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Tahm Kench Build Guide by Herb0tron

Top Tahm Kench guide I LET KENCH COOK!!!!!

Top Tahm Kench guide I LET KENCH COOK!!!!!

Updated on April 13, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Herb0tron Build Guide By Herb0tron 13,935 Views 0 Comments
13,935 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Herb0tron Tahm Kench Build Guide By Herb0tron Updated on April 13, 2023
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Runes: Grasp Tahm - Traditional runes

1 2 3 4 5
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash

Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4 5
Confident Kench / Carry Kench
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Tahm Kench guide I LET KENCH COOK!!!!!

By Herb0tron
About me
My username is Herb0tron. I play EUW and one of my inspirations is No Arm Whately, the challenger kench player. I made this guide as the Kench guides i have found are good, however none can combine them all like mobafire, So that's what I did.
I would like to consider myself a mechanical player, and I can say with confidence that i have good game knowledge, i hope my guide to Top Lane Kench can help others like me, regardless of rank.
Why Kench
kench is a fun champ which can go either AP, tank or both. He is surprisngly felxible to whatever build or runes you go, and can often solo carry games, if you know what you are doing with him. He has satisfying abilities to land and has a few mechanics that are rewarding to learn and to get right consistently.
Pros vs Cons of le frog
- He scales well with both HP and AP
- his CC synergizes well with other champs and can work wonders for your friends
- his R can be used on both enemies and allies, temporarily shutting down their carry, or saving yours to win the teamfight
- lane bully
- he has surpirisng survivability with his heal on Q and low CD shield on E. resulting in some surprising victories during fights.
- despite my synergies guide, if you know what you are doing with kench, then you will find that he has little counter-matchups. He can be counterplayed, don't get me wrong, however you should be winning most lanes.

- He can end up quite far behind if you lose early and don't comeback
- he has little waveclear - see Bami's cinder and why to build it in items section.
- he is a little auto-attack reliant. Similar to Mordekaiser getting his passive up as quickly as possible, kench relies on an quto-Q-quto combo to fully stack his passive as quickly as possible, which can be detremental when facing ranged opponents
- he has little gap close. His W is his main gap-close and has a long cd, go either ghost or flash and this problem is solved however.
Combo time
Kench has a simple moveset so this won't be long-
Basic Combos:
auto-Q-auto = full passive proc
""->R = full pasive proc and instant ult

Whilst enemy/ally is ulted: (spamming Kench dance whilst they are ulted is a legal requirement in both circumstances)
as soon as you recast R, the enemy is targetable again, meaning you can press R and instantly (and i mean instantly) press Q to damage them again before they can move
You can cast W whilst your ally is Ulted, not the enemy. This means you can either Ult your carry and W to safety, or do a little bit of trolling and R them and W into the enemy team...... up to you.

Kench Q stun only applies when enemy is Q'd with full Kench passive proc'd.
W is a guaranteed hit when Q stun hits, sue this when CC chaining them or playing AP Kench.

Kench's CC Chain:
This has varying effect based on what runes you go however:
this is Kench's best CC combo without items such as Everfrost or runes such as Hail of Blades.
if the enemy flashes away after you R them, you can either pop ghost or flash to get ontop of them again for the three AA's or W onto them and knockup for the same effect, however CC chain will be slightly slower in speed. Will last the same length tho.
Cosmetic options
Your skin is up to you however my ranking based on personal preference is:
- Master Chef
- High Noon
- Arcana
- Base skin
- Urf (I don't like it very much compared to his other skin options, doesn't mean it isn't a good skin tho.)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Herb0tron
Herb0tron Tahm Kench Guide
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Tahm Kench guide I LET KENCH COOK!!!!!

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