His passive is a problem as is can get through your E shield quickly if fully stacked, try not to trade for too long as he will always win the long trades, even if he is slightly behind.
Dr. Mundo
He does % health damage, if you are playing into Mundo, do not build Heartsteel or too many health items, go Jak'sho into this. Don't waste R or Q on him, try to get rid of passive with W so you engage and get rid of passive at the same time.
Fiora is Fiora
Camille does a lot of true damage with Q on short cooldown, better to go health items into her rather than resistance. or you can go anathema and put it on her.
Irelia is a hard matchup but not an impossible one, the better player usually wins. try to poke when she is Q'ing minions or her E is on cooldown
Screw this guy. JK he is not a hard matchup, the better player wins, try to engage when his Q cooldown is up and bring oracle lens or pink wards for his shrooms.
Jax is Jax, try to stay away when his E is up, don't engage when you are below 50% HP, be ready to W away but try to time is so it doesn't get cancelled by his E.
This should be a winning matchup for you, try to get him off his mount and engage when his W is down (unmounted W) so he cannot instantly get back on Skarl.
His passive still damages you while he is eaten by you, go in when his E is off cooldown and keep a track of his Ult cooldowns. He will win if he ult's you 8/10 times. Try to stay with minions as he will have to attack you to fully proc passive, drawing aggro, and his Q isolation won't apply. You win early as his Q has a long CD and he always starts Q. he outscales you
Early you win. Late he wins, simple as. Try to stop him from stacking as much as possible.
he does % damage with W so try to not get W proc'd by him when possible, his E and W have a relatively long cooldown so punish that. His E will cancel some of you abilities as he is unstoppable during the cast
better player wins. Try not to let him 5 stacks passive W you as that is his main engage, also try to bait out his E before you R him so he takes full dmg and you can combo him.
you win most times. If she gets ahead then play safe and scale.
Range matchup, go second wind and D shield, engage when her E is on CD.
Hard matchup, play relatively safe early, you should outscale but go armour anyway regardless of enemy comp.
You win. If you know he is about to jump on you, as soon as he goes from bush, W on yourself so when he lands he cannot escape the W. Q check bushes.
Riven is Riven
He is annoying with his flamethrower however you should win as long as you play well.
Sett is one annoying bloke. Try to engage when his E and/or W is off cooldown but not the end of the world if they are up. Don't get your W cancelled by his E or R, try not to R when he R's as his will cancel out yours. Dodge his W if possible.
He goes either Hearsteel or Divine. Divine shen is worse for you. Try to engage when his W is on cd, try to bait his W out. Cancel his R with either your W or Q stun or R.
Singed early is free gold, don't get hot-headed and think you can win every-time. You can win most times but when he has items he does a surprising amount of dmg, don't let him scale too much or proxy.
Tank matchup, go either Hearsteel for stacks or Jak'sho for resistance. Better player wins, you should win early but watch out for fully-powered Q's from the brush. try to counter split-pushes
You should win. BUILD FROZEN HEART. Try to bait out his ult as he will win most times if it is up.
Watch out for his E, try not to get hit full on by his passive and try your best to not get hit by his R. Your E shield does not cancel his R if he hits you before you cast E.
Watch out for R dives under tower, try not to get hit by his E and go either merc treads or FON. try to bait out E and Q, go in when either or both is down. be mindful of his E shield, it will win him some fights.
You are a tank and he will always his you and heal. Go antiheal or frozen heart, try to Q poke when possible, watch out for barrier when it is up.
Annoying fellow. He will likely go divine sunderer, go either hearsteel or radiant into him as Jak'sho won't do anything as it is countered by divine.
Yasuo is an ok matchup, you win unless he is ahead, windwall won't do anything. Try to get rid of his passive before engaging. Watch out for Q3 into Ult
Yone is one annoying samurai. Worse than yasuo matchup. Try to bait out W and/or E, when they are on CD then engage. if he R's you, wait for that to finish casting before you R him as you will still take damage and be knocked up if you R during his R. Go Frozen heart and/or antiheal.
An odd matchup. Try to avoid his E when he has ghouls and maiden. he cannot stop your W unless he is a good Yorick player, (he can stop by using the edge of his W to displace you and cancel your W) so feel free to W in and out when engaging and being engaged. Watchout for late game Yorick. Try to counter his split-pushes
watch out for his Q's. If he always auto's you and you are in lower elo. rush bramble after bami's. If he is a good Aatrox then he will only attack you with Q if you have anti-heal so don't bother too much in higher elo's.
Akali top happens sometimes. If she recasts E and goes to you, W on yourself to knock her up when she arrives. If you want to, go oracles to counter her W and Q her whenever she shows up. She can escape after your R by E'ing away so try to R her into your team or as far under tower as possible.
Only threat from Cho is his Ult, be mindful when it is up and what he is building that might increase the execute range of it.
His stun chain works well with AP Kench W and landing skillshots in general.
not much synergy here won't lie to you.
all but one CC ability, other ap junglers work better.
his stun is good but unreliable
If she lands E, then it should be guaranteed Kill if you both know what you are doing.
If you can keep the enemy occupied whilst Eve charm applies, then you are good to go
Fear and silence is good into enemies with dashes such as riven or irelia or camille.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is meta as of writing this. His cc chain in R is very good + His R is the size of your W so you can easily W anyone in Jarvan R
no cc unless in red form. doesn't combo well
Nocturne fear is good as you can lock down enemy whilst he R's and E's them
nothing to say here, simply doesn't synergize well
Good CC chain and pairs well
Nunu & Willump
If ball lands then you should be able to kill the enemy.
