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Runes: My Support Jhin
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Dive Comps (Typically best)
Champion Build Guide
What inspired me to play support Jhin is that I was feeling he was too weak as ADC lately, His immobility and general hard to play manner was underwhelming. I was finding myself the focus of every single enemy.
I also saw the new Champion Release (The same champ designed by the creator of Jhin, who claims Jhin is the worst champ he's ever made Jhin, being essentially a weaker Caitlyn and Senna.)
With correct kiting, and poke. with the damage of Two adcs, you do a surprising deal of damage. Your main concern will be Jungler Ganks.
You don't really have to worry about matchups here. Your main worry is Leona, Lux, and Morgana. That's about it.
If this gains any traction, or people want more info on this playstyle. I might reinstall a software and record some gameplay, and/or add more Chapters to this guide. But it works quite well for me as I climb Ranked.
I also saw the new Champion Release (The same champ designed by the creator of Jhin, who claims Jhin is the worst champ he's ever made Jhin, being essentially a weaker Caitlyn and Senna.)
With correct kiting, and poke. with the damage of Two adcs, you do a surprising deal of damage. Your main concern will be Jungler Ganks.
You don't really have to worry about matchups here. Your main worry is Leona, Lux, and Morgana. That's about it.
If this gains any traction, or people want more info on this playstyle. I might reinstall a software and record some gameplay, and/or add more Chapters to this guide. But it works quite well for me as I climb Ranked.
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