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Some things you should know about this build:
-First: this is a build wich I came up with and works well for me and my playstyle. Some people might say a tank is a tank, dont try to make it something it isnt. But as I said. It works for me and I wanted to share this build. So the people who have the same playstyle as me can also enjoy playing Shen.
-Second: dont downvote or make negative comments if you havent actually tried this build yet.
-Third: this build is not made to tell you how to EXACTLY play Shen. Because I think the
build is most important and everyone playes different despite a complete guide. Also because
every game is different from the start. And you must adapt to your team and not be clueless
when you cant do exactly what's in this or any guide.
-Last: I am open for negative comments because its my first and probably not "good" and "complete" guide. Though
please tell me what I should do better, change or add. And not only say negative things
without saying what you actually think is bad.
(yes i know, this is almost longer than all the rest of the text :D )
-Try to get minion kills from the start
-Farm whenever your team doesnt need you
-Fight with your team, so dont attack a champion alone. Unless you are certain you'll take him
-U can be used as bait. With that I mean: when your life is low a champ will often come after you.
U should then first use Feint. And when your team attacks him then u should use Shadow Dash so
he wont be able to kill u if u use it in good direction.
-Shen is mostly not a carry, so going for the assist and not for the kill will serve
your team well
Do not:
-Dont take to much risk because you cant play the role of a full tank with this build
(with your effective Feint skill you can still take some damage and play a bit like a tank,
but dont take it to far)
-Try not to only go for champion kills, as mentioned above you need to kill some minions or you
will serve as meat when u are not able to kill a champion(wich goes for i guess every champ)
-Because of the "high" ability power your Stand United skill will shield a ally for alot of
incomming damage, dont use it when theyre with 4 or 5 vs your ally though because with this build
you will probably both get killed.
-Try to get minion kills from the start
-Farm whenever your team doesnt need you
-Fight with your team, so dont attack a champion alone. Unless you are certain you'll take him
-U can be used as bait. With that I mean: when your life is low a champ will often come after you.
U should then first use Feint. And when your team attacks him then u should use Shadow Dash so
he wont be able to kill u if u use it in good direction.
-Shen is mostly not a carry, so going for the assist and not for the kill will serve
your team well
Do not:
-Dont take to much risk because you cant play the role of a full tank with this build
(with your effective Feint skill you can still take some damage and play a bit like a tank,
but dont take it to far)
-Try not to only go for champion kills, as mentioned above you need to kill some minions or you
will serve as meat when u are not able to kill a champion(wich goes for i guess every champ)
-Because of the "high" ability power your Stand United skill will shield a ally for alot of
incomming damage, dont use it when theyre with 4 or 5 vs your ally though because with this build
you will probably both get killed.
Farm whenever you can, but still pay attention when to join a fight with your Stand United skill.
Dont try to play the tank role with this build, though you will probably still be harder to take down than most of you teammates.
Dont stop playing Shen because no one thanks you for saving them. You know they appreciate it.
And the last thing I want to share with you is that Shen is just the most fun and Badass champion to play!
Actually only a bit of jhoijhoi Making a Guide.
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