Twisted Fate has rather short range, so he will have to walk up to your range to get easy autos off. Make sure to take Cleanse and this matchup will be a piece of cake.
If you dodge Corki's rockets he is a super easy matchup, especially with magic resist. Punish him for forcing trades, and ping when he is gone, as he will likely roam. Oh, and watch out for his crazy late game.
Annie can easily destroy Anivia, even through her egg. Dodge her Q and do not stand in her R, and make sure to roam as she is super slow and cannot keep up, especially if you get early boots.
Ziggs has the range advantage, but he has no hard CC, which will make it easy to combo him. Dodge his Q and buy stopwatch for his R.
Yasuo is actually pretty weak against Annie, as his W cannot block Tibbers or her W. Bait out his Windwall with autos and pop his shield before you go all in. Also, his Q counts as an auto, so he will damage himself while your E is activated.
Gangplank likes to farm until late game, so he will most likely play passive. Try to poke him with autos and if he gets too close, pop him. His ult can be annoying though, especially in team fights.
You will 100-0 Lux really easily due to her shield nerfs. Dodge her Q at all costs and you will demolish her.
Zilean cannot R while stunned, so as long as you burst him really quickly and dodge his Q + W + Q combo, you will do fine.
Same thing with Zilean, Ekko cannot use his R while stunned. When you see him cast his W, get away from him as we will stun your if you are inside of it.
While Akali is in her shroud, W inside of it, as it will be super easy and will deal a lot of damage. Dodge her E if you can so she does not get free engage and go in when you know her R is down.
Karthus is rarely seen mid lane anymore, so it may be a little bit of a surprise if he does happen to go mid. Dodge his Q spam and stun him when he is channeling his R, as it will cancel it and put it on CD.
Heimerdinger's turrets can easily be killed with a Q once you start to put points into it, so make sure to keep destroying them before you go to kill him.
Veigar is really bad early game, so make sure to abuse him and get a lead, as he is still a monster late game. Taking Cleanse will ruin his chance for an easy combo or gank.
Kayle has a terrible early game. Bait out her R and you should be able to keep oneshotting her over and over again. She is scary late game though, so do not stall out the game and end asap.
Lissandra has extremely short range and long CD's, so if you bait them she will have no chance against you. Her ult will negate your combo though, so bring either cleanse or QSS into her.
He has a bad laning phase, but a godlike late game. Bait out his pool and try to end early, plus buy an early Oblivion Orb, and you should do well. A Liandry's Torment/Void Staff as a second or third item will do good into him too as he will likely build Spirit Visage early.
Ahri has really long range with her Q, and if you get hit by a charm you are as good as dead. Dodge it and buy magic resist to counter her burst. She is useless against a Passive + Tibbers.
Aurelion Sol
He is annoying, as your range is around the range of his stars. CC will cause them to disappear so stun him every so often when he is poking you. Ping when he is missing so your bot and top does not die to his roams.
Talon has one of, if not the strongest level 2 in the entire game. Dodge his W at all costs and rush a Seeker's Armguard. He is very weak against hard crowd control, so try to flash R him when you have Pyromania up. He is also really good at roaming, so ping when he is missing.
Zed will 100-0 you if you are not careful. Pre-6 just try to poke him often, and rush a Seeker's asap. His R will always cause him to appear behind his target, so a well timed stun under tower will ruin his day.
Start boots and 4 potions into a Xerath, so you can dodge his skillshots easier. His stun sets up his combo, so buy a QSS or bring Cleanse to negate it.
Diana has 0 crowd control before level 6, so bully her as much as you can. Once she does hit level 6, DODGE HER Q! It will cause her to reset her E, which in return will probably kill you without MR.
Swain is pretty tanky for a mage, so killing him won't be very easy. Dodge his E and abuse his semi-short range. His R heals him for a shit load if you stand near him, so back off until it he uses Demonflare.
Malzahar will push you into your turret, so look to Q minions rather than trading often. Make sure to pop his passive shield with an auto before going in.
Seraphine is similar to Lux in the sense to where she can shield your damage and she has really strong poke. I would try to bait out her echoed E before going in, and dodge her R at all costs.
Viktor has strong poke, but he has a very weak early game and has horrible mana issues without his Mythic item. Poke him and burst him once you hit level 6. Roaming is good too as he has even worse mobility than you do if you buy early boots.
Orianna is very dependent on poking you out of lane with her incredible range. Dodge her Q and do not get to close to it when she has R up.
Viego has really good dueling potential. Similar to Akali shroud, wait out his E since it gives him camoflague and attack speed. Also beware when he possesses someone, as it makes him untargetable.
She is very mobile, but since your Q is point and click you can still stun her easily. Once she is stunned burst her down, and remember to stun her while she his channeling her R and do not stand near daggers.
Jayce is similar to Orianna in the sense to where his main goal is to out range you by a mile with his Mercury Cannon form. Dodge his Q + E combo and do not get close when he is in hammer form. An early Seeker's will be useful into him.
