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Sejuani Build Guide by Edtheman1234

AP Carry Sejuani's Magic Boar - A Mid Lane Guide [S4 Ready]

AP Carry Sejuani's Magic Boar - A Mid Lane Guide [S4 Ready]

Updated on March 18, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Edtheman1234 Build Guide By Edtheman1234 32,125 Views 0 Comments
32,125 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Edtheman1234 Sejuani Build Guide By Edtheman1234 Updated on March 18, 2014
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Hello and welcome to my mid lane Sejuani guide. Going mid lane you are going focus on building massive AoE and being a little tanky so you don't get completely obliterated in teamfights. This will allow you to engage with your ult, and dive in there and AoE everyone! I hope you enjoy my guide and don't forget to vote.
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With these runes, I try to go for magic pen. marks, mana regen seals, magic resist glyphs, and movement speed quints.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: I chose these because they allow for late game and early game damage.
Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration: Sejuani is very mana hungry, this helps the early game where your jungler gets blue and also provides some late game mana regen.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: You can switch out these for armor seals depending on your lane.
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: I choose these so I can start off with a Doran's Ring to help with mana problems and provide more AP. If you don't like these, you can switch them out for ability power quints.
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I take 21 in offense for more AP, magic pen., CDR, and more damage. I take 9 in defense for more health, and MR/Armor bonus.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Edtheman1234
Edtheman1234 Sejuani Guide
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Sejuani's Magic Boar - A Mid Lane Guide [S4 Ready]

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