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Runes: Grasp
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Default
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
HoB - Profane OR Stride | Trade away from his passive if you can (let him auto minions). Walk in and out (tether) of his Q ranges so that he wastes the CDs, then look for trades after. Also, you can try and dodge his Q during your trades with him. For first 2 Q click into him and for the last Q use your E to dodge. Trynd wins early levels (1-5). After that, win by finding an all-in window. When he uses R and you can't kill him start running away, then IF he chases you can look for a reengage window because the R will expire in your all-in.
Don't let her auto you for free when her W is up, because she will auto w auto while you're building rage. Don't stand in your wave (unless you want her to push into you) as you will lose prio because she gets to hit you and the wave with Q. Make sure to bait her abilities out by walking in and out of their zones then look for trading windows. After 6, you can't all-in her unless ultimate is down. Like Aatrox R, just force her R then disengage simultaneously looking for all-in windows as you're running and she is chasing you.
Tryndamere can win this matchup with a level 1 all-in. Otherwise, he needs to force an all-in while Akali shroud is on cooldown. Look to build rage without losing HP then engage a small trade to force her W and back off. Then use the W CD to get a winning trade. It's very important to dodge Akali E and track the CD as she uses it to kite and also burst you. Her R2 is an execute so make sure you press R for it.
Tryndamere can win this matchup via all-in at level 6. Make sure to body block his e so that he stops swinging and you can kill him. Before 6, mitigate the bleeding via good laning fundamentals. Don't CS a minion if it means he gets to proc PTA/ his passive/ land his Q. Just let the minion die so you can live to fight at 6.
While lane alistar isn't a problem, (as you'll just outscale him in the 1v1) alistar in general is a huge tryndamere counter. Any time alistar is on the enemy team avoid skirmishes where he is present as best as you can. If using phase rush, don't proc it until AFTER his W+Q combo comes out so that you can speed away from his E stun.
Weak champion. Just make sure to use E when he CCs you with Q to get away from ganks. You can't E through his R.
You can use E when she Qs you to spin through the CC. Avoid letting her apply frost on you because she does double damage with her E. Left click her and look for the egg icon in the top left of your screen to see if she has passive or not. Push the lane hard and look for skirmishes around objectives.
You can use E when she stuns you to spin through the CC. Pay attention to her spells and passive stun to know when you can all-in her.
The best guns to all-in Aphelios are blue and white. Avoid purple as he can CC you and red+white as he can tank your damage.
Good ashe players can permanently kite you so don't all-in unless you have some sort of advantage (summoner, w slow, ally help). You can E through her R.
Aurelion Sol
Stand behind minions to avoid his Q. Force his W (astral flight) to be on CD by dong a small trade then back off and find an all-in window during it's 22 second CD.
Tryndamere can win this lane by playing around Azir's soldier placement. Stand away from your wave so that he has to place the soldiers in bad spots. Once he places two soldiers, you can E into him to look for a winning trade. After 6, he is very hard to kill. Look to outpush and roam.
This champion completely counters you when played properly. Avoid skirmishes where this champion is participating as best as you can. Don't stand near walls/ your allies so his Q doesn't bounce stun. Don't take his journey unless you have all information on enemies. Avoid his R as it will make your R duration expire and also sets you up for more chain CC.
Avoid skirmishes where this champion is involved. If you must skirmish against this champion, try to save E to dodge their W. Bel'veth is very hard for tryndamere to deal with because she can just Q away from you infinitely.
Similar to Alistar and Bard, but not as bad. Be wary of roams from this champion. There isn't really counterplay to his CC, but his Q is pretty easy to side step. The real problem is his E knock-up.
Tryndamere can invade Brand jungle with a very high success rate as brand wants to start blue buff the majority of games. If you get vision of this, try to kill him at his gromp after you push first mid wave with full rage. If you're playing top, then you can look for a cheese if he gets no leash at 1:30ish. Lane brand is actually a hard matchup. His W is a must-dodge. E through his Q and be wary of his w range so it doesn't get applied to you. If he rushes Rylai the 1v1 will be very hard so make sure to snowball before that.
Avoid letting this champion apply passive stacks on you. E through the stun if it's inevitable. Avoid his Q and disengage when he puts his shield up. Don't ever be at a place where he can R you, and if you are then make sure to save E to quickly get out of the slow.
This champion is invadable. Position yourself behind her to dodge her E. Dodging her E is quite literally the most important thing because otherwise you'll be CC'd for a long time and receive a lot of burst. Her W (the frenzy that makes her run at you fast) can be recasted by her and does execute damage so be sure to press R earlier. Make sure to E away from her while she CC's you with frenzy. She will leap and stun at you when you're in her range.