Brand is rarely seen mid, so seeing him might be rare. Dodge his W so that he doesn't get a Passive + Q off, which will stun you. Also do not stand near minions when he ults as it will keep bouncing.
Ryze used to be an annoying matchup, but after the removal of his instant root and shield, this matchup got way easier. Make sure to stand away from minions so that his E doesn't bounce onto you, since his Q will deal a bunch of damage.
Vex is annoying but since you do not have a dash, she is much more manageable. Make sure to poke with autos since it out ranges her and dodge her abilities at all costs. Wait out her fear before you go in.
Just like Lux, Neeko is dependant on landing her root in order to easily land her Q. Dodge it and stun her if she is walking close to you. If you see she is channeling R, make sure to dodge it as it hits like a truck even with MR.
Sylas is pretty annoying due to his magic shield and E. Do not let him engage on you and buy an early Oblivion Orb for his W.
Syndra out ranges you, especially with her E + Q stun. Do not let her land it and make sure to buy MR so her ult does not 100-0 you.
Azir is a tough matchup due to his poke and extremely long range, plus he has an incredible late game. Stun him before he can Shurima Shuffle your team and play safe.
LeBlanc can dodge your Tibbers and W stun if she has good reflexes, so try to Q her before she engages or disengages. She can deal a lot of damage, so get Mercury Treads early.
He has so much healing, even if you have an Oblivion Orb. Buy early armor and do not get hit by the edges of his Q, as they will CC you.
Pantheon is a very difficult matchup, as his W can easily kill you if you are not careful. Make sure to respect him in lane and try to dodge his Q if possible. Only go for an all in if he uses his W and E, as those two abilities can easily prevent any engage
Cassiopeia will poke you until you die. Do not face her for very long if she has ult up and burst her down as fast as you can so she does not kill you.
Irelia is very mobile and can W a lot of your damage. Stun her before she gets on top of you and rush Seeker's first back. Tabis are also good if you really need more armor.
Taliyah has great poke and burst, plus she can use her R to either engage or disengage if she uses it correctly. Harass her early and stun her if you see her about to R.
Akshan is very annoying to deal with. Make sure to stand away from the minion wave so his Q does not hit you with its extension and ping when he roams. Also save your stun for when he E's since he will be very vulnerable.
Zoe has way longer range than you, plus she can steal your summoners. This matchup is like a race for who can oneshot the other faster. Cleanse will help you dodge her Q if you get hit by her E.
Qiyana has insane amounts of damage and crowd control with her R. Do not stand near terrain and make sure to dodge her elemental Q's. A Seeker's rush is heavily recommended.
Galio will destroy you due to his strong team fighting and his anti-mage kit. Do not trade with him early and just try to farm up. This matchup used to be even harder, but since Galio has been repeatedly nerfed it is a little bit easier to deal with him.
Kassadin is easily Annie's worst matchup. He is an antimage which is bad news for Annie, as he is very good against heavy magic damage. Try to punish him as much as you can before level 6 and do not get close to him when his R is stacked.
He has some insane amounts of range that you cannot deal with. Do not get hit by his E and try to move unpredictably so it is harder for him to land his Q. Buy an early stopwatch and Banshee's Veil for his ult and other abilities.
Fizz is very hard for Annie as he can just E her stun, especially since it has a rather low cooldown. Dodge his R at all costs or you are as good as dead, and buy early MR.
Morgana is very annoying for Annie due to her strong CC and the fact that her E can not only block incoming magic damage, but also block incoming CC. Dodge her Q and buy a stopwatch for her R.
You can easily peel for a Nasus late game, which will allow him to DEMOLISH the enemy team as he can easily get in range of them.
I love Alistar on my team due to his large amounts of crowd control and because of how tanky he is.
Swain is a really good champion to play with Annie, since his passive allows him to extend the length of your CC.
Zac has good amounts of CC and has fantastic engage with his E and Q. Make sure to stun the enemy mid so he can easily land his spells.
Vayne is similar to Nasus in the sense to where you can peel for her super easily late game. Plus, you can double stun them, which will kill any squishy in an instant.
Amumu is decent with Annie because of his Q and R synergizing with Tibbers.
Skarner is meh with Annie because of the fact that she is not very mobile, which means that she cannot go collect spires that easily for him. He has good CC though.
You can easily peel for a Nasus late game, which will allow him to DEMOLISH the enemy team as he can easily get in range of them.
I love Alistar on my team due to his large amounts of crowd control and because of how tanky he is.
Swain is a really good champion to play with Annie, since his passive allows him to extend the length of your CC.
Zac has good amounts of CC and has fantastic engage with his E and Q. Make sure to stun the enemy mid so he can easily land his spells.
Vayne is similar to Nasus in the sense to where you can peel for her super easily late game. Plus, you can double stun them, which will kill any squishy in an instant.
Amumu is decent with Annie because of his Q and R synergizing with Tibbers.
Skarner is meh with Annie because of the fact that she is not very mobile, which means that she cannot go collect spires that easily for him. He has good CC though.
Thank you for reading the small little Annie guide I made. I will update it with every patch, and I will also consider adding more details such as combos, laning phase, etc.
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