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Can Squash your Scaling and Deny you Farm, but you scale if you play defense and farm.
Can Squash your Scaling and Deny you Farm
Deals alot of dmg and the slows are awful.
easiest matchup just farm up lmao ez
oppressive lane phase and she can 1shot you if shes good but usually not too big of a problem. play safe and you good
her range and dmg is a big ouch; just farm tho and you outscale her by alot
Scales hard af if you let him farm, causing a dilemma where you need to farm but cant let him farm. just kind of a nuisance overall.
makes rat boi take lot of dmg. just farm tho
a decent matchup; just farm and dont give him too many kills and you should be able to outscale him.
Big range, big dmg, big heals, big roam. not a fun lane at all. manageable but quite the hassle. farm up until you can beat her REALLY FAR LATE.
busted s11. her items make her a goddess if you let her farm. you also have to farm, putting you in a pickle when you let her farm.
unescapable with a massive damage boom. do not let her get fed at all costs. farm as hard as you can.
if she gets alot of farm, she wins. if she gets a kill, she'll get two or more out of it. overall one of the worst matchups if they're experienced.
busted s11. his autos do the big ouch. farm up and you should be fine.
meh tbh shes not too great overall rn but she can be a pain if she scales. just farm and shes easy to squash. in the late game.
Miss Fortune
she has some mega big dmg but still a very much manageable threat. just dont let her get fed and farm to win.
shes busted af overall but she still isnt that great if she doesnt get fed. just dont let her get fed and you pretty much outscale her.
very strong s11 but needs alot of gold for a pretty decent payoff. you scale harder, so just farm up hard and dont misposition into her.
very manageable in lane. just dont let him snowball off kills and you should be fine. a high success rate if you farm hard.
the catto goes invis with you!!!!
also gives you alot of attack speed and heals, and scales with you late.
very good poke and dps. gives you good lane control.
pretty good. nice stuns and good heals. does a nice chunk of dmg and good poke but nothing really astonishing or nothing.
good cc and poke but be wary of the almighty lux support killsteals.
very good cc and lane control. good for vision and dmg too. just dont expect to follow up with him too much.
very good to play with. amazing buffs and great poke.
the literal moneyprinter that will get you fed if they're good.... *if* they're good.
s o n a i s q u e e n .
good move speed, dmg, and heal buffs.
ks machine but still really oppressive for the enemy team, giving you a free farm lane.
pretty good but you cant follow up with their bubble. they still have good heals and attack speed w/ slows.
lets you get some good solo XP on lane, as they leave to get chimes. unfortunately you cant follow up with any of their q engage, but they dont have much of that, making your lane tougher, but better for farming.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still can save you with lantern in a sticky situation.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. can still peel for you in bad postitions.
very good to play with, as they have good cc and can peel for you easily with wall and stun.
good poke but beware of ks with ult, as well as farm steal from abilities.
no too great, as their only good ability is E. beware of cs stealing and killstealing.
good poke, but beware of ks and cs stealing
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. blitz is THE engage support and can easily pressure you into fights that arent needed
very good poke and lane control. beware of cs steals from her plants
very good for peel and poke. overall strong with this build.
cs steals and killsteals. good ult and movespeed and xp buffs tho.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. really op for pretty much everything but this build, as no need for engage and you just want to farm.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. literally no need for this champ in the game at all as he will start fights you cant take. literally does nothing but engage, making them useless.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. great overall as a champ but not with this build as you just gotta farm and not engage.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still can keep you alive and peel well, leaving them with a role for the rest of the game.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. can fend for himself to a certain extent but remember you cant really follow up with him.
very good poke and lets you farm well. good move speed buff and shields.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still can be useful as a meat shield.
will take your farm with his turrets and take the majority of your kills by accident.
very good, as he takes attention away from you farming and can get away unscathed.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still pretty good, as he can cancel autos and tank for you as peel.... kinda.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. tbh never played with one but of what ive seen they arent too great unless youre against another tank support. still mediocre peel.
good poke and lane dominance. very strong with you. amazing teamfights.
the catto goes invis with you!!!!
also gives you alot of attack speed and heals, and scales with you late.
very good poke and dps. gives you good lane control.
pretty good. nice stuns and good heals. does a nice chunk of dmg and good poke but nothing really astonishing or nothing.
good cc and poke but be wary of the almighty lux support killsteals.
very good cc and lane control. good for vision and dmg too. just dont expect to follow up with him too much.
very good to play with. amazing buffs and great poke.
the literal moneyprinter that will get you fed if they're good.... *if* they're good.
s o n a i s q u e e n .
good move speed, dmg, and heal buffs.
ks machine but still really oppressive for the enemy team, giving you a free farm lane.
pretty good but you cant follow up with their bubble. they still have good heals and attack speed w/ slows.
lets you get some good solo XP on lane, as they leave to get chimes. unfortunately you cant follow up with any of their q engage, but they dont have much of that, making your lane tougher, but better for farming.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still can save you with lantern in a sticky situation.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. can still peel for you in bad postitions.
very good to play with, as they have good cc and can peel for you easily with wall and stun.
good poke but beware of ks with ult, as well as farm steal from abilities.
no too great, as their only good ability is E. beware of cs stealing and killstealing.
good poke, but beware of ks and cs stealing
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. blitz is THE engage support and can easily pressure you into fights that arent needed
very good poke and lane control. beware of cs steals from her plants
very good for peel and poke. overall strong with this build.
cs steals and killsteals. good ult and movespeed and xp buffs tho.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. really op for pretty much everything but this build, as no need for engage and you just want to farm.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. literally no need for this champ in the game at all as he will start fights you cant take. literally does nothing but engage, making them useless.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. great overall as a champ but not with this build as you just gotta farm and not engage.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still can keep you alive and peel well, leaving them with a role for the rest of the game.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. can fend for himself to a certain extent but remember you cant really follow up with him.
very good poke and lets you farm well. good move speed buff and shields.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still can be useful as a meat shield.
will take your farm with his turrets and take the majority of your kills by accident.
very good, as he takes attention away from you farming and can get away unscathed.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. still pretty good, as he can cancel autos and tank for you as peel.... kinda.
engage supports arent too great with this build, as you need to farm. tbh never played with one but of what ive seen they arent too great unless youre against another tank support. still mediocre peel.
good poke and lane dominance. very strong with you. amazing teamfights.
The point of this build is to use future's market to get you a gold boost, which allows you to get very expensive items quicker. This build is mostly focused around your E's active to secure kills, as well as to use attack speed to get as many marks of your passive.
Early-Game and Mid-Game Strategy
Your main goal for this build is to be as greedy as possible with your farm. When against oppressive matchups, you can farm from a far distance using your W and E, but for the most part you just want to auto and last hit to get farm as safely and efficiently as possible. In sum, just farm until you have enough damage to have out-scaled their entire team.
Late-Game Strategy
After having farmed, you're going to want to hardshove your sidelanes out, and you have so much sheer damage you can split push to the ends of the lane by yourself. Your massive amount of gold over the enemy team allows you to carry the game by splitting to victory. The satisfyingly part of this build is the fact that you can duel essentially the enemy team with very little help when you hit full build.
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