Avoid her traps. Avoid fighting her near small walls as she will use it to get away from you with her E. If shes dancing around her traps just let it CC you.
E into her when she uses W. Don't all-in her until level 6 if she has ignite. Tryndamere wins at 6 or before 6 if she has no ignite and you trade well. If this champion is support then be careful of roaming. You should use flash to dodge her E.
Tryndamere wins at all points. Try to all-in when she misses Q. You can use ghost to walk over her W as well since it prevents you from using E. Try to proactively dodge her R by keeping your cursor close to your champion then clicking away from her.
Find an all-in window when his Q is on CD. Try to maintain a freeze in this lane to deny him xp/gold and threaten all-in. This matchup is easy but he can outscale you especially if he receives a gank and gets ahead. You can react to his R animation with low ping.
Find an all-in window when his W is on CD. His Q does a lot of damage but is easily avoidable. Don't stand in front of him when his E is active. Corki outscales you hard so you NEED to win early.
Short trading windows. Don't let him stack his passive on you. Play reactive. If he starts W avoid trading as he has an auto reset on you. If he starts Q you can look for all-in windows by dodging the outer edge. If he starts Q animation do NOT auto. He will get the heal every time. either e away or click into him. You can try dodging his E by clicking into his model while you trade. Don't try to R react to his R as the damage comes through before the animation finishes.
Avoid trading into her W. Otherwise, just stand and right click. She will try to use Q+E and minions to kite you so pay attention to that. Tryndamere wins after 6 unless she gets zhonyas, then you need to have a wave to lifesteal while she is in stasis.
Dr. Mundo
Avoid getting hit by his Q. When he activates his AOE mitigation keep trading then E away last second. Pay attention to when your minions get low and get ready to dodge them as his E will hurl them at you. During his ulti you can just back off. Just farm, outscale, and play for platings + prio in skirmishes.
Just walk at him so that his E never cancels your E. Be careful for his R as it has an execute. Try to fight him when he doesn't have his axes.
Avoid letting him proc his 3 hit passive. Be wary of his W stun out of vision. Don't let him trick you by not leveling his R at level 6. Just because you don't see the R animation doesn't mean he doesn't have ulti.
Avoid heavy trading if she is on your side of the map as she can dive you easily.
Invadable. Avoid heavy trading if she is on your side of the map as she can dive you easily.
Avoid taking skirmishes near walls as he can use his E to get away.
Invadable. Ward his camps as he wants to powerfarm so you can track him easily.
Look for all-in opportunities when Fiora uses Q wrong. If the vital is favorable for her, try to auto when she goes to proc it. Fiora players like to W when you E, so you can try to E into her then immediately sidestep and then chase down. Tryndamere loses generally after 6.
Fizz's weakness is waveclear. Don't stand on your wave so he can't hit you and the wave at the same time. When chasing fizz, if he walks behind you he is trying to Q through you, so just click backwards as well.
All-in after his W and E are on CD. Take demolish and second wind. Kraken Navori Rageblade
Try and auto his barrels when you can. Otherwise, just find an all-in with ghost+flash.
If he starts E just E away. W after he uses Q so that he cannot cleanse the slow. Try and all-in around his W CD.
Don't let him get prio in lane. Find all-in windows when he is mini. If he transforms avoid fighting unless you are ahead. The best time to all-in is when his Mega runs out and the MS he gains from it has subsided as he doesn't have access to transform for 15 seconds.
Avoid trading into his W as it gives dmg reduction. Don't E until he uses E.
Hard champion to invade, but you outscale him pretty fast as long as he isnt ahead of you. Look for all-in opportunities when he uses his dash into you. Be aware of skirmishes near thin walls as he will use E and R to kite you.
The only way Gwen wins this matchup is through burst cheese/ improper trading from the trynd player. If she has ghost look to force her ghost WITHOUT using your own ghost to set up future all-ins. If she has ignite just trade safely until level 6.
Surprisingly invadable. Surprise them with unexpected damage via kraken autos and engaging when their W is about to run out. Understand interactions when you're getting ganked. If he is Eing behind you then flash behind him so he pushes you closer to your tower.
Do your best to kill his turrets when his Q and E are on CD. His passive gives him movespeed around towers so diving him can be hard, and all-ins can be hard without ghost and flash. When in doubt just outscale.
You should never kill a good hwei player. That being said, this trick will let you kill all the bad ones: when he uses the pull ability that pulls you into the middle, he is not able to cast the fear so you have a window to ghost flash all-in him.
Kill her tentacles before fighting her. Pay attention to how she uses W as that will dictate when you should R. When she uses R be aware that the tentacles slam down faster.
