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Lux Build Guide by millysenpai

Support [S15] Shine Bright Lux Sup ♡

Support [S15] Shine Bright Lux Sup ♡

Updated on January 27, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai Build Guide By millysenpai 93 20 474,170 Views 2 Comments
93 20 474,170 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai Lux Build Guide By millysenpai Updated on January 27, 2025
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Runes: AP Comet

1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

[S15] Shine Bright Lux Sup ♡

By millysenpai
Hi my name is Milly. I'm British born Chinese.

~I try to stream as much as I can on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and ask questions if you're unsure about anything!

I started playing League in Season 4 :)

If this guide has helped you in any way please Vote up & Share, I hope to make more guides in the future! :)
❥ Also if you didn't know I have a Soraka Guide >here<
❥ Sona Guide >here<
❥ AP Lux >here<
❥ AP Lulu Support >here<
❥ Miss Fortune ADC >here<
❥ AP Mel Arcane

Feel free to check some of my other links below ヅ
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Other Info
Lux is my 3rd most played champion with over 400k mastery points on! She is one of my go to support choices depending if our team has no AP or dependent on the enemy picks. I hope this guide helps you during your game or if you're unsure of how to play/build on her.

Also with this guide I have made seperate chapter titles so its easier to find information. As well as adding hyperlinks to items, champion's and highlighting text to make it more colourful or easier to read instead of it all as default font. And have added a range of threats and synergy champions that I have come across.

I'll try to keep this image updated as much as I can (Achieved on 3rd March 2021) ♡
Pro's & Con's
I have conducted a pros and cons list of playing Lux so you know what is expected D:
    ❣ Can provide shields for team with her W
    ❣ Can build Support or full AP to help team!
    ❣ Goes well with most ADC's if played correct
    ❣ Good sustain in lane and poke others out
    ❣ Long CDR to cast abilities
    ❣ Can be squishy and targetted
    ❣ When trying to harass/poke enemy with E it may give damage to minions and ADC may get annoyed :<
    ❣ May be weak early due to mana usage
    ❣ May miss skills shots and be affected
Illumination (Passive): Any of Lux's abilities that you hit on enemies it will mark them for 6 seconds and does bonus magic damage with AA's. This makes it easy to combo and harass opponents. For example you can Q then Auto then E then Auto and do so much damage to them; but using your Q and W straight after then auto will only damage once as the passive does not stack.
Light Binding (Q): Lux throws a sphere of light that damages the first 2 enemies she hits whether its minions or champions. This ability roots targets for 2 seconds and also procs her passive on the targets affected.
Prismatic Barrier (W): This allows Lux to throw out her abilty that shields herself and allies for 2.5 seconds. If her shield hits an ally then passes then back again, which means her shield stacks up to two times.
Lucent Singularity (E): Sends a circle of light to the area, any targets that are in the circle are slowed, the E takes 5 seconds before it detonates itself or faster if you activate it. If hit by the E the targets will take damage and also grants vision to the area.
Final Spark (R): This fires a large laser with range distance shown in one direction, it deals damage that are in line with it and also procs Lux's passive.
Summoner Spells
❥ I pick Flash on D and Barrier on F as others may choose the other way around, I don't have much of a reason to it but I feel more comfortable playing with the spells on D and F.

❥ I choose Flash for Lux get away or escape, I choose Barrier over Ignite or Exhaust as in team fights or laning phase I tend to get focused or the opponents try to dive under tower. Having Barrier also gives a small amount of shield or so to survive from ignite or last hits.

Heal can be an alternative to Barrier/Exhaust or Ignite if you want to take extra heals or the ADC may take Barrier or Exhaust incase. For example you may have a Yasuo ADC that may take Flash & Exhaust. Or if your ADC takes Barrier then be expected to take Heal.

Ignite might be good early depending on how your ADC is, it also depends if you can use ignite during fights in hopes it gets someone.

