the way just like he does whenever you have it go and AA him and save your q to stack. After you get some stacks around 100+ and Sheen you wanna start Q'ing him with Grasp this way you are gonna waste 20Mana for a Q meanwhile he is gonna waste W + E Atleast on the trade making you benefit out of an even trade. When it comes to waves you wanna perma Stack normal waves but when it comes to cannon waves you wanna push it and then go behind his tower get 1 plate atleast using Demolish while he is clearing the wave. Huge tip: after you get the plate MAKE SURE not to walk outside of the tower through the wave because he can always R + E kill whole wave and then make you get atleast 2-3 tower shots. HUG SIDE WALLS while walking out of tower range. Delay your boots, dont rush them just focus on using your grasp as much as you can. but not so early on.
Aurelion Sol
This matchup is the definition of losing by default. Its really simple, He never kills you only pokes you then you sustain with fleet second with and 1st back sheen, after that he keeps on stacking just like you do and after a point he is gonna get some Ap. You never kill him you can never get prio you can but you can also never be killed 1 on 1. You can only kill him if you have some Jungler / Support with a lot of CC. The game is playble until he builds Rylai's Crystal Scepter. After that item you cant really do anything he is gonna slow you every second and also have an ability to escape. In lower elos it will be really easy to deal with him but in high elo you dont stand a chance.
DODGE in high elo
However if you decide to play the matchup try to stack until sheen. Sidesteping her W can be lane wining so its very important to dodge her W. Go lethal tempo and try to not stand in the direction that the vitals spawn because the damage output is insane especially if she W 's while Qing into 2 AA's with her E will most likely deal 50% of your Hp. A tip that i can give is whenever she tries to all in you stay near a wall with her vital coliided to the wall so she cant proc it. Overall one of the worst matchups for Nasus
Lethal Tempo Dorans Shield with Second wind. Survive early levels dont try to kill her before your Sheen atleast. 1 Huge tip that i can give on this matchup is NEVER GO IN if you are below 60% of your Hp. Her True damage is fatal + her ignite aswell. Matchup is really easy in every Elo till really high GM+. After laning phase you wanna be looking to kill her again on sidelane and force tat 1v1 with your Wither and Ghost since you outrun her. Something last when you 1v1 her try to move while AA'ing to avoid some of her R's will save you a lot of Hp.
If game is played in lowerelo all you have to do is avoid walking up too much for a minion so he doesnt fully trade with his W E Q. You want to fight him after your Second recall having boots of lucidities and Sheen with level 8 atleast. Also go lethal tempo vs him.
Trading R for R can be worth if you manage to survive until you get your R back.
Try to all in him after he E's in
Lethal Tempo Dorans shield. Level 1 is Sett zones you walk up and last hit the wave with E, Thanks to that he is gonna get minion aggro so the wave slowpushes to you. After that try to farm bit more with your E last hiting some Melee's. DONT USE E ON WHOLE WAVE. After he shoves wave try to stack as much as you can. Try to maintain a high amount of Hp. On bounce back try to push it using lethal tempo and the 2 waves that you are slow pushing if your jungler is there its even better if you made it to this point you have sheen on back and lane starts getting easier and easier. After getting Sheen level up a bit till level 7-8 and you can solo kill him at 100+ stacks. Another tip dont try to all in if you are below 60% of your Hp. Overall bad matchup
Fleet Second Wind Dorans Shield First back buy sheen. Against karma you need all the sustain that you can afford. If they also have an ap jungler you can always buy Mr boots after sheen. Against karma you just wanna focus on Farming well and stacking well also XP is really important. After level 7 you should be fine thanks to your passive. Dont try to solo kill her unless she has no mana or your jungler / support / mid is there with CC. Level 11 is your spike. Also another tip when she W's you try to go behind minions so she cant R Q you. Lastly when you decide to go in when she W's, Walk out of her Root range while you also W her. This way you can close the gap by having ghost.