The higher elo the irelia player the more even the matchup is, but generally tryndamere can just push as slow as possible and trade irelia hard any time she wants to touch the wave. Use your E when she Es so that you can dodge or disengage.
Kill daisy when possible. Avoid skirmishes with Ivern as he will just E his allies and CC you. Focus whoever he doesn't E. You can E through his Q to buffer the CC.
Avoid skirmishes where this champion is participating when possible. Pay attention to when this champion is roaming.
Jarvan IV
Invadable. Avoid early level ganks from J4 as that can lead to being camped/ losing lane.
This matchup has become so unskilled auto-win for the jax player it's so boring. The best way to maximize winning is finding an all-in with ghost at level 1 then snowballing and praying they dont build frozen heart.
Grasp - Stridebreaker | Look for all-in windows when the Jayce player has no phase rush or speed gate. Otherwise, mitigate the poke by just last hitting minions safely out of his zone. Keep in mind that he has increased resistances in hammer form, so when he has just used his hammer E and his PR is down is a great time to all-in/dive.
Good jhin players can make this matchup even. Just save E to dodge his root and look for all-ins when he doesn't have 4th shot because that gives him a lot of MS before and after usage.
Easier version of caitlyn to 1v1.
Make sure to hold your E when trying to kill Kaisa as if you use it early she will just R the opposite way to kite. Easier version of Vayne to deal with.
One of the harder ADCs to kill due to her auto mobility. Make sure to R early as she wants to use E earlier to force your R and slow you.
Fake tryndamere counter. Hold your E for when she uses RQ to either disengage or all-in. Can also hold E to spin into her when rooted so you can keep autoing. If E is down, just stand behind your minions or stand next to her minions so you can auto while rooted and continuously build rage.
Invadable. Change your auto and movement rhythm so it's harder for him to Q you.
Don't push the lane hard. Last hit and trade him hard when he walks up for CS. Don't be afraid to dive him pre 6, especially once you get kraken just stack the passive on tower and trade. Don't build stride.
Would be minor but even in solo queue because this champion gets fed every single game of solo queue. Position away from her daggers. Just keep mid shoved and roam first.
Worst champion in the game but be careful of fighting her level 1 especially if she has lethal tempo or ignite or some form of cheese. Her E does execute damage so be sure to R earlier. Even if you int die early you can probably still just kill her around her R CD.
Invadable. If it's blue kayn avoid skirmishes. If it's red kayn hold your E to react to his W.
Hard matchup but winnable if Kennen is a bad player. Look for E+auto and later E+auto+tiamat trades to chip away and set up all-ins. Be aware his E gives him an AS buff after it expires, so try not to auto trade with him there. He will use his W to trade you so just back off when it's active.
Need stridebreaker to deal with this champion. If he has R don't even bother you'll never kill him. If he's ganking you stand in your wave. Don't leave your minions as this will isolate you and make you easier to kill.
Be careful of taking a skirmish near a short wall as he will use Q to kite you over the wall. In every skirmish that he participates in prioritize forcing his R before yours. This champion likes to invade so get prio and look to counter his invade or invade him.
Annoying rat champion just tether (walk in and out of range to bait) his abilities when you can. Trade away from his W. Don't let him E onto you. DONT dismount him until you are ready to kill as he will just remount quickly. Even if he doesn't immediately get remount he can upon W CD.
The main thing to avoid when fighting Kog'maw is walking over his W slow. Make sure that your E is up to gap close through it. Don't forget about his passive. Otherwise, just right click lol.
HoB - Profane | Tryndamere hard wins the match-up but K'sante can build armor and neutralize; thus, it's important that Trynd builds a lead and maintains it. Find all-ins when he has just used 3Q. If K'sante takes ghost you should just force it and disengage to create a vulnerable window to kill him later. If K'sante takes flash he can actually win the 1v1 by flash 3Q in R form, so be aware.
Better version of Karma. If she chains you, decide whether you want to E in (probably never) or E away. If you can't break the chain then E to minions to farm while you're in CC. Keep track of where her W and RW are to predict her movement. Don't let her pull you too far from their location, because ultimately they want to blink back usually.
Lee Sin
Not really invadable. He's a stat checker so try to stay ahead of him. Just force his R as fast as you can because the only way you can kill him is if it's down. Stay away from small walls when skirmishing as he will use them to kite you.
Her CC is countered by tenacity and you can also E through her CC except for R. Don't trade into her while her W is active.
The trick to lillia is to avoid her W which is her leap. This ability has the highest base dmg in her kit, so if you avoid it you can survive for a long time in a skirmish. She is looking to hit you with her E slow which will chain into her W and then Q, so if you avoid her E the whole combo falls apart and she's useless.
