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Galio's Ultimate can shut down your engagement since his ult gives his allies a magic damage shield. This is an incredible power few people have to realize. Not to mention you won't do damage to him since his W passive is obnoxious so you have to wear him down.
Morgana can push waves and can negate your CC with her E. Not to mention her Q is a death sentence so if you are caught by it say goodbye to your health bar. Her ultimate is also extremely powerful. She also has the potential to stun 5 people, but she has to get up close and personal for that.
You will not out push this man at all. Malzahar will negate your greatest CC with his passive and he can instantly pick off anyone who is straggling, including you. Be very careful when laning against him since a good Malzahar can shut down any champion regardless of how well you are doing.
Another ultimate that can shut down yours. Taric is the ultimate wombo combo denier since his ultimate has the potential to protect his entire team and they can turn it around and finish you off.
Once he has his E upgraded, he will out poke/harass you and has more solo kill pressure. Even the slightest misstep can end up losing a game against him.
Sera and Orianna are both team fighting mages. This one is based on the skill of the champions being used by the player, however, don't forget that Orianna can end up killing you in lane since she has that threat.
You don't want him to steal your ultimate at all. It can end up not being in your favor if you ult, Sylas steals your ult and he wins the fight since it is the same amount of impact. Not to mention he can go all in early in the game and force you to not be a champion.
She has the ability to clear waves much faster and easier with one ability. Her ability to displace a team and CC them endlessly makes her a threat at every stage of the game.
Brand's ability to slowly wither you is going to be a pain at all stages of the game. Unless you have a lot of help to deal with him, he will destroy your team with his passive and item combo of Liandry/Demonic.
The greatest threat to a supportive mid that wants her team around her is a demonic scarecrow that destroys teams. If you cannot locate him, he will snowball and take over a game since his kit is centered around fear and yours is charm. Kind of the natural counter tbh...
I don't think there is much explanation needed. His E is already a strong ability to be untargetable but his ultimate is so cheesy that he can snowball even if you halted him gaining anything.
He has the ability to push waves at level 1 with his Q and passive proc. It is very annoying to deal with. His kit is very forgiving with him having a shield and a potential full heal/nuke with his ultimate makes him a threat once he hits level 6.
Broken. Do not die to him. He will abuse your Echo mechanic and enable his team to have a higher advantage if you think you won the fight but died to him.
Even in the mid lane, Ashe's constant slows can make you have an easy root with your E.
Why not have two artists in the same game? Jhin and Sera both have the extreme range and love bursting down targets with lower HP. Seraphine can also follow up on his W, E, R with her abilities to make sure that the enemies falter from two fantastic artists.
It is quite fun healing Sett for 800 HP so he can smack people to death with his fists. Not to mention you can follow up with his ultimate with yours for a great show stopper!
Miss Fortune
The Wombo Combo Queen MF will make you want to fall in love with her. Having the potential to team wipe is game-changing if you both position for it.
A giant blob that cannot die and a mid laner that enables tanks, this combo is fantastic to have since he loves going in and Sera loves to follow up with a great Encore! Her ability to also upgrade CC will make a slow to a root and any other immobilization by Zac into a stun for Seraphine.
The potential to have an infinite shield is great, but the synergy between these two isn't that strong. While it is cheesy, Yuumi wants to be on a tankier target or her ADC to constantly protect them.
An extremely powerful duo, Rell and Seraphine can non-stop CC her enemies while Sera gets an amazing peel from Rell and Rell loves that Sera enables her to do much more with her ultimate. Seraphine can burst down the targets that Rell CC so it an easy game for the both of you.
Even in the mid lane, Ashe's constant slows can make you have an easy root with your E.
Why not have two artists in the same game? Jhin and Sera both have the extreme range and love bursting down targets with lower HP. Seraphine can also follow up on his W, E, R with her abilities to make sure that the enemies falter from two fantastic artists.
It is quite fun healing Sett for 800 HP so he can smack people to death with his fists. Not to mention you can follow up with his ultimate with yours for a great show stopper!
Miss Fortune
The Wombo Combo Queen MF will make you want to fall in love with her. Having the potential to team wipe is game-changing if you both position for it.
A giant blob that cannot die and a mid laner that enables tanks, this combo is fantastic to have since he loves going in and Sera loves to follow up with a great Encore! Her ability to also upgrade CC will make a slow to a root and any other immobilization by Zac into a stun for Seraphine.
The potential to have an infinite shield is great, but the synergy between these two isn't that strong. While it is cheesy, Yuumi wants to be on a tankier target or her ADC to constantly protect them.
An extremely powerful duo, Rell and Seraphine can non-stop CC her enemies while Sera gets an amazing peel from Rell and Rell loves that Sera enables her to do much more with her ultimate. Seraphine can burst down the targets that Rell CC so it an easy game for the both of you.
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