Lethal tempo with legend alacrity is needed on this matchup unless enemy team has a ton of CC's. In this lane since both of you are statchecking champs, prioritize stacking that doesnt mean you must die for them just having higher stacks on this matchup is gonna benefit you a lot. As long as you sidestep some Q's and E's you should be fine only times you wanna get hit by them is when the wave slow pushes to him and you wanna stand inside the wave so he E's and Q's the whole wave resulting in a push into you again which is great because you will be able to stack even more. After level 7 buy Sheen Lucidities and try to kill him at 150+ stacks. Try to finish game at 20 minutes otherwise he will outclass you a lot.
Fleet is needed on this matchup. Level 1 he might try to zone you off make sure to get a bit of damage so the wave hits him resulting in a slow push to you. If he doest zone try to take first minions and let him slow push 2-3 waves while trying to last hit as many minions as you can. That doesnt mean you are gonna lose your ghost for a minion because sums on this matchup are really useful. After he pushes the wave, farm under your tower as good as you can and then build a slowpush towards him. If you manage to shove the slowpush that you are building towards him then you can B and buy sheen. If not try to take Xp atleast until you have the gold for Sheen. After sheen if wave is still a bit frozen wait until level 6 trying to get as much Xp as you can and fight him in the wave at your 6. If somehow you push the wave or it slows back to you then lane is won all you have to do is stack up and use your Fleet every time he Q's you to outspeed the slow. Huge tip when you engage in a 1v1 fight dont stand still instead try to avoid 1-2 AA's or a Q thanks to your range from your R and your extra movement speed from Fleet.
Fleet Second Wind Dorans Shield. You can even go Lethal Tempo into ziggs if you play in lower elo but i wouldnt recommend it. Bait some Q's acting like you are going for a minion and stack as much as you can earlier on. After your first back buy sheen and sustain the lane. Once you buy sheen sustaining the lane will be way easier. After level 7 lane is pretty much over you are going to be able to free stack and solo kill him if he oversteps to abuse you under tower or take your plates. Just run around his W so you dont get knocked back. The only problem with zigs is his late game and his Wave clear.
Fleet against fizz.
Not much to talk about this matchup. All you have to do is respect his burst and try to stack as much as you can until you can buy Sheen. After you have sheen and 100+ stacks you can start looking to take short trades with him because you are not gonna be able to take extended trades / all in's due to his R. If he oversteps and uses his E to take a trade then yes you can run him down but until he makes that mistake try to take short trades and heal up from the wave using your passive and sustasin. A really important tip that i can give here is to ALWAYS stay above 50+ % Hp due to his ignite and burst.
Thankfully not many people play Garen but it is a really big counter. Early game he wins and so does he late. All you can do is stack up and have lethal tempo for runes after level 7+ if he Q's in you can run him down assuming that you are 70% + Hp. If he has phase rush killing him will be way harder because he can proc it any time he wants and run away with his tenacity W and Q. Only chance you have against him is if the Garen is a really bad player or doesnt know the matchup. if you are below 60% Hp and you can die to his Q E R Ignite combo, Use your R before you get silenced.
Really hard matchup for Nasus. His whole kit is way to tanky and he can kite you easily thanks to his core item ( Iceborn ). Sadly there is not much counterplay only thing you can do is stack as much as you can and wait for his mistake. Take lethal tempo for runes and lastly dont stand near turret walls because he can R you back any time. Try to give him as less Grasp stacks as you can,
The laning phase against Ekko is pretty easy i would say as long as you dont get hit by his Q everytime resulting into a full combo by him. After level 6 + Sheen lane is over for him and you can start getting prio and take short trades. The real problem is late game where he is gonna have items and he will be way faster than you and you wont be able to catch him. Potential item that he might have is Lich bane which makes everything 10 times worse. If you are able to shut him down in early game thats good new and he wont be able to do much. Ping all his roams so he doesnt get free kills after he shoves the waves and you can never follow a roam by him only rotate on Drake / Rift / Voidgrubs fight. Only solokill window you have is after you take some short trades and reduce his Hp by 50%+.
Her Kit is full of burst / poke skills and her mana issues are 0 no matter how many skills you dodge her R counters your all in due to her HUGE slow. Not playble at all.