Exhaust is okay but it wouldn't be my ideal pick as in some team fights if they have a Tryndamere or Olaf, Exhaust has no real effect when they are in Ult, it may be useful for other champions but personally I prefer Barrier over other spells. Exhaust is standard or requested by other team mates as it slows the targetted champion by 30% and reduces their damage output by 40%.
Arcane Comet: This rune synergizes well with Lux's abilities which give additional damage after hitting spells on targets. Arcane Comet damage ranges from 30-100 based on your level.
Manaflow Band: In my opinion this rune is a good choice for Lux as she requires a lot of mana when casting abilties even during early laning phase. With more mana = more damage or harass in lane; as stated after reaching 250 bonus mana it will restore 1% of the missing mana ever 5 seconds.
Transcendence: At level 10 you will receive 10% cooldown and when you hit 40% cooldown, you get AP (Ability Power) for any extra CDR. Since you are building and rushing cooldown reduction, you would probably find yourself overcapping in cooldown, so this would transition well into your build and does not waste any extra cooldown reduction.
Gathering Storm: This rune is chosen quite often as it provides AP (Ability Power) scaling and this can be handy if the game is dragged out. Gathering storm scales better over time which means more AP (Ability Power).
Biscuit Delivery: I choose this rune as it gives Lux a biscuit every 2 minutes up till 6 minutes, biscuits restore 10% of missing health and mana; however if you sell the biscuit in the shop you permanently increase your mana cap by 50. Also if you have biscuits you can stay in lane longer and be able to spam more abilities as you can get mana back if you decide to use it.
Cosmic Insight: This gives 15 summoner spell haste and 10 item haste which means you will get a small CD reduction which is helpful for using your skills sooner.
Offense x2 + Defense x1: 1st Adaptive Force for +9 Adaptive Power over attack speed and cooldown reduction. 2nd Adaptive Force over Armour and Magic Resist. Last rune is +6 Armour just for a little Defense and much more useful over Health but consider taking the circle for +8 Magic Resist if you find yourself up against a mage duo botlane or so.

Optional Runes for Sorcery -> Aery

[*] I have put additional runes below with explanation that you can also take Arcane Comet and Scorch swapped from Summon Aery and Gathering Storm.
Summon Aery: Aery would proc with her abilities and offer damage and shields. For example casting abilities would damage opponents and send Aery to the target and take damage; if using Lux W it would also hop on to allies and shielding them too.
Scorch: This rune allows the next damaging ability hit that sets champions on fire for 15-35 bonus magic damage based on level with a 10 second cooldown. This would work well after using Lux Q or E then hitting the target afterwards.
Item Build
World Atlas should be a standard first item for Sona and 2 Health Potion, World Atlast will turn into "Runic Compass" then into "Bounty of Worlds" which then you can choose which item it will be transformed into. You can choose 1 of the 5 support items, you can gain up to 3 charges (every 18 seconds), each charge can be used from hitting a enemy champion or attacking a minion with a ally nearby which claims the minion gold for you and your ally.
Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike After world atlas I would choose Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike for the upgrade, the unique passive deals AP damage to enemy champions and creates an explosion at their location that deals 50 (+3% of each targets max hp), m-dmg to nearby enemies.
TLDR - You do extra damage when you hit enemies with skills and does %HP dmg.

Commonly built on Lux, these boots provide 18 magic penetration and additional movement speed. If you build AP damage dealing items then these boots will suit as well as if the enemy team has AP users.

You gain a charge every 3 seconds and holds up to 6 charges. Damaging abilities/skills will use up al the charges and deal an additional 40 (+8% AP) m-dmg to the target. Honestly I see this item being built on AP champions mid or support since it has come out, must be the change from luden's echo to this, still poke damage I suppose.

I commonly pick up [shadowflame] as a item as it gives a lot of Ability power and has a small bit of magic pen. M-dmg and true damage critically strikes enemies below 35% HP and deal 20% increased damage.

Sometimes see this item being built on Lux, it deals 35% of a champions max hp within 3 seconds applies "stormsurge" to them and grants 25% movement speed for 2 seconds with a 30 second cd. This item has 100AP, 10 M-Pen and 5% movement speed.

I normally get this item after building Luden's Tempest, as anti healing items is necessary if you're vs Soraka, Sona, Seraphine, etc. This gives 80 AP and 250 HP, the passive deals magic damage to enemy champions inflicts them with 40$ grievous wounds for 3 seconds, and it increases to 60% if the target is below 50% of their max HP.

Upgraded version of Stopwatch which you can use more than once with a timer, this provides ability power, armour and 10% cooldown reduction. A better choice over Banshee's Veil and useful against champion ults such as Zed, Kayn, Fizz, etc.

If you want more AP Magic Damage then this item will provide 120 AP as well as a great passive which is increase your ability power by 35% You may build this if you dont need any other items to help support your team or if you have no AP users on your team vs comp which will come in handy.

~ So these next items listed can be the can be used in the final build. I have listed a few depending on the matchup.

Ardent Censer This provides +10% bonus healing or shielding power. It increases abilities and boosts your ADC attack speed and shielding them. This item helps proc Summon Aery or Arcane Comet and is a good early item for ADCs if you're worried about them taking too much damage/harass from the enemy botlane.

Banshee's Veil as it grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability and is refreshed after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds.
Useful against a champion like Malphite or Blitzcrank.