This is up to the skill of the shaco player. He can either box on them as you cc them, or he can box escape bath and they walk away
No CC other than R knockup, and even then it is bad.
His CC and R combos beautifully into your CC and you R.
her R can block off enemy. try not to W over her wall by accident
Only knockup is E but slow on W works OK
CC chain combos nicely into your CC chain. try to W as she R's for guaranteed CC chain
only CC is W and if they do not land then gank rarely works
His Q should combo into your W unless enemy insta-flashes
his Fear is good and can combo nicely into your W and R when he R's them. Depends on the skill of the WW player
R knockup is good and can be cast twice. combos good as long as they bring them ot you.
Xin Zhao
OK synergy, not much to note about him.
His E into Q knock-up works very well into your CC chain. Try to W as his E lands.
His stun chain works well with AP Kench W and landing skillshots in general.
not much synergy here won't lie to you.
all but one CC ability, other ap junglers work better.
his stun is good but unreliable
If she lands E, then it should be guaranteed Kill if you both know what you are doing.
If you can keep the enemy occupied whilst Eve charm applies, then you are good to go
Fear and silence is good into enemies with dashes such as riven or irelia or camille.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan is meta as of writing this. His cc chain in R is very good + His R is the size of your W so you can easily W anyone in Jarvan R
no cc unless in red form. doesn't combo well
Nocturne fear is good as you can lock down enemy whilst he R's and E's them
nothing to say here, simply doesn't synergize well
Good CC chain and pairs well
Nunu & Willump
If ball lands then you should be able to kill the enemy.
This is up to the skill of the shaco player. He can either box on them as you cc them, or he can box escape bath and they walk away
No CC other than R knockup, and even then it is bad.
His CC and R combos beautifully into your CC and you R.
her R can block off enemy. try not to W over her wall by accident
Only knockup is E but slow on W works OK
CC chain combos nicely into your CC chain. try to W as she R's for guaranteed CC chain
only CC is W and if they do not land then gank rarely works
His Q should combo into your W unless enemy insta-flashes
his Fear is good and can combo nicely into your W and R when he R's them. Depends on the skill of the WW player
R knockup is good and can be cast twice. combos good as long as they bring them ot you.
Xin Zhao
OK synergy, not much to note about him.
His E into Q knock-up works very well into your CC chain. Try to W as his E lands.
My username is Herb0tron. I play EUW and one of my inspirations is No Arm Whately, the challenger kench player. I made this guide as the Kench guides i have found are good, however none can combine them all like mobafire, So that's what I did.
I would like to consider myself a mechanical player, and I can say with confidence that i have good game knowledge, i hope my guide to Top Lane Kench can help others like me, regardless of rank.
Why Kench
kench is a fun champ which can go either AP, tank or both. He is surprisngly felxible to whatever build or runes you go, and can often solo carry games, if you know what you are doing with him. He has satisfying abilities to land and has a few mechanics that are rewarding to learn and to get right consistently.
Pros vs Cons of le frog
- He scales well with both HP and AP
- his CC synergizes well with other champs and can work wonders for your friends
- his R can be used on both enemies and allies, temporarily shutting down their carry, or saving yours to win the teamfight
- lane bully
- he has surpirisng survivability with his heal on Q and low CD shield on E. resulting in some surprising victories during fights.
- despite my synergies guide, if you know what you are doing with kench, then you will find that he has little counter-matchups. He can be counterplayed, don't get me wrong, however you should be winning most lanes.
- He can end up quite far behind if you lose early and don't comeback
- he has little waveclear - see Bami's cinder and why to build it in items section.
- he is a little auto-attack reliant. Similar to Mordekaiser getting his passive up as quickly as possible, kench relies on an quto-Q-quto combo to fully stack his passive as quickly as possible, which can be detremental when facing ranged opponents
- he has little gap close. His W is his main gap-close and has a long cd, go either ghost or flash and this problem is solved however.
Combo time
Kench has a simple moveset so this won't be long-
Basic Combos:
auto-Q-auto = full passive proc
""->R = full pasive proc and instant ult
Whilst enemy/ally is ulted: (spamming Kench dance whilst they are ulted is a legal requirement in both circumstances)
as soon as you recast R, the enemy is targetable again, meaning you can press R and instantly (and i mean instantly) press Q to damage them again before they can move
You can cast W whilst your ally is Ulted, not the enemy. This means you can either Ult your carry and W to safety, or do a little bit of trolling and R them and W into the enemy team...... up to you.
Kench Q stun only applies when enemy is Q'd with full Kench passive proc'd.
W is a guaranteed hit when Q stun hits, sue this when CC chaining them or playing AP Kench.
Kench's CC Chain:
This has varying effect based on what runes you go however:
this is Kench's best CC combo without items such as Everfrost or runes such as Hail of Blades.
if the enemy flashes away after you R them, you can either pop ghost or flash to get ontop of them again for the three AA's or W onto them and knockup for the same effect, however CC chain will be slightly slower in speed. Will last the same length tho.
Cosmetic options
Your skin is up to you however my ranking based on personal preference is:
- Master Chef
- High Noon
- Arcana
- Base skin
- Urf (I don't like it very much compared to his other skin options, doesn't mean it isn't a good skin tho.)
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