First of all Lethal Tempo is needed on this matchup you already have enough sustain thanks to Second wind and Dorans shield, Early levels are pretty chill all you have to do is dodge his E so he doesnt get stacks and become tankier for free. Level 6-7 Look for a kill if he oversteps if he has Flash and Ghost is gonna be harder to kill him so maybe save your sums for some teamfight. The problem against swain starts the moment he gets Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Once he buys it you are never gonna touch him again he has pretty much free with on his R everysecond and the worst part is that you have no Dash / speedup only your ghost which again is not gonna be enough after he gets his item. Try to shut him down before he gets to that point.
Tricky matchup because not a lot of people play Yorick. If he has Conqueror as runes the lane is slightly easier. In the other hand if he has first strike or comet it might be harder to deal with early game due to his poke and his passive combined. Make sure to get Lethal Tempo on this matchup it also helps you when he is gonna W you so you can break his W as fast as you can resulting in an easy close gap. After hullbreaker nerf Yorick can be dealt on sidelane way easier so dont be afraid to get that 1v1 on side mid / late game.
Against Urgot, going Q max is int unless the game is played in lower elos which you can get away with it all you have to do is avoid his E. In the other hand if you play in higher elos you will get zoned out a lot and abused if you go Q max. Because of this you wanna play E max Dorans Ring and first back dark seal into triforce or Frozen heart if enemy jungle is also AD with Summon Aery for runes. Try to prioritize poking him down with your E rather than just getting a minion or 2. Remember dont E the whole wave for nothing just to kill it.
After recent buffs matchup got even harder than it used to be. Its really hard to lane against a good voli. If you get in range for his q he is gonna run at you and full combo you dealing more than 35% of your Hp. If he does that 1 more time then you are in Fatal range even under your tower he has his R. Go lethal tempo and try to get as many stacks as you can without getting full combo'ed by him. If you reach a good amount of stacks without having a single death its kinda playble. Rush sheen as first item and dont try to kill him untill 200+ stacks because simply he just stat checks you.
The player that plays zac pays a really big role on this matchup. If he is decent then yes you god chance if he is really good things are hard. Its a tricky matchup that requires a lot of practice. You can either go Grasp or Lethal Tempo both are fine it just depends on the Elo you are playing on. If the game is played in Diamond or below you should go Lethal Tempo. In the other hand if the game is played in high Elo you should be going for Grasp as for your rune choice. If you have Lethal Tempo just try to stack as much as you can until he makes the mistake of E'ing into you after level 7 and with your Sheen. Boots of lucidities is int on this matchup. If you play Grasp all you wanna do is Trade AA's the moment he tries to attack you and keep stacking as much as you can. First back buy sheen and after 100+ Stacks you can start trading with him for good. Dont get baited into All ing him unless there is a window which you can punish him. HUGE Tip that i can give on this matchup is to try to take his passive's after he uses an ability ( the green things on the floor ) so he doesnt heal back up.
Really hard lane i would suggest dodging this matchup aswell. If you end up playing against Wukong lane is pretty hard mainly because of his W but also his E. Level 1 you cant really walk up he is gonna E into you gaining attackspeed and getting you down to 60% in a single trade. Level 2-3-4-5 he gets even stronger and when i say stronger way stronger than other matchups. If you can buy sheen soon you might sustian the lane with Fleet . Lethal tempo is worthless because you will never stack it due to his W. The sad part is that even after your first back you still dont win due to his Full combo which allows him to stack his conqueror in a single trade + ignite. Worst part is that you can never walk up for minion because of his trading.
If enemy Shen knows the matchup its a bit harder for you. For runes you wanna take lethal tempo and resolve but instead of overgrowth you wanna go with demolish to punish when he R's out of lane. Level 1-2-3 till level 6 he is really strong due to Grasp and his Q. You can start trading after 80+ stacks and rush Sheen on your first back. The only time you will be able to solo kill him is when he is going to E into you after level 7.
Really hard matchup for Nasus due to her E. The amount of damage she can deal just with 1 E is insane. There is really limited counterplay to her and that depends on how good she is. If the game is played in high Elo enemy illaoi is gonna crash waves into your turret taking your plates with demolish and then holding her E incase you try to walk up for a Cs under your tower so she hits you. For that you can just act like you walk up for a minion baiting her E and then farming for 15seconds until she has her E back. In lower elos the matchup is way easier due to the lack of skill enemy Illaoi is gonna have assuming her throwing E at random timers and random places. Farm as much as you can priotize stacking but not getting hit by E and rush Sheen with Lethal Tempo and fight her after 100+ stacks when she misses her E.
