Watch put for early game,he can easy beat you lvl 1 with ignite Just try to farm and wait for jungler or his mistake but fight only when you full HP
Just try to get xp your only chance is when she come to close or when you fight and she E you when you E
Very hard matchup
Like the rest range top its a nightmare for darius when you timing your E when she E then its your chance
Dr. Mundo
Laning is easy and boring because you only farm you can try to E him so he lose his passiv and then try something buy antiheal asap
The problem with mundo is on late game because he is super tanky and you cannot beat him
Its more about skill matchup if you can dodge good , at this moment i Just permaban him because of the new Item and his healings
Good Akali Just keep poking you its rare they pick it for top lane ,buy some MR and you good
Camile is short trade champion ,you win your early game so focus on that because late game she beats you ,try to E her when she dash
Her W not aloud you to DUNK ,buy some MR but if she have conquerour its hard to open ghost and kill her
Just Bully him try to zone when you dodge his Q that's a kill or flash
Fiora is very strony this season so try to not lose trades with her passiv and when she ult stay near the wall
It depends if gangplank is good ,watch out for early barrels from bush and try to not hit to much
You win lvl 1
Zone him lvl 1 from xp ,easy lane
If he dont get some kills you always beat him Just dont let him short trade with you
He Just perma poke your chance is when he make mistake
Try to Bully in early game
Bully early game you can pick lethal tempo runes ,try to fight only with ghost so you can dodge her ult
In early game dont let her stacks Q
Dodge or stay under tower and wish for luck of your jungler dont let him double kill
Dont let her Play early game,when she buy BOTRK respect her damage because she can kill you
Try to get asap till lvl 6 ,after she is 6 you can win when you dodge her E and some of this tecticles
Buy this small thormail
Skill matchup ,you Just wait for him to engage pull when he E ,dont Q after lvl 3 because he will Jump on you
Good jayce with phase rush is Just annoying try to not get much poke and when you pull step in front of him so he cannot E you
Annoying lane like all range top laners go celerity runes and slow him after E so he cannot escape with his E
WHEN he grab you with his Q you can Q him at the end so you hit him
Fight when his W is being used
Bully him early game and zone from Minions you can go doran shield and Resolve for regeneration
You win level 1 if you dodge his Q when he miss spells then its your chance when he push he can easy poke you
Its your job to not let him stack in early game in late game he can beat you
Go lethal tempo so you can win early game
Go lethal tempo try to dodge his Q and you good to go
Be carefull early game wait for level 3 or if he miss Q then fight go lethal tempo runes
Just Bully early game try to pull when he E or he ult
Be carefull about his damage when you Pull and insta ult he cannot błock it
Fight early game so you get ahead
Respect level 6 damage
Hard matchup
If its good riven its hard to win she can burst you lvl 6 so buy tabi asap
He beats you so try to poke and when you fight just kite him with autos
Bully him and maybe he will int like all sions
Tahm Kench
Hard matchup when he E you lose stacks so be aware and try to dodge his Q you can stop his E with pull
Hard matchup ask for ganks and buy MR and oracle lens when he lvl 6
Early game he beats you watch out its also about your knowledge if you full stack and you have lethal tempo you can win
Pick lethal tempo and you win till lvl6 after 6 Just ult him faster and wait for ult to end
He can beat you with ignite and ult do be carefull
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