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Twitch Build Guide by BaraBoss

AD Carry Super Speedy, Pricky and Needly

AD Carry Super Speedy, Pricky and Needly

Updated on November 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BaraBoss Build Guide By BaraBoss 2,376 Views 0 Comments
2,376 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BaraBoss Twitch Build Guide By BaraBoss Updated on November 10, 2014
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Remember back in Season 2 when Boots of Mobility were Twitch's recommended boots? Yeah, I still stay true to that ideal and stick with Boots of Mobility. This guide goes onto the super-speedy, damage-heavy rat we all know and love.

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Pros / Cons

    Really Fast
    Damage Heavy
    Shouldn't have to ult much
    Easy to get in and out of lanes

    Really Squish-squish
    Sacrifices Youmuu's for Statik Shiv
    Long Sword instead of Doran's might hurt against some other ADCs
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Team Work

For this Twitch build to work, you must be almost as heavily reliant on your support as you are your own skill. You cannot play like you're by yourself, the early game with slightly reduced damage may be your downfall if you don't rely on the aid.

Later on in the game, having your team set up your positioning will aid in your full damage potential. Stealthing in, your team does some damage, Venom Cask for 2 poison stacks, Rat-ta-tat-tat from the back for extended range and damage, and finish them all off with Contaminate. 9 times out of 10, you may be able to pick the enemy off if you go in one-by-one but that depends on who you're up against and where you're up against them.
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Overall, this Twitch build maximizes in Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Damage. Twitch moves very fast, attacks very fast coupled with the 70% AS boost from Ambush (It should hit 2.2 attacks/sec at least before the build is finished), and can deal heavy damage when Contaminate is used to its best potential. Coupled with the 3 stacks of extra spell damage from 3 auto attacks, then Contaminate, if the enemy still isn't dead yet, now you have stacks of extra auto attack damage from the spell casts.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BaraBoss
BaraBoss Twitch Guide
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Super Speedy, Pricky and Needly

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