Afk Lane go Grasp Rush sheen. After level 7 assuming you have sheen just trade Grasps with him and stack whenever you have q up. Shove waves under his tower and try to tget a plate or 2.
Not so easy matchup due to his W + Grasp combination. For runes if you play above Diamond make sure to get grasp and and stack as much as you can while trying to avoid his Q so he cant Knockup you with his E. Rush sheen as first item no matter what. If you have lethal tempo its similar just survive earlier and try to run him down after 150+ stacks atelast. Remember not to get max damage by his W and try to avoide some Q's because if you get hit by his Q its a guaranteed combo for him.
Singed has many playstyles against Nasus. He can either go phase rush and get out of your W range and out of your Slow he can go flash ignite conqueror resolve or conqueror ignite but it all comes to the same outcome of him Proxying after first waves. Even if you perma stack he out classes you after a point and he will always proxy your waves and mess with your jungler or roam midlane. Try to stack as much as you can and dont try to run him down unless you have a window to kill him. Lucidities first item against him and focus on stacking and ignoring everything he does and play for objectives. Lethal Tempo and Fleet are both fine. Matchup mostly depends on how good singed is but he will ALWAYS have the upper hand.
Tahm Kench
Tahm might sound easy but he isnt at all. The slow damage and healing from his Q is insane + Grasp. Early game if you get hit by 1 Q then he will insta W because Nasus doesnt have any dash or speed up so you will almost always get hit by his W after getting hit by his Q. For that in early game you want to stand behind minions so you dont get hit by his Q and keep 1 bush warded incase he tries to W from fog of war. Lethal Tempo and sheen rush to have a chance after 100+ stacks when he W's in. Also a tip that i can give on this matchup is not to stand close to his tower because he can R you in it. His shield is also a big problem so dont get baited by it.
Nearly unplayble matchup due to the damage output / zoning / Burst / extended trading pattern / Dive potential. I would suggest dodging the matchup. However if you end up playing try to stay above 70%+ of your Hp at ALL COSTS. Get lethal tempo and rush sheen avoid taking a lot of damage just to farm. He can always close the Gap with you and him by using his first E on the minion and the 2nd one to you. You win him 1v1 after you Triforce.
Grasp for Runes and rush Sheen.
Before Sunderer got removed the matchup was easier but after sunderer removal the matchup became way harder. Early levels focus on stacking and procing your grasp as much as you can. Let waves push in and after your first back, buy Sheen and try to stack as much as you can. Try to avoid his E so he doesnt get a full charged Q on you and NEVER let waves crash on your tower after level 7. Hold them outside your turret so he cant take plates.
Fleet footwork as runes. If enemy Jungle is also AD champ make sure to RUSH frozen heart. If not work your way towards Triforce with Sheen rush. Afk farm until he gets his form and he E's into you. You win the 1v1 after 150 stacks. The matchup can be hard if enemy gnar rushes Swifties boots with Fleet , Legend tenacity and slow resist shard with Black cleaver rush. Other than that pretty even matchup for you.
Karma is pretty strong with Nasus aswell. Gives you everything that you need, speed and shield. Overall a great champion to have while you play Nasus. The only reason why Karma isnt at the same level as Zilean is because of Zilean 's R.
Zilean has by far the best synergy with Nasus. Nasus struggles with mobility and Zilean is a great champ to boost up your speed. You can pretty much run into them as fast as you can with Ghost and Wither the enemy carry while you cover your backline at the same time.
Yuumi is great too. Not as good as Karma and Zilean. Thats why as Nasus you dont want someone to be with you, instead you prefer to tank alone and let your backline finish them.
Lulu is good for Nasus. Shield and speed is everything that you need from her.
Ivern is strong with Nasus. There are cases where you would prefer a more aggressive Jungler with you. That usually happens when you have a hard matchup and you need a duelist with you instead of Ivern. In the other hand if you manage to win the lane Ivern will be really helpful.
Renata Glasc
Probably one of the best combinations with Nasus. Thats because of her W. It is even better if you use Lethal Tempo for runes.