You can E through her W stun. Don't stand behind your minions as they will expand her Q and make it undodgable. You can generally outpush her and have faster prio but she may be better in even skirmishes especially after 6.
It may be a skill issue on my part, but I feel like it's impossible to hit this guy with W, but if you land W it is pretty much a guaranteed kill.
R and polymorph are extremely annoying for Tryndamere, so try to all-in when those abilities are on CD.
Cast your E when she uses Q so that you E through the CC. Make sure to be behind her when she ultis as the hitbox will hit if you're parallel with her.
Permaban. Seriously just permaban. Even the worst player can counter you. Don't take grasp into it. I don't care what build Timmy in silver tells you to go just permaban it.
Kill his W minions when they spawn as that removes all push power he has and gives you free rage. Make sure you have R when he has R. Don't let him cancel your E with his R.
Don't let him cancel your E with his Q. You can E through his W. Avoid skirmishes with this champion involved unless you are ahead.
Master Yi
Invadable. Consider his W as it gives him significant damage reduction. Try to disengage when he uses it. Don't let him dodge your E damage with Q.
Hold your E until he uses Q. Then, just right click.
Miss Fortune
E through her E slow and then just right click lol!
Use your wave to remove his iso Q. Hold your E until he uses his E. Best time to all-in is when his W shield is not stacked or he just reactivated it for a heal. Try to avoid standing next to walls so that when he R you he can't use them to kite you.
You can E through her Q CC. Trash champion.
Auto her dogs if she hits Q on you. It will incentivize her to reactivate W leap so that you don't kill her dogs. Then you can use that CD to all-in.
Really annoying champion to skirmish. Not as bad as Janna. Try to dodge bubble and hold E to use after her R.
Don't stand in his E. Try to freeze unless you want to push to get prio and play with your jungler or try to dive nasus. Disengage when he uses W or R. If they have phase rush, make sure to save any slows you have until after it's on CD or to prevent him from activating PR (stridebreaker slow to deny auto). Try to position near a wall so you can E over it and kite his R, W, or PR.
Avoid skirmishes where this champion participates if possible. You have no counterplay to his knockup CC chains.
Worse version of Kennen. Try to outpush her and look for E+auto and E+auto+tiamat trades until you can find all-in windows or favorable skirmishes.
Be aware her abilities can execute especially if you're marked. Try to fight away from bushes/ small walls so she can't kite you.
Disengage when she uses her E as you have no way of damaging her.
Avoid getting hit by Q/ fighting in his Q aura as he is buffed. Avoid using E or W into his spell shield because he gains AS. Try to E out of his fear then reengage. When he uses R move your camera around the map to find his Q aura to see where he is. Get a shadow when split pushing so he can't just R you in side lane over and over.
Nunu & Willump
Always track this jungler before trading in lane. You can E out of his E CC.
Do not fight him before 6. He doesn't even have to have hands to kill you. Avoid trading, let him push into you, then look for all-in when you're 6. He wants to force your R then run away and reengage so don't waste it for nothing. If you R you need to commit.
E+Auto trades and E+auto+tiamat until you can all-in her. If she goes aery you can kill. If she goes PR just play for prio and skirmish around PR CD.
Try to avoid the end of his W so he can't apply brittle on you, because that's where all his damage comes from. Try to stand near a wall then move away to bait him to E you. Don't let him Q you and your minions.
Avoid trading early especially if he has ignite. His Q executes when you're below half HP, so stay healthy. You can E through his W CC. Walk into the W range then cast E as he hops on you to waste his mana and CDs. Can all-in when you're 6. Don't try to fight him if he uses empowered E as he won't take damage from you and he gets an MS boost so he can disengage right after into another W. Spam ping his R so your teammates don't die.
Use short E so that she can't react with W. Avoid standing next to walls. Avoid skirmishes where this champion is present at all costs. This champion makes yours completely useless. Not as bad as malphite though.
Don't try to chase this champion he will just kite you with Q and E. Surprise him with kraken autos and short E. Play like you don't have R in extended skirmish to bait him to R on you so you can kill.
Tryndamere hard wins early level skirmishes. Avoid fighting her when she has access to bushes. You win all-in if she doesn't grab bush. Stride and Kraken.
Avoid trading when you're marked by her passive because she gains a lot of MS. Trade when her fleet is down. Try to pin her to a big wall because she can't E for distance (she will collide with the wall). If you get between her and her tower then you can all-in her with sums. Avoid standing near short walls as she can E you to hop over them. Your E and her E are the same CD. Care her R MS. Don't try to follow if she roams just push. Stride is a must.
