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Sona Build Guide by Rikkako

Support Sona support guide S4 - Ap and Utility

Support Sona support guide S4 - Ap and Utility

Updated on December 22, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rikkako Build Guide By Rikkako 5,709 Views 0 Comments
5,709 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rikkako Sona Build Guide By Rikkako Updated on December 22, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Sona
    Ap support Sona
  • LoL Champion: Sona
    Utility Sona support

Why Sona?

/league-of-legends/champion/sona-60 support champion in the game, she have awesome utility, strong damage and heal (especially now in season 4), the only problem is that she is soo weak and if you get caught you will probably die, Sona can easily work as a ap burst in late game supplying the needs of ap of your team, or just work as a utility champion ensuring speed, armor, mr and cc to you're team, so when should i do ap or utility?

Look to you're team, if you have no ap or need more damage, you can make ap Sona, if you team just have lots of damage but none cc or if you have a weak or slow adc, utility Sona is a good option.

But remember that utility Sona is more tank, but have no damage in midle/late game and the lane phase can be a little hard againts some poke or engage supports.
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AP sona skills

Power Chord is the key, aways try to use the right aura to make you're best in the situation, power chord with Hymn of valor realy hurts (including with Lich Bane), Sona have no secret, aways try to use the best skill in the best time, and remember: sometimes up Aria of Perseverance is better then up you Hymn of Valor.

Burst combo to late game:
With it you can easily kill the enemy adc or apc with a insane burst. Use Deathfire Grasp + Crescendo + Power Chord + Auto atack ( Power Chord with Hymn of Valor aura), with it you will easily kill the enemy, and remember that Ignite helps sometimes...

but remember you're a support, and even if you have or not damage you need to protect you carry, because he is the only one who can carry you...
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Utility Sona

Playing utility Sona, things will change a bit... you will aways protect you carry, try to use your skills in the best way to disrupt the enemy ( Twin Shadows, Morellonomicon, Crescendo, Exhaust and Power Chord are the best and only way to do this, so use it wisely), and if you need, just kill yourself to you adc still alive, ''because remember you're a support, and even if you have or not damage you need to protect you carry, because he is the only one who can carry you...''
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Me... =3

Sorry if you dont like, its just mine first tutorial and i'm trying to do my best, i dont even speak english, so sorry if i wrote something wrong, i'm a main support and just trying to help someone that is a little lost or dont even know much things about support =3
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rikkako
Rikkako Sona Guide
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Sona support guide S4 - Ap and Utility

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