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Syndra Build Guide by RachElliot

AP Carry Syndra, taking the Dodge out of Dodge Ball.

AP Carry Syndra, taking the Dodge out of Dodge Ball.

Updated on June 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RachElliot Build Guide By RachElliot 1,134 Views 0 Comments
1,134 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RachElliot Syndra Build Guide By RachElliot Updated on June 27, 2013
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Who am I?

I'm an Australian who plays on the (NA) North American server, I've been playing League of Legends since late 2010. This is my first guide and I will be sharing my knowledge that I've acquired on Syndra and hopefully aiding you in fighting with my beloved favourite!
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Hello darling, thank-you for visiting and taking the time out of your busy day to read my Syndra guide! This is officially my first guide! I'm hoping to teach you what I've learned over the course of a series of months playing my most favourite champion in the game, Syndra!

Syndra is a strong skill cap champion with massive damage on all accounts of her abilities. Despite the fact that three of her abilities are dodgeable, her interesting mechanics make it quite the challenge. Now if you've only just bought Syndra or taken an interest in her, when she was first released and even till now, July 2013, Syndra has had a bad reputation!

Now I must admit, I did absolutely despise of Syndra when she was first released. Which I'm still questioning now as to why! A lot of people have this ideology that Syndra has no damage, shes too hard to play and her mechanics are rubbish. I object to this, period. She is one of the, if not most over-powered champions in the game! Syndra focuses on utilizing and manipulating her Dark Sphere. She maintains the ability to cast them frequently on a low cooldown and appropriate mana cost, dealing unmatchable amounts of damage and leaving your enemy opponent bruised and battered. Her ability to damage single targets is gods gift to League of Legends. Not only does Syndra possess the ability to absolutely demolish single targets, she also has great aoe and the ability to peel 2, 3 or even 4 champions with her Dark Sphere dealing area of effect damage and Scatter the Weak stunning everyone in its path making her the ideal team fighting champion.

When playing Syndra in team fights, you want to be in the front line, spamming your Dark Sphere, followed by Scatter The Weak and tossing around Dark Spheres or enemy creeps. This will enable you to peel and even initiate team fights successfully.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RachElliot
RachElliot Syndra Guide
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Syndra, taking the Dodge out of Dodge Ball.

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