You should try to avoid skirmish where this champion is involved. Don't try to E his W it won't be fast enough if he aims it with you in the center. If he uses R just let the CC come through then E to prevent being canceled.
This rating may surprise a lot of people, but the truth is this champion is just bad into yours. He should take W level 1. Don't hit him. Focus on his minions to build rage. If he forces you to trade, then just auto+E away. Wait for his W to fall off, then reengage. You can win the lane off this trade alone. After he gets 2, just wait for him to taunt you and try to buffer your E through the CC to minimize damage. Once E is on CD, you have full windows to trade on him. If he proxy you proxy.
This champion mitigates you so hard it's infuriating. Avoid trading unless it's an all-in. I'm not sure how the matchup goes post nerfs but I'm sure it's just him taking every trade possible knocking you up disengaging with E and healing with passive. Just outscale. When he uses R on you, make sure to turn away from his tower so that he gets placed farther away from it. If he unborrows to farm CS, this is when you can surprise him as he has no true sight anymore. Otherwise, just stand still until he unborrows.
She can CC chain you for eternity so just avoid skirmishes where she is involved.
Renata Glasc
This champion scales with how strong you become. The harder you carry the more you need to avoid this champion or build qss as she can R you and you will kill the ally standing next to you. Try to flank this champion as well so that doesn't happen. If she revives someone just RUN never auto them unless it's to save another teammate.
Tough matchup. You win trades where you have more rage. You cannot avoid empowered Q, it has too much range so just try to auto trade or not be in it when he casts it. When he W, you ideally want to cast E to buffer the CC and disallow him to follow-up with more damage. If he follows that with E keep running. If she following with double E then all-in. Avoid all-in into his ultimate. Try to disengage when this is active.
Against lane rengar, avoid fighting him early. You need to find windows where you have full rage. Always pay attention to where he wants to jump to as that will maximize the number of autos you can weave in. If he doesn't empower E you, then you can usually all-in him. Against jg rengar, it isn't really invadable solo. Make sure you care for where he is when you side as he will always try to shadow you and 2v1 to shut you down.
This matchup is between even and major. The better the riven, the more into major we go. Don't fight level 1 unless you have rage built up and she wastes Q CDs on trying to gap close you. Your primary trades will be auto E away early then just E away once she levels W. After that, it's a matter of CD tracking and finding all-in windows when her Q and E are down as those give her distance between you and her. W is irrelevant for the most part, try to E through the CC if you can. It can be valuable to flash behind her when you think she will R.
If he has ignite it's unplayable until level 6. Just do your best to mitigate falling behind. If he starts E do not continue trading after you get hit by E as it shreds your MR. Post 6 look for all-in when he has just hit full rage bar as he no longer has access to spells and just has to stand and face you.
Debated putting ryze in minor, but in general this champion counters you. He's just so bad that no one plays it. Avoid eating his Q damage as best you can. Don't stand on your wave when his E spread has been applied as it will just bounce and damage you. Try to E through his CC. Play around phase rush CD for all-in.
Avoid fighting this champion in teamfights as she will try to use other players to dash away from you. Your best shot is a solo skirmish and ideally try to stay behind her so she cant dash through you and get away.
Against lane Sejuani always auto and back off so that her passive gets removed. Avoid the second part of her W as it's where all the damage comes from. Otherwise try to E through CC.
E through her root and you should kill her in all-in.
Her double Q does damage based on missing health so be aware and make sure you try to dodge it. Her double W gives fat shielding to all allies in AOE. Her double E is a slow and stun if both land. Therefore, the best time to all-in is when she has just used a combo as she has to stack her passive up again. Pay attention to her R CD. If it's down objectives are free. If it's up don't clump with teammates, try to flank.
If he starts W you can look to trade until his grit gets built up then E away as you can dodge consistently. If he has E you need to tether (walk in and out of range of) his ability to bait the CD so you can get winning trades. When all-inning him do NOT walk in front of him as he will use this to R away with you. Make sure you position behind him like Fizz when you're chasing. Also, be aware to not let him aim his R with you towards your carries.
Do not trade/all-in with lane opponent unless you are actively tracking this champion or know where he is. Avoid using your W in lane as it will ALWAYS light up when he is near you, so you can escape ganks for free. His E is an execute. Buy sweeper for his clones. You can tell which clone is the real shaco by whichever takes less damage from AOE abilities like E or stride.
The most important thing in this matchup is shen Q. Don't let it pass through you, and when he uses it let him waste the enhanced autos on the wave, then you can look to trade. If he uses W then just auto the wave or run away/ in front of him depending on what you want to do. If he E you can E through the CC. Be careful for his E flash and spam ping his R so your team doesn't die.
