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One of the easiest match you can have, be aware of the slow and always use your W to block it, go aggressive in early game so you can win the farming war on lane
Nocturne is one of the few champs that can actually beat amumu no matter what, his ulti is nothing for you if you can block it with your W, you should learn about amumu ult animation to know when to use your W
Kind of HARD since he has a better late game than yours and he is full tank, you should buy your Warmog's Armor as your first defensive item
I should say that this one is very easy, you can even block his Ulti with your W, so use your W wise and build armour / health
This is can be a hell or a heaven, it all depends on you, build armour and atk and be aware of his Ulti, you CANT block it, use your E to deal more damage
Easy boy, but not that much, this guy is one of the tankiest in the game, his passive is a nightmare, however, you should have no problem, let him use his Q and after that, you use your E and finish him, if he try to use his Ulti, BLOCK IT with W
If he is building just ATK ... YOU ARE THE BOSS OF THE LANE ... if he is getting some amour, try to play carefully since Mega Gnar is kinda monster with armour on
Again, it all depends on you, this is the kind of Champs that you need to play carefully with, since his ulti makes him a good tank, you should try to kill him before he gets it, be careful and block his stun with you W, also, in late game, please NEVER try a 1v1 if he is feed, it doesn't matter how feed you are,
Try to win the farming war, you should be able to and also, go aggressive in the early, before he gets OP, you can kill him easily with your ulti but be carefull walking to him
Jarvan IV
Easy boy, he is nothing for you, the recommended build is anough
He is so freaking tanky and deal too much dmg, so, try to be careful with him, you can block his ulti with your W, after that happens, try to kill him but be ready to run away
Your W is useless, goodluck :v
Master Yi
This bitch is fucking easy for you, he is not a good champ, u just need to fight him and when he tries to heal himself use your fear ( E ) and that's set, your W is useless but your Ulti saves you
He is your counter ( I don't know why ) but you can block his Q with your W, just use it well since he usually use E or W before his Q so, try to not fail that W, wait till he uses ulti to use your E
Do you know whats HELL ? well, you will if you d this, so, please NEVER plays Nocturne against Olaf, I'm not jk dude, seriously NEVER do this
Well he is a Spartan, but not a good one against you, always use your W to block his stun since thats the momment when he deals the real damage, however, his ulti is useless against you and if he dare to use it, your W is enough for it
I think that the only think easier than this is Master yi, there's no problem with this match
You are a NATURAL counter to this guy, so, go aggressive and win
NOP NOP NOP NOP ... just a little bit less than OLAF, however, YOU WILL DIE Dude
This Dude, THIS FUCKING DUDE, jajajajaaja .. When we talk about teemo, it all depends on Teemo, you should buy some magic resistance, however, you can kill him easily if he doesn't run away before it happens, buy some pink ward for the mushrons AND ... the mushrooms will deal to much dmg in late game, you can block his Q so it's all fine in 1v1
ALWAYS buy thornmail as your first item, after that, it should be an easy map, I recommend you to use your Fear ( E ) when he uses ulti, since it will help you to wait till the ulti goes down without receiving damage, your W is good for his W, ignite is ALWAYS usefull against him so, goodluck, and PLS BUY THORNMAIL
Xin Zhao
I don't know why everybody thinks this guy is so OP, he is NOTHING for you, you should know that, you can block his ulti or Q or whatever skill he uses
Warwick is nothing for you, if you can see his ulti (which is his only good skill against you ) block it with W, then KILL HIM WITH FIRE
You are one of the only champions that can have an easy game against Yasuo, so, please, play well, your recommended build should be enough, however, do a good use of your W against his ulti
Nocturne is one of the most epic champs on the game but nobody uses him (which is good so RITO will not nerf him), he is easy to use so you should have no problem with the skills, however, I'll recommend you to learn how to use your W, this is a late game skill but IT SAVE YOUR *** FROM ULTIS
Farming with Nocturne is the easiest thing to do, use your Q to do it faster, dont be afraid of pushing but Always ward the river to avoid enemy ganks, i recommend you to farm as much as you can in lane without being afraid, so you can buy ruined king and some armour/magic res. before getting into lategame
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