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Ryze Build Guide by BestJungleeNA

AP Offtank Season 5 Ryze Build

AP Offtank Season 5 Ryze Build

Updated on January 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BestJungleeNA Build Guide By BestJungleeNA 52,279 Views 0 Comments
52,279 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BestJungleeNA Ryze Build Guide By BestJungleeNA Updated on January 3, 2015
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So I've been playing Ryze since season one, I've found that not much has changed in regards to overall gameplay. However with item changes over the seasons builds have transformed. This guide shows some basic building strategies that will be valid throughout the upcoming season. Follow the guide and you will be climbing through divisions like its your job.
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Runes aren't any different from last season. However for those that are unfamiliar with Ryze, I'll Break it down. The movement speed Quints are for getting on top of the opposing laner with ease or escaping. The mana Glyph's, since hes scales off of mana, also it'll allow for a couple extra q early game you may not otherwise be able to use. Some would disagree with the mana glyph's but it's all preference and I like the advantage in early game. Armor Seals because you are likely to be against and AD champ top. Magic Pen Mark's because once you start bullying the opponent in lane they will build MR.
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SO we put 9 in defense because Ryze is best as an off tank as a top laner. you will appreciate the extra durability in lane trust me. We put the remanding 21 points in utility to gain benefits such as movement speed, spell vamp, health regen(that scales off of mana), and CDR. All are crucial on Ryze.
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Other Notes

Remeber as Ryze you are late game hyper carry, play it slow to start remeber to use your skill often. By stacking your tear and buying mana items from the build you will begin to get out of control. With ryze's ult you will gain spell vamp(on top of exsisting spell vamp from runes, etc...) In team fights pop your ult and spam your skills accordingly on the right targets. WIth the item build you will become almost impossible to kill. For thos e that are not familliar with a Ryze combo YOU want to R,Q,W,E,Q. By the time you Q,W,E.... your Q will be back up so try and Q to start. Best of luck to you
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BestJungleeNA
BestJungleeNA Ryze Guide
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Season 5 Ryze Build

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