Karma is pretty strong with Nasus aswell. Gives you everything that you need, speed and shield. Overall a great champion to have while you play Nasus. The only reason why Karma isnt at the same level as Zilean is because of Zilean 's R.
Zilean has by far the best synergy with Nasus. Nasus struggles with mobility and Zilean is a great champ to boost up your speed. You can pretty much run into them as fast as you can with Ghost and Wither the enemy carry while you cover your backline at the same time.
Yuumi is great too. Not as good as Karma and Zilean. Thats why as Nasus you dont want someone to be with you, instead you prefer to tank alone and let your backline finish them.
Lulu is good for Nasus. Shield and speed is everything that you need from her.
Ivern is strong with Nasus. There are cases where you would prefer a more aggressive Jungler with you. That usually happens when you have a hard matchup and you need a duelist with you instead of Ivern. In the other hand if you manage to win the lane Ivern will be really helpful.
Renata Glasc
Probably one of the best combinations with Nasus. Thats because of her W. It is even better if you use Lethal Tempo for runes.
Hello my dear Nasus enjoyers and welcome to my Nasus mid guide. My name Is John or Giannis (my Greek name) I am working as a COACH both personal and team coach and im currently 19 years old . Most people know me as Desperate Nasus(AKA the most hated Nasus).I will also be streaming on twitch.tv/DesperateNasus I started playing Nasus back in season 9 and ended Platinum4. In season 10 I started taking Nasus more seriously as a champion and finished Platinum1 with over 800 games. Sadly the Lp gains werent that good (+12,-18) so I was forced to make a new account and handlevel it. On season 11 i made a promise to myself that I would hit Diamond+.
I've played in every Elo through multiple accounts of mine. I've smurfed from fresh level 30 to Grandmaster-Challenger. I want to share this passion I have for Nasus through this guide and hope you can start enjoying the dog as much as i do!
Before i start talking about why i prefer to play Nasus mid, I wanna say something to all new Nasus players. If you are below Diamond4 i suggest playing Nasus Toplane since most people dont really know how to punish a Nasus well. If you are above Diamond4 you should swap to Midlane because people are more skilled and they often zone you out of your Lane. First of all if your wave gets frozen in Toplane there is nothing you can do, losing 2-3 waves as Nasus can be really painful. Another reason why i swaped to Nasus mid, is because of the matchups. Toplaners such as , , , , etc, are really hard to deal with. Since most of the Midlaners are mages, you have everything you need to deal with them. Your passive which is LifestaI, you also have which is another tool for sustain. Last but not least you have for your sustain items. In Midlane, as Nasus you have access to the enemy minion wave way easier than you have in Toplane. Another advantage of Nasus Midlane is the stacking numbers. Stacking as Nasus mid is way easier than Nasus Top. You will always have more stacks as Nasus Mid than Toplane. There are matchups where you will struggle, but i can surely say they are way easier. Nasus 's W is one of the strongest slows making it really easy to setup a gank for your Jungler. As Nasus mid, you should ask your Jungler to pick something good for early game such as , , etc, so you can abuse the enemy Midlaner with your slow. Overall Nasus mid is way more viable than Nasus top in higher elos. If your goal is to climb to Masters or above, Nasus mid is the way to go.
Pros / Cons
Pros – What are the benefits of playing this champion?
·Easy mechanically ·You improve as a player by playing Nasus ·You learn Macro since Nasus is all about Macro ·His mid game is really strong if played correctly ·Really good duelist after ·Good pressure around the map ·Punishing champion ·Really good 1v2 potential
Cons – What are the drawbacks of playing this champion?
·Immobile champion ·Really weak early game ·First 10-15 minutes decide how the game will go ·Gets kited easily ·Nowdays there are a lot of items that counter Nasus ·Bad in early skirmishes ·Falls off after 35 minute mark
What should i ban?
For me is what you should always ban when you play Midlane. Even if the azir is decent the counterplay to his champ is limited with Nasus. All he is gonna do is win be default. What i mean is you are going to be down in Xp due to him having telemport, Goldwise because he will deny you some minions and it is gonna be harder to farm under your tower, he is gonna have more plates than you and you will never touch his tower unlike him, You can never run him down due to his R and his E so there is no point leaving open.