Lich Bane may be bought for Lux for additional damage, it has 70 AP and 10% movement speed on the item. This item may be built early which would give an advantage to your lane as well as roaming purposes, the passive actually grants magic damage after casting an ability on a target.

Mejai's Soulstealer Personal preference on this item, but early game you don't need to upgrade to Mejai's straight away with it being Dark Seal is fine as you can start stacking stacks. Provides a small amount of health and AP for Dark Seal, after upgrading it, it will have an increased amount of health and AP. You gain 4 stacks for every champion killed and 2 stacks for assists, you can gather up to 25 stacks but upon dying you lose 10 stacks, also gain 5 AP for ever stack and added 10% bonus movement speed if you have at least 10 stacks. This item is commonly used for roaming champions, If you decide to build this item try not to get caught and lose the stacks gathered as late game your allies might question why you have it if you cannot stack it as its pointless.

Mikael's Blessing is basically Cleanse and it also consists of 15 Haste/CD, 20% healing and shielding. 50 Magic Resist and 100% mana regen. This item is extremely useful for removing CC for one ally as well as providing a small heal to the target. Very useful against champions abilities, for example Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Leona's Shield of Daybreak or Solar Flare, Morgana's Dark Binding, Skarner's Impale and so on.

Redemption grants health with a small delay upon casting. You can use Redemption during team fights and whether you're alive or dead. The radius range is 5500 when hovering over it and will show you whats in range and whats not in.

Staff of Flowing Water This has 50 AP, 10% Heal and Shield power as well as 100% Base Mana Regen, every time you use it on a ally it grants you and them an additional 15% movement speed and a small 20-40 AP for 3 seconds. The 20-40 depends on what level the ally is and this item is useful if you have AP users on your team comp. I personally don't build this item as in my games as we only have one AP or so and its not worth in my opinion as there are more helpful items to build. If you have a APC as your ADC then this item would also be ideal for a advantage in lane.

Void Staff Provides 65 AP and 40 Magic Pen, recommended if youre building more AP items than items to support the team and if enemy team is not building MR which can be quite useful and effective.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity instead of taking Sorcerer's Shoes you may take the haste/CDR boots. You may find these boots helpful so you can spam more abilities due to having a high CDR, it can be helpful in early laning phase.

Boots of Swiftness is ideal as the passive reduces the effectiveness of slows by 25% which is extremely helpful if the enemy team has a lot of CC champions. These boots also provide an additional 60 movement speed.

Mercury's Treads these boots may be built if the enemy comp has AP dealing users as these boots provide 25 magic resist, 45 movement speed and 30 Tenacity. These boots are similar to Plated Steelcaps but for MR.
02/01/2024 - 422.7k views + Happy New Year <3
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10/03/2024 - 165.7k views sheesh
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21/02/2024 - 147.1k views and 42 upvotes <3
06/02/2024 - 124.7k views + 33 upvotes O.O
21/01/2024 - Update support item + build for season 14 + ty for 100.9k views / 27 upvotes^^
29/12/2023 - 74.3k views <3
17/12/2023 - 60.4k views ♡
13/08/2023 - Ty for 42.2k views!
31/10/2022 - Idk when this happened but tyvm for 30k views! ♡
10/01/2022 - Idk if I hit it sooner but thankyou for 20k views ♡
18/04/2021 - 10k lets goo :)
21/03/2021 - 5k views today <3
06/03/2021 - 2500 views (smol milestone)
05/03/2021 - 2000 views & 2 upvotes! (Just putting milestones to keep track of ♡)
04/03/2021 - Thanks 1,2k views~
03/03/2021 - Added Lux Rank // 860 views+
27/02/2021 - Added updates and some changes to chapters listed below; also ty 500+ views
~Updated To Do List
~Added Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff to item build
24/02/2021 - Added information to mulitple chapters below; 200+ views
~Added information to "Introduction"
23/02/2021 - Added more information to abilities
21/20/2021 - Added multiple sections lists below;
~Added additional item icons to item build chapter
~Added information to some items for item build
~Added some information to abilities
19/02/2021 - Guide created, called "[11.3] Shine Bright Lux Sup (S11 WIP)", added a few sections and updates below;
~Added Standard build & Situational items
~Added 2x Rune pages (Aery/Comet)
~Added Summoner Spells & information to "Summoner Spells" section
~Added information to "About Me" section
~Added information to "Pros & Cons"
~Added some information to Runes & Item Build
~Added Runes and some details
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League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai
millysenpai Lux Guide
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[S15] Shine Bright Lux Sup ♡

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