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Miss Fortune Build Guide by millysenpai

ADC [S14] Classic MF Buiilds (WIP) β™‘

ADC [S14] Classic MF Buiilds (WIP) β™‘

Updated on September 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai Build Guide By millysenpai 3,882 Views 0 Comments
3,882 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai Miss Fortune Build Guide By millysenpai Updated on September 29, 2024
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S14] Classic MF Buiilds (WIP) β™‘

By millysenpai
Hi my name is Milly. I'm British born Chinese.

~I try to stream as much as I can on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and ask questions if you're unsure about anything!

I started playing League in Season 4 :)

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Pros & Cons
    ❣ Consistent damage / good poke
    ❣ Clears cs wave quick
    ❣ Strong ULT in teamfights (ARAM style hehe)
    ❣ Lane bully (don't let them take advantage of YOUR lane)
    ❣ Short range (AA)
    ❣ Uses alot of mana
    ❣ Squishy
    ❣ Not great escape compared to other ADC(s)
Love Tap (Passive) : Whenever MF hits a new target she does bonus physical damage.
Double Up (Q) : MF fires a bouncing shot dealing damage/physical damage to an enemy or to a minion behind. If the minion is low and you use her Q and kills the creep then it will crit the next target.
Strut (Q) : After 4 seconds of not taking direct damage she gains an increase of momevent speed due to her passive, then after activating MF gains a movement speed bonus. Her passive reduces its remaining cooldown by 2 seconds (CDR),
Make it Rain (E) : A radius of bullets flying down at the chosen location for over 2 seconds and slows enemies hit by 40% for 0.2 seconds.
Bullet Time (R) : Shoots a barrage of bullets into a cone dealing physical damage per way. Deals damage to anything in line with the cone, each wave of bullets can critically strike dealing 120% damage.
Summoner Spells
β₯ I pick Flash on D and Heal/ Barrier on F as others may choose the other way around, I don't have much of a reason to it but I feel more comfortable playing with the spells on D and F. Having Barrier also gives a small amount of shield or so to survive from ignite or last hits.

β₯ Heal can be an alternative to Barrier For example you may have a Yasuo ADC that may take Flash & Exhaust.

β₯ Exhaust is okay but it wouldn't be my ideal pick as in some team fights if they have a Tryndamere or Olaf, Exhaust has no real effect when they are in Ult.
Press the Attack: A little common to be used for most ADC's, hitting an enemy champion with 3 consecutive basic attacks deal 40-180 bonus adaptive damage and
Presence of Mind: Champion takedowns after a 1s delay, restores 15% of your maximum energy (who doesn't want more ability usage). Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regen by 1.5-11 mana per second.
Legend: Bloodline: Gain 0.35% life steal per Legend stack. Up to 5.25% at max stacks which gives you 85 bonus health.
Coup de Grace: Deals 8% more damage to champions that are below 40% health (double up her Q looking good to use right now πŸ‘€)
Absolute Focus: While above 70% health, you gain an adaptive bonus of 1.8 to 18 attack damage or 3 to 30 ability power (based on level). Getting both this and coupe de grace means you can cover yourself for being above 70% hp and below 40%. To me it just feels safe to cover both sides. Whether you want to play aggressive and take lots of fights or to be under tower because nobody wants to come :(
Gathering Storm: Every 10 minutes you gain extra AD or AP. You could use other runes from socery but I feel like this is quite effective and for her abilities it makes sense to me. You could change to Biscuit Delivery because who doesnt want to stay in lane longer or to sell it and permanently increase your maximum mana. Or you could go for Magical Footwear then you get boots after 12 minutes and gain an additional 10 bonus movement speed.
Offense x2 + Defense x1: 1st & 2nd Adaptive Force for +9 Adaptive Power over Armour and Magic Resist. Last rune is +10-180 Bonus Health (since the update I've only been using this rune.
Item Build
This should be a standard first item 2 Health Potion, this has +10 attack dmg, +80 Health + 3% Life steal. Almost every ADC will choose this or Cull usually I see Sivir players buy this.
Default boots for most ADC,s they provide attack speed and grants consistent damage. Gives 30% attack speed and 45 movement speed.
Honestly if i'm ahead in lane I would always try to build this first as its pretty OP even in laning phase, you'd become such a bully, the enemy knowing you're ahead which is scary. It gives you addition 80 attack damage, 25% critical strike chance and 40 critical strike damage. It's like two items in one, always a must build item for full build.
I would consider getting atleast one lifesteal item, this items gives 80 attack damage and 18% lifesteal. I feel like I see a lot of ADC's that would choose this item over a couple.
Essence reaver could also be a first item, great for mana if you want to spam your abilities either during laning phase or just clearing minion waves throughout the game. Basic attacks on-hit restore 15 mana, as well as the item having 25 ability haste (CD), 70 attack damage and 25% crit strike chance.
You do not have to go for this item, but I would say it comes quite handy while playing vs alot of CC, it could save you from being rooted, dying to poison/burn, feared, etc. You also gain additional movement speed and ghosting for 1.5 seconds. This item also has 40 attack damage, 10% lifesteal and 50 magic resit.
This item is quite commonly built and is great for armour penetration. Good against tanks/lots of hp champions or ones building armour just so you can shred their HP.