OK this might be the worst champ in the game. Don't get hit by her E. Don't let her proc PTA with Q. but when she uses R just right click her. Invadable.
Take second wind and you never die. If he tries to apply poison trail just stand and auto never chase. You can E over his W if you aren't in it. Don't let him W+fling you into his tower. If he just flings you it's fine because you just E afterwards and he has no CD. Disengage when he uses R unless you can all-in. Never chase. If he proxy you proxy too.
Save your E to get out of his Q charge. Never tank full Q charge as it increases the damage and CC duration. Take demolish and if he proxy you proxy.
The most important thing is to land W here. Just walk at her and wait. If she just runs, E to gap close. If she uses spell shield ever use W. If she misses spell shield when you E obviously wait until it's gone to W.
Skarner just got reworked and I'm unsure exactly how the matchup goes top lane. But from the games he has been on the enemy I would think you should avoid skirmishing as he is like a tank version of Kayn.
I put this champion in even, but the truth is it's more of a counter. The only reason it isn't major is because smolder is so squishy. If laning versus this mid lane just push and roam for skirmish. Try to interact as little as possible so Smolder can't stack on you for free. Don't skirmish near walls because smolder will use them to disengage with E.
Sona can just enhance E you and kite you so be wary of taking skirmish around them. You can E through CC.
Try to kill this champion first or try to stack your lethal/Kraken onto another champion then E on this champion in skirmish. Dodge her Q as this gives her access to enhanced healing. She will E when you have just used E so make sure to walk out of it fast to avoid CC.
To dodge Swain E you need to have ally minions behind you that catch it when it retracts. Save E for dodging his W. When he uses R try to disengage then reengage when it falls off.
This matchup SHOULD be tryndamere favored. Try not to push into him as he wants this to get out of laning phase. Don't be afraid of eating his second E as long as it guarantees you a long trade window. If he steals your R then just force him to use it and disengage. If he uses it before you, you can always kill him.
Don't stand near your wave so she can't get double value from her Q. Don't E unless her E is down. You outpush her and do almost everything better than her so just outscale.
Tahm Kench
The only reason this champion isn't in extreme is because he is just so useless out of laning phase in MOST comps. Do your best to mitigate giving him an advantage through laning phase. Stand behind your minions to dodge his Q. He will only use W two ways: 1) after he Q slow you to kill in all-in 2) to disengage. Just keep autoing when he procs E for the most part. His R does damage once he spits you out, so try to hold your R for as long as possible while inside him. Remember he can reactivate it early.
This champion can be quite annoying if she's ahead as her kit counters you, but you will always have kill pressure even when behind if you play well. Her Second Q will slow you and do a lot of damage. Avoid this as best as you can. Tanking the first Qs is fine but try to dodge. Don't E if she lays down W, you always get stunned unless to dodge her E. If you dodge her E, then all-in.
The only reason this champion is even is because he can use walls to disengage from you. Don't let him get melee Qs on you as they do more damage. If he starts W stand away from your minions. You can get prio level 1 as he has no way of procing passive until level 2. Just be careful because he can shove wave faster than you. At level 6 if you haven't built a lead he can always match you, so try to win prior.
The reason this champion is in major threat is because he grants passive armor which counters your champion and his E and R are very oppressive in skirmish. Not to mention he can shield. Avoid skirmish with this champion if you can.
The main reason this champion isn't in extreme threat is because he is useless out of laning phase. Do your best to mitigate any advantages he accrues in lane. Make sure to build tiamat after boots so that he cant blind you and go invisible. You need a way to damage him while blinded. Your E works, but you need to save this for gap closing. Make sure to get sweeper before he gets level 6 to remove his shrooms in lane and open him up to being ganked.
Avoid skirmishes with this champion involved. Good thresh players will just lantern their ally to safety and then CC chain you by stacking AH.
This champion is a major threat because her kit counters yours. If E is on you always disengage because she can W on your head and recast and safely damage you. There is a window to kill tristana post 6 when her E is on CD and preferrably her Q as well. Post 6, it's almost impossible to kill her unless she's terrible, so just avoid.
This champion is much stronger than you level 1, but once you get W you can really abuse trading windows by kiting him out of his W. Find all-ins when his W is on CD and his E is down. You should win post 6 with the lead you accrued pre 6. If he's even with you post 6 try to avoid fighting him as he excels in solo skirmish, similar to you.
This is the definition of an even matchup. Try to auto more than he does and build rage faster and say "In Sha Allah" before every auto.
Twisted Fate
Just E through his gold card CC. Bait him to throw it on you then cast E towards him to all-in. If he has 6, then just perma shove wave. Be careful of ganks as TF has great set up, so just all-in when you have vision of the enemy jungler.