In the other hand, when you play Toplane you want to permaban or depends on your preference. Both of them are simply just better champions with a kit that outclass you and can bully you from level 1 till the end of the game if they are atleast decent.
When To Dodge?
Playing Nasus in high elo is way different than in lower elos. You should always pay attention to the enemy comp, if it looks doomed just dodge its worth taking the -5 than -15. There are some combinations you should always dodge in high elo.
+ + + +
Summoner Spells
The reason why i take and in almost every single game is simple. Nasus outside laning phase without is trash. This is why Nasus struggles with mobility and is the only resource he has for that problem. Even if you are fed it doesnt really matter, enemies will just kite you away and there is nothing you can do about that. For me cant be given up. There are only 2 matchups you could take instead of . Never remove from Nasus 's kit no matter what. The only other reason some Nasus players take instead of is for the tower dives but in Midlane there is almost 0 chance you get dove. In toplane things are different so i can understand some Nasus players still picking it up.
Main Rune Page
Precision is one of the strongest trees if not the strongest. It has really good scaling into Mid game and it is the most used tree for Bruisers - Damage Dealers
Lethal Tempo allows Nasus to take duels he isnt supposed to take. In other words you push Nasus to his limits.
Triumph is the best for Nasus. A Triumph heal can be game changing.
Legend: Alacrity Allows you to have extra attack speed on duels - 3v3's etc and it also helps you push waves incase your enemy laner roams. It also helps on farming under tower and maybe 1v1ing weak enemy midlaners on early levels such as ,
Last Stand Provides Nasus with extra damage in all ins as he gets low. It deals 1.5-2k in avg per game.
Resolve It is by far the best secondary Rune setup for Nasus. Great tree to survive Laning phase and reduce Crowd control.
Second Wind Is overall really good. It helps you sustain. Second wind is extremely crucial against poking matchups.
Overgrowth Will allow you to be a bit extra tanky in all phases of the game. It might seem not a lot but it actually is so do not underestimate that rune.
The reason i prefer is mainly because Provides you with Attack speed and synergizes well with Nasus passive . Fully stacked Lethal Tempo during Nasus R = 320/325 range on Q, which is pretty much a mid range auto and there are less chances to get kited.
Also allows Nasus to become a bruiser in the earlier stage of the game. The lower your Hp the stronger you are. Nasus is strongest when his Hp is below 25%. When you are low, deals extra 100 damage per Q with 250+ stacks plus healing. That means you have to go all in no matter what and fight to the DEATH. Dont be afraid to take 1v2 's with this rune setup.
Overall this is the setup i used to climb that far. I used to play in mid season11 and i couldnt get above 350Lp. Then i went with and got 1K+ Euw Lps but the setup did not last for too long. The reason that it did not last long is because the game got way more fast paced, Meta changed and that did not help at all.
Other Rune Options
Fleet Footwork Is the Rune you should go for if are a begginer Nasus player or if you feel you cant handle some laning phases. When Fleet Footwork is at 100 stacks, once you Auto Attack or Q it will provide you with some healing and movement speed making it easier to walk up for a minion. The intention of this rune is to help you survive the Laning Phase but it wont help you that much on duels.
Grasp of the undying should never be 1 of your main rune pages. You are only gonna use it whenever the matchup forces you to. The matchups:
For me the main Keystone you should always take is tree. It scales really well into the Mid game thanks to and . I prefer playing with because it has the highest 1v9 potential across all rune pages.
Runes You Should Not Take
Unsealed Spellbook Is the best option from tree. This setup is often seen in Toplane. However you dont need to run in Midlane, thats because the Lane is short and you dont need . Since Toplane matchups are way harder, you need tools to work with and thats where shines. You can have a 1 time use while you have and as your main Summoner spells. The use of is also a great tool to work with. Most Toplaners are Bruisers so is the most powerful combat spell in these situations. There is another reason why is a good setup. You have which is basically 300 gold for free. This allows you to finish your as soon as possible. Another advantage of tree, is , it provides you with 3 biscuits at minute 2:00 , 4:00 and 6:00. Consuming a biscuit grants you 50 Mana and increases your maximum Mana by 50. Selling a biscuit gives you 5 gold and increases your maximum Mana by 50. The whole setup is not that bad but , and are just 10 times better
Conqueror used to be really popular on Nasus 1-2 patches ago but the game became really fast paced and then slow paced playstyle died. Never use this rune page anymore
Phase Rush Is the best option you can take if you want to go tree. Although this Rune setup is not as good as it seems. The only good Runes from tree is which helps you run down your enemy with the extra movement speed you gain by it. Last but not least, is your last useful tool from tree. This setup is not good in Midlane that is why it is usually seen in the Jungle.
