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Twitch Build Guide by Gryphken

Something Twitchy: Howling Abyss guide [S3]

Something Twitchy: Howling Abyss guide [S3]

Updated on June 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gryphken Build Guide By Gryphken 5,636 Views 0 Comments
5,636 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gryphken Twitch Build Guide By Gryphken Updated on June 9, 2013
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Welcome to this Twitch guide for Howling Abyss.
This is my first guide, so I really hope you will enjoy it.
I tought this guide would be a great help for people who don't play Twitch that often, but still end up with him in champion selection.
Remember that this is only a guide, don't be afraid to mix up items, but make sure you have a good balance between attack speed and attack damage.
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Effective tactic

STEP 1: Try to use the bushes between you and the enemy as much as you can.
When you see your chance to get a kill, go in with AMBUSH -> VENOM CASK -> keep shooting and use EXPUNGE before someone ks your kill.

STEP 2: Repeat STEP 1 over and over again.

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Be carefull

WARNING: If everything is going well and you start to carry the game, then this is the moment to be really carefull, cause you're gonna get sloppy.

No matter how fed you are when playing Twitch, you are still squishy as hell.

- So don't jump into a group of enemys, cause they can and will bring you down in 1sec.
You are NOT A TANK! But that's when BARRIER comes in handy.

- Let the enemy team engage first, or wait untill your tank/team engages.
Then make your move when some damage is done already.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gryphken
Gryphken Twitch Guide
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Something Twitchy: Howling Abyss guide [S3]

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