Do NOT chase this champion if he uses Q and you miss W and have no other slow. His Q when he is invisible near you is faster than your ghost (lol). E through his W and R early in anticipation of his E so he doesn't surprise you with burst.
Top lane udyr is simply a farm fest. You can CC through his E and empowered E, and you should disengage when he empower W. Pay attention to his rage bar as this dictates how you act. Find all-ins when it is not stacked. Don't stand in his empowered R (duh) and E away if he empower Qs you. You hard win at Kraken Rageblade Armor pen.
FLEET - Stridebreaker | Urgot is constantly forced to push into you which makes this matchup very hard for him. Level 1, just walk up and try to bait him to E on you, then space to dodge or E spin away. Also, when his AOE auto is on CD make sure to stand in that area to avoid receiving extra damage. Once you get W at level 4 you can look for all-ins. Post 6 Tryndamere wins hard. Make sure to not use ulti until the complete end of his ulti animation, because you are invulnerable the whole time you are getting pulled in.
Varus top lane is a tough matchup. Once you spawn, IMMEDIATELY run to the top lane brush to get control. Pull the wave towards you so that the wave is forced to push into you and potentially ask for jungle assistance. Try to E through his E so you can dodge it and prevent him from procing his blight stacks on you for extra damage. Tryndamere can win, but the nature of Varus build allows him to outscale you eventually, so you need to snowball and stay ahead.
This matchup is only extreme if you are against Saskio vayne. Otherwise, they will not have the competence to out space you well enough. Similar to varus, try to get the wave pulled towards you. If she wastes Q on farming the wave you can look for trades. Otherwise, you must play around her condemn. If she always holds it you need to find a window where you force her to use it. Walking towards Vayne usually does it, especially if they dont have Q to tumble away. When she uses R it is best to disengage. You lose post 6, so do your best to snowball and stay ahead.
This champion is not that bad mid lane because you can just outpush and roam, but can be debilitating when he's bot or support. Avoid skirmishes where Veigar is involved unless his E is on CD. Avoid letting him stack AP on you through his spells as much as you can.
The best Vel'koz players can MAYBE push this matchup into even. All you need to do is dodge his E and avoid taking poke from his other abilities and he will die.
This champion is a fake tryndamere counter. Her abilities are easy to dodge and you can just eat the CC from her fear and then all-in. In skirmish try to flash her ultimate because she's useless without R resets.
This champion is annoying to skirmish because of her Q knockup and no counterplay ultimate. Try to avoid skirmishes, but you outscale them.
Try to fight viego outside of his mist. Try to target him first in skirmishes due to his passive resets. You can E his CC. If you're marked by his Q then don't let him auto again unless you plan on all-in. Don't fight him near walls as he will use his R to disengage you.
This champion is super bad before he gets his E upgrade, but he starts to be more useful than you afterwards. Try to find skirmishes before that happens. Don't stay in his stun too long, best to just click out of it. Don't all-in when he uses Q because the auto afterwards gives him MS and does a lot of damage.
Trade around his empowered Q. Once you force his W that is a good time to back off and wait for CDs to reengage later. If he has no PR then you can all-in once he uses W. Make sure to clear the jungle camps once you get prio so that he can't use them to heal.
If he starts E level one this is a good opportunity to look for all-ins especially if he uses E on the wave. Your E can go through his Q CC. Don't all-in when he applies W on you. When all-in versus volibear simply walk out of his E and start autoing. It's best if you kite him away so he doesn't get a shield from his E, but if he get's a shield that's fine. What's important is that you dodged the damage.
This matchup is unwinnable. You need to never trade him and just farm. All the damage you do to him does NOT matter because he will just outheal your future damage at 20% HP. The only way to kill him is if you have antiheal or some burst once he gets low, and even then it's best to just play away.
Don't extend the trades if he uses E on you. Left click his champion model and look at the top left to see when his AS from E expires. Then you can begin to trade again. Essentially, when he E you E away. Once he gets Q, you can't really trade back ever especially if he doesn't overlap the abilities. There are kill windows when his abilities are on CD. If he uses W to run away just keep autoing the clone as it could be a fake W. If you think he isn't using W to run away then just disengage. When he uses R always disengage. It's rarely worth to keep fighting unless you're ahead.
This champion is only even because of her R. Try to flank her so that she cant line you and your teammates up. Engage when her E or W is on CD.
Just E through this champion's CC and you can beat the best even a scripter. Try to use W when he has used all abilities and auto'd you for mana for the highest chance at landing it.
Xin Zhao
This champion is very easy to read. Make sure that you're always tracking his Q autos because he knocks up on the 3rd auto after activating Q. You can tell because he will use it to auto reset. If you can dodge his W that is the bulk of the damage and makes him useless in skirmish. You naturally counter his champion.