~ So these next items listed can be the can be used in the final build, totally up to you whether you use them or not :)
Kraken Slayer grants additional physical damage to melee and ranged targets. Gives additional attackage damage, 40% attack speed and 5% movement speed.
Phantom Dancer becomes parm ghosted, provides 60% attack speed, 20% crit strike chance and 12% movement speed. This item seems popular on some ADC's and may help in chasing targets that are trying to get away but also maintain a distance from targets.
Rapid Firecannon unique pasaive for this item grants a bonus range at 150 which means you can be poking from a little further with your AA. Moving and basic AA generates energize stacks that go up to 100.
Blade of the Ruined King
The Collector gives you an additional 25 gold upon killing champions. Also contains some lethality and good for going lethality runes generally, it has 60 attack damage and 20% crit strike chance. I don't always build this item personally.
Guardian Angel gives you a 2nd chance while fighting. Who doesn't want that? Ideal item for full build, but becareful not to die in silly spots where your team can't help you :(
Provides +45 armour and +55 attack damage,with a 300s cooldown.
Youmuu's Ghostblade gives you extra movement speed while out of combat. Sounds pretty good when you're running away or chasing someone.
Mortal Reminder the other armour pen item for ADC's. It also inflicts opponents that hit you with 40% grievous wounds for 3s. Its a great pick against opponents that can heal themselves eg Soraka, Sona, Seraphine, Nami, etc.
Boots of Swiftness for a choice of boots, the passive for these reduce the effectiveness of slows by 25%. Honestly if you're playing against annoying champions i'd say get it because who wants to be slowed randomly in lane?? E.g Ashe (W), Xerath (W), Karma (Q), etc. So many champions that you'd wanna reduce any CC..
Ionian Boots of Lucidity not entirely the best boots for you as MF, but more CD fo you.
Plated Steelcaps reduces incoming damage from all basic AA by 10%. Honestly these boots are a maybe, just because you're squishy and maybe you want to survive just a little longer in teamfights. Considering you're ADC which makes you a main target. Some armour never hurt anyone.
Mercury's Treads some AP boots, i'd suggest getting these if the enemy team is more AP based and you don't have any Magic resist in your build without ruining your item build too much.
Change Log / Updated
05/09/2024 - Created & still working on the Miss Fortune guide!
07/09/2024 - Added abilities, runes
14/09/2024 - Guide completed. We hit 100 views
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League of Legends Build Guide Author millysenpai
millysenpai Miss Fortune Guide
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[S14] Classic MF Buiilds (WIP) β™‘

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