Predator is the only "viable" option from tree, it only helps you chase your enemy faster and do some extra damage other than that it is useless. The only "good tools" from this tree are to heal back some HP by using your so you dont need to walk up to activate . Another decent tool is but after the nerfs it is not worth going for it. Instead go for so you can fight more often by using your Ultimate. Either way it doesnt matter since tree is not good on Nasus.
Core items
Trinity Force is the only item that can replace and the only item that is buildable with
Spirit Visage is one of the best situational items. Thats why Spirit Visage 's passive increases all healings and shieldings by 25%. Its a really good combination with . Overall really good item into heavy ability power comps.
Frozen heart Is a really good item against a lot of AD champs and On-Hit damage. First of all it reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 20%. Frozen Heart 's components are and . This item provides you with 20 ability haste 400 mana and 80 armor. It is by far 1 of the best Core items on Nasus and even if the item gets nerfed it will not change for being that good on him
Sterak's Gage Synergizes really well with your R and with . At the moment Sterak's Gage is a Core item on Nasus and i assume it will forever be.
Ionian Boots Of Lucidity is what you should always go for. There are some cases you should buy or but most of the time you should go for Ionian boots of lucidity. They provide you with 20 ability haste, which is really good on Nasus and gives you 12 summoner spell haste. Having and 30 seconds earlier can be the difference between losing or winning a game.
Situational Items - Last Item
Sundered Sky Is an item that if you consider about build you want to build it as a second item. The situations you most likely will need it is if you play toplane mainly but it can happen while playing midlane aswell. So the reason behind it is when your enemy laner and jungler are both Melee champions and you want to play sidelane and use the item for 1v2 situations. The item is really strong if you are ahead and it should not be considered as a weak item.
Thornmail is the only Anti healing item you should always go on Nasus. You dont need to buy as your Anti heal item since you dont need the Attack damage. Once you buy , do not upgrade it into Thornmail. You should always buy it as your last item because is already doing its job and its not worth spending more gold for nothing. As Nasus you want to finish your Core Items as fast as you can.
Randuin's Omen Can be a replace to frozen heart if enemy team has a lot of Critical attacks. Other than that i would say Frozen heart is way better as an overall item
Anathema's Chains is now a situational item for Nasus. Both and are really good items on Nasus. They provide you with flat Hp and cooldown which are really important on Nasus. Anathema's Chains designate the target enemy champion as your Nemesis and gain 1 stack of Vendetta every 2 seconds over 60 seconds, up to 30 stacks and take 1% reduced damage per stack of Vendetta from your Nemesis, up to 30% reduced damage. You should target either your laner or the enemy fed champion.
Jak'Sho, The Protean is a new situation item on Nasus. The thinking behind it is if you can sustain the fight for an extended amount of time. At maximum stacks, increase your bonus armor and bonus magic resistance by 30% until the end of combat which works really well with your R. Not the best situational item but it can work in rare occasions. If you are looking to build that item you want to build it as your last item.
Early game
Early game is Nasus's most important aspect of the game. For Nasus, the first 10 minutes decide how well the game goes. Respecting your opponent and controlling the wave is what tells a good and a bad Nasus apart. Champions such as , , , etc, are really dangerous into the Early game. Against Champions like them, you want to start as your first ability. Since you play without , there is no point wasting a for 3 stacks. As Nasus you should prioritize surviving the Laning phase than stacking. In higher elos, 1 death can pretty much end your laning phase or even the game. Try make as less mistakes as possible and wait for your item spikes such as and . There are matchups where you want to stay above 50% of your HP. In these cases you want to buy instead of so you wont get dove. At the first minutes, as Nasus you will never have priority against your enemy and that means your wave is always shoved in. Since there is no point going for fights like these, focus on stacking - farming and building XP difference against your opponent unless your support roams for a fight and in my opinion a 3v2 or 4v3 should never be lost no matter what you play.
Mid game
If you managed to win lane or go even congratulations you passed the hardest 10-15 minutes of your life. If you didnt manage to stay alive in laning phase there is not much you can do since the first 10-15 mintes ptetty much decide your fate. Mid game is Nasus's biggest spike. While having there are situations you should sidelane on the opposite side of the current objective. Since you can handle 2 or more people, the objective fight is automatically 4 v 3 making it a lot easier for your team to fight for it. Without summoner spells avoid grouping up. It is pointless to force a fight without your Core engage spells such as and . You should participate on drake fights only if you have Summoner spells ready or its a drake soul fight. After you have your core items, you are ready to group up. Your main target in a teamfight should be their easy targets. For example if the enemy team has a and a , you should always go for the . Your Wither is one of the strongest slows in the game, so an immobile champion has no way out. Overall your main goal should be to finish the game as fast as possible.
Late game
Late game Nasus is not what you want. For most people, Nasus is one of the strongest late game champions. I hardly disagree with that. The reason is because Nasus is an immobile champion and gets kited easily. Late game items such as , , etc makes it really hard for Nasus to deal with them. In lower elos you can still get away with Late game nasus, but as you climb it gets harder. In late game its pointless sidelaning since 50 more stacks wont matter. Your best option is to group up with your teammates and wait for their mistake or play for an important objectives such as Drake souls , Elder Dragon and Baron Nashor. Overall Nasus's late game is not that good and its overrated.
Nasus is a well known Champion for his Stacking ability. Stacking is a way of Nasus getting AD while building Tank. For example stacking a Cannon minion gives you 12 extra damage on your while a gives you 10AD. Each game Stacks will be different. It depends on the matchup and the ELO you are playing on. I want to point out that sometimes Stacks mean nothing. There are times where you will find yourself having 800+ stacks and not ba able to do anything. There are comps where fed Nasus or not fed Nasus doesnt matter. Although that doesnt mean you should not focus on Stacking. If you manage to win your lane its a big advantage for you and your team. Since Nasus is a scaling champion, you will recieve a lot of pressure and your team will have an easier time.
I know there are some people that want to know how many stacks on avarage they should have.
Try to have around 500 stacks at 20 minute mark against free matchups
Try to have around 460 stacks at 20 minute mark against easy matchups
Try to have around 400 stacks at 20 minute mark against even matchups
Try to have around 355 stacks at 20 minute mark against hard matchups
Try to have around 320 stacks at 20 minute mark against extreme matchups
As Nasus against lane bullies you will be behind on Cs, try not to greed for Cs out of your frustration. Make sure you get as many Cs as possible while you farm under your tower
Against most of the machups, try to be even or ahead in XP. You want to max your and as soon as possible so keep a track on your wave and try to recall after you push the wave or if it is even unless you need to back
People think just because you play Nasus you cant roam and that is false. I agree that roaming as Nasus is a bit harder but that doesnt mean its impossible. You just have to be extra careful when roaming as Nasus. It takes many games to understand when to roam or not.
Everyone thinks Nasus is one of the weaksest early game Champions and i agree with that. Although that doesnt mean your oppenent should get a free pass on the Lane. Since I have played thousands of games around every elo, I have noticed lower elo players disrespect Nasus a lot. If you find yourself in a situation that your enemy is trading you inside your wave dont be afraid to open and start dueling him. If you use which is the suggested rune, you have a lot easier time in duels. Overall you can solo kill someone but in most cases it depends on what champion your opponent plays. Since Midlane is a short lane, if they dash in and you think you can fight go for it. You wont learn if you dont try.
Playing Nasus in high Elo is like a strategy game with your opponent having the upper hand.
However dont start complaning about the Champion not being in a good spot. I managed to peak over 2.1K Lp with him, so i can say giving up is a sign of weakness. Reading this guide wont instantly improve you as a player. It takes hundreds of games to improve. Day by day start learning the matchups and macro. Take 1 step at a time and i promise you, you will become a better player.
If you have any further questions add me on Discord (Desperate Nasus#8176)
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