Yasuo generally wins this matchup at levels 1-3, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't touch the wave at all. Try to tether (move in and out of the range) his Q and look for autos while his Q is on CD. If you can't auto him auto the wave. If his passive is up ALWAYS E away to avoid it soaking up damage. Once you're both 6, look to all-in when he doesn't have access to a minion wave. It's better to fight him under his tower even than fight him in a minion wave.
Rush Kraken into this champion. Skip boots. He benefits from zerk rush way more than you do, so you need to sacrifice MS for Kraken procs. The ideal scenario is to weave Kraken procs in between his knockup CC. So often I will kill yone players just barely with Kraken autos. Avoid trading into his E and W. His E is more important than his R. You can tank his R, but his E gives him too much mobility. The best all-in is to E towards his snap back location when he uses E so that he can't kite you with it. Then, just stand and fight at his E and you should win. When he has 3Q bait him to use it on you and try to side step or be just out of range so you can reengage.
The main thing here is to dodge his E and save your E to get out of his W. If you get hit by E then just auto his ghouls. Good yoricks will just walk back into their W if you E out of it so also consider just autoing the W. Try to kill maiden before fighting him if you can.
The only tough thing about facing this champion is that it's a forced 2v1 interaction, but since her R doesn't stun anymore it's not that bad at all.
The only reason this champion is a major threat is that he has so much utility and 0 counterplay combos. Tryndamere is fairly good into Zac. Step on his blobs when you can and auto him as much as possible. Track enemy JG before you look for all-ins as zac is great at setting up ganks. Anti-heal is very important in this matchup so buy it when you can maybe after kraken rageblade.
The key in this matchup is to play around Zed's W placement and CD. Tryndamere can get prio level 1 and can even have kill pressure pre 6 if Zed positions his W aggressively. You can immediately E in and all-in forcing him to go back to his W, then he's farther from his tower. At 6, you should disengage from his R OR E towards his W placement/ original R cast (pick one) so that you limit the area he can kite you. If he lands Qs, then just pop R early all-in. If he misses you can delay R. Be aware that every E he lands reduces his W CD. Kraken Stride is a good build into Zed.
Don't skirmish this champion near a wall as she will use E to disengage. If you see her use E then all-in her.
This champion counters tryndamere mid, but luckily the only person that plays it properly is APA. Don't stand near your wave and weave autos in an irregular pattern to make it harder for him to poke you out of lane. When his W is on CD you can all-in.
Avoid skirmishes where this champion is present as his slow is crippling. He can also speed your targets up so they get away and stun you with double Q. Too flexible of a champ. Post 6, his R will prevent you from killing people in teamfights. Don't kill the person he uses R on if you can avoid it.
The key to this matchup is dodging her E and forcing all-in windows around that. If you do get hit by E in a pure 1v1 scenario then you should E behind minions or E towards her to reduce the damage from her Q (it increases with distance traveled). Try to find all-ins before she gets 3 as when she gets access to W she gets so many bullshit items that can be impossible to deal with. You have a better shot post 6 of killing her as well. Avoid skirmishes with this champ or wait for her E to go on CD before all-in.
Your champion does a great job of killing her plants, so when she spawns them just one auto them fast so they don't terrorize any of your other teammates. You can E through her E CC. All her DPS is tied to her plants so avoid them if you can. NEVER engage into her R. The knockup and plant combo will guarantee you to die. Try to flank this champion in teamfights.
Champion Build Guide
By step1v9I'm Step1v9 a part-time Tryndamere streamer. You may ask what qualifies me to be giving you advice on Tryndamere. To start, I have been challenger multiple seasons (S10 and S14) Master in S8 and GM S9 through S14 on the NA server. I got challenger in S10 playing Tryndamere top and challenger in S14 playing Tryndamere mid.
S14, Split 2S14, Split 1
But what qualifies me more than my own accomplishments is that I have been learning from the best. For this reason, I'd like to start off my guide by recommending you use two Tryndamere streamers that have coached me and taught me everything I know about the champion.
Foggedftw2 and Rangerzx. You can click their names and be directed to their twitch streams, and I recommend you use all resources available to you to get better at Tryndamere.
Rangerzx has been challenger consistently across multiple seasons on the EUW server and considered by many to be the best Tryndamere in the world. Foggedftw2 has been challenger in the past on the NA server and has been playing Tryndamere longer than some league players have been alive.
I recommend seeing Foggedftw2's matchup guide here, which is much more in-depth than mine if you're still struggling with matchups, and I recommend checking out Rangerzx mobafire guide here as it is more in-depth than this mobafire guide.
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