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Soraka Passive Ability
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This is a nightmare, if you get grabbed you're mostly dead. try dodging him or staying behind minions
Well, Soraka is a boring support sometimes, lacks of action and aggressive plays, because you are not the one dealing damage, you heal your allies so that THEY can deal the damage.
The reason I made AP Soraka guide is that in late game, her heals become so OP!!! the W can grant over 400 heal per use instead of 250 the ult can grant around 600hp instead of 350 (excluding wounded allies)
I found AP gives her healing more bonus than support item's active gives to allies, That's why I made this guide
This passive is great it has 3 uses
1-Running to aid and help a losing/dying ally which is great, but the third use is the most important
2-Running away from someone, this move is for experienced Soraka players, if you have an ally with 40% hp you can poke and use the movement speed to run back, or to help someone else and use the movement speed to run away (This is a dangerous one)
3-Knowing how many allies will empower your Ultimate..Who's HP is below 40%
This is a great skill which Has 3 uses :
1-Can grant you health based on how much health you're missing when the W is unlocked and AP gives this a HUGE boost, that's why you don't need warmorg's armor, getting HP from this one is enough
2-Poke and dealing damage
3-Slowing to Chase or Run away, if you aim it right and the enemy stands in the middle small circle, it will slow the enemy's move speed by 30% or higher
Astral Infusion
This is what Soraka is all about, HEALING this skill is your Core and it has 2uses
Healing allies, you have to use it all the time, just pressing W many times and clicking on ally rapidly to heal as fast as possible, because in late game the cool down will be roughly 1second!
2-Granting Soraka HP from the Starcall skill this is useful for refilling your HP, and it scales very good with AP that you don't need warmorg's armor to fill your hp up
This is an amazing skill which makes AP champions useless it has many uses
1-Silencing champions by using it where they stand, it will make them useless and your teammate will surely kill if they stay in it Examples : Katarina after she teleports to someone, Someone after using teleport summoner skill, Zed after using his ultimate
2-Stun this is the game of this skill, if you place it in the road where the champions will run from, it will probably stun them so that you can chase/run away from or secure a kill for your teammates
This is one of the best Ultimates in the game, it can change the whole game by healing all the allies by 350 at maximum level, Also it scales with AP, so if you have 400ap by the end of the game, it's heal will be over 550 Hp for all ally champions, not only that, it also gets empowered by 50% for each ally below 40% hp. so if two allies were wounded below 40% hp, it would hear for more than freaking 1k HP!!!
But that doesn't mean you have to let your allies die, you use it as soon as the first Ally's hp goes below 30% and is fighting or reciving fatal damage and you can't heal him with W or it won't be enough...
Sometimes leaving an ally below 40% hp is a good idea for this but it's dangerous, the whole team's destiny is between your hands
This passive is great it has 3 uses
1-Running to aid and help a losing/dying ally which is great, but the third use is the most important
2-Running away from someone, this move is for experienced Soraka players, if you have an ally with 40% hp you can poke and use the movement speed to run back, or to help someone else and use the movement speed to run away (This is a dangerous one)
3-Knowing how many allies will empower your Ultimate..Who's HP is below 40%
This is a great skill which Has 3 uses :
1-Can grant you health based on how much health you're missing when the W is unlocked and AP gives this a HUGE boost, that's why you don't need warmorg's armor, getting HP from this one is enough
2-Poke and dealing damage
3-Slowing to Chase or Run away, if you aim it right and the enemy stands in the middle small circle, it will slow the enemy's move speed by 30% or higher
Astral Infusion
This is what Soraka is all about, HEALING this skill is your Core and it has 2uses
Healing allies, you have to use it all the time, just pressing W many times and clicking on ally rapidly to heal as fast as possible, because in late game the cool down will be roughly 1second!
2-Granting Soraka HP from the Starcall skill this is useful for refilling your HP, and it scales very good with AP that you don't need warmorg's armor to fill your hp up
This is an amazing skill which makes AP champions useless it has many uses
1-Silencing champions by using it where they stand, it will make them useless and your teammate will surely kill if they stay in it Examples : Katarina after she teleports to someone, Someone after using teleport summoner skill, Zed after using his ultimate
2-Stun this is the game of this skill, if you place it in the road where the champions will run from, it will probably stun them so that you can chase/run away from or secure a kill for your teammates
This is one of the best Ultimates in the game, it can change the whole game by healing all the allies by 350 at maximum level, Also it scales with AP, so if you have 400ap by the end of the game, it's heal will be over 550 Hp for all ally champions, not only that, it also gets empowered by 50% for each ally below 40% hp. so if two allies were wounded below 40% hp, it would hear for more than freaking 1k HP!!!
But that doesn't mean you have to let your allies die, you use it as soon as the first Ally's hp goes below 30% and is fighting or reciving fatal damage and you can't heal him with W or it won't be enough...
Sometimes leaving an ally below 40% hp is a good idea for this but it's dangerous, the whole team's destiny is between your hands
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