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Gragas Build Guide by Ragnarson

The AP gragas of a lifetime

The AP gragas of a lifetime

Updated on August 19, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ragnarson Build Guide By Ragnarson 6 2 11,804 Views 20 Comments
6 2 11,804 Views 20 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ragnarson Gragas Build Guide By Ragnarson Updated on August 19, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hey guys. welcome to the first build by Ragnarson. Thank you in advance for all the comments and views. alright. so this is a build ive been using for Gragas when i dont use him as a tank(he is a very effective tank). but for all those times you just want to wipe face with one of your barrels, this is the build for you. ive had this build for a few months, but wanted to wait till i had tried it out more to publish it.
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this is pretty basic. cooldown lets you throw your barrels faster than your opponent realizes. in early game it might be better to hold of on throwing them all the time just so you can suprise them with how quick you throw them later. experience quints let you get a quick level advatage early game, but doesnt help you a whole lot later game. magic resistance mainly helps you if you are facing spell casters. easily replaced with armor if you plan on facing melee or ranged DPS. the health regen is not really considered a lot of the time. but combine those seals with his passive and you end up laning indefinately. or until you need to go spend some gold.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction : -.05%cooldown per level.
greater seal of regeneration : +.11 health regen per 5 sec per level
Greater Mark of Scaling Magic Resist : +.07 magic resistance per level
Greater Quintessence of Experience : +2% experience gained

combine all these runes and you gain the survivability, leveling, and cooldown needed for mages.
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this is a pretty standard AP build. but it works especially well with Gragas. your Sheen/ lich's bane combines with drunken rage very well giving you a suprising amount of straight attack damage even when build AP. i would also highly recommend looking into Will of the Ancients if you have not considered it before. the spell vamp with your heavy damage barrels gives you a lot of survivability. as of the last 2 items, build at your discretion. if the game is not going as well, build Rylai's Crystal Scepter to get some more survivability. if you are pwning face, build Mejai's Soulstealer