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Recommended Items
Runes: Chinese Super Server Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Try to win this lane early and end the game fast. Kass is a very easy lane pre-6. The only reason why he's on extreme is because after Kass hits lvl 7+ he'll most likely destroy you unless you are already fed from him. He'll be unstoppable at 16
Any Jungle or Support champion that can CC for a good amount of time is great for Talon since it allows him to get his combo off.
Any Jungle or Support champion that can CC for a good amount of time is great for Talon since it allows him to get his combo off.
Champion Build Guide
- Strong Early
- Easy To Play
- Fun To Play
- One-shots Are Satisfying
- Falls Late Game
Talon's Q is Noxian Diplomacy: Talon stabs an enemy and gets an extra auto attack. Hitting Talon's Q in melee range will be a guarantee crit. If used ranged, Talon will leap onto the enemy. Killing an enemy with Q refunds some HP and CD.
Talon's W is Rake: Talon throws 3 AoE blades forward which returns. The returning blades slows the enemy and does more damage.
Talon's E is Assassin's Path: Talon can leap over any terrain or structure but puts a long cooldown on the structure that was jumped over by Talon.
Talon's R is Shadow Assault: Talon lets out a ring of blades and becomes invisible while gaining movement speed. If Talon uses an ability he will reappear. If Talon hits an enemy with Q or an Auto, the blades will target the enemy. Talon can be spotted by True Vision.
- Ranged Q and immediately throw out your W, and AA
- Auto, Melee Q, Auto
- Hit two W's, and follow up with Ranged Q + Auto to proc passive
- W, and follow up with Ranged Q to pull your second W back and then Auto to proc passive
- W, and Flash to pull your second W back, then Melee Q to proc passive.
Pretty easy right? Now for the more advanced combos.
- Talon's Flower Combo : W + Q + R + Auto (which is a one shot combo)
- E + R + Melee or Ranged Q + W
- Ranged Q + W + R + Auto
- Flash R + Q + W + AA
- Flash Q + R + W + AA
When in teamfights, try hitting all or most of the enemies with your Ult. And always use Ignite to secure kills if your are unsure that your combo with kill the enemy.
This season, I think that Electrocute and First Strike is better than Conqueror. Since there isn't any good build for Bruiser. If you are going to use this rune, just use the same build.
(RULE OF THUMB. Electrocute for early game power, First Strike for late game power.)
Play this if the enemy team are squishy or have high priority champs. For this rune page, it requires a consistent memory. As there's a specific way to play the game with this rune page. Which is you get free boots, you get Mythic item, skip Tier 2 boots and go straight for 2nd item. Stack up on Treasure Hunter. With Treasure Hunter, you can get 2nd item half an item faster. And you would use Demat on Caster Minions.
Go First Strike if you expect the game to go into late game. You outscale Electrocute. So generally, this rune page is better than Electrocute.
Other Runes:
Go with this rune page if you don't want to use Inspiration as your secondary.
For the SITUATIONAL ITEMS, it's based on the state of the game. Swap whichever item you don't need for sitautional items.
Q: What about Opportunity, Voltaic Cyclosword, and Axiom Arc?
A: All these Lethality items are definitely good. But I'll only ever consider building them if the enemy team is VERY SQUISHY.
Ranged/Melee Matchups:
For ranged matchups, the enemy will likely shove the lane to your side and punish you for trying to get creeps. Just try your best to farm as much as possible without getting poked too hard. Look for a chance to last hit minions. If there's an opening or if you are able to hit two Ws on the enemy champion, you can look to Q and trade. This also allows you to test if you can beat the enemy laner. Your leveling will be at least two points in Q and max W.
For melee matchups, you can start Q if know you can win trade with AA + Melee Q + AA. (you'll probably win 90% of the time) Your leveling will be two points in W and max Q.
Mid Game:
For mid game, which is marked when either Bottom turret falls. You will want to swap to Bot Lane(though there are times where you'll swap to top rather than bot but the general rule is you will always go bot). You want to prioritize shoving waves then rotating towards your team out of enemy vision. In teamfights, you'll want to always do the same thing. Your job is to kill important targets so try to not hit Drake/Baron and stay in bush to zone or flank. If you are behind and your team is fed. What you will want to do is to go in and waste the enemies cds but try not to int. If your backline is stronger than their backline, you can play front to back and peel for your team instead of diving. If the enemy backline is ahead sac your backline for theirs.
Late Game:
If you've made it to late game which is the 27-30 minute mark, Talon will fall pretty hard. But you'll want to pretty much want to do the same thing as said in Mid Game.
Rather, you want to set up roams with a little bit of thinking. First, think about the lane you want to roam towards a wave or two ahead. This allows you to set up control wards / sweep in the direction you're going to roam before you commit. Look to see if any lanes are gankable soon (or already is). Always try to get the wave shoved before roaming. If you can't, a trick is to force a recall and roam from base. The enemy mid won't ping and you'll easily avoid all non-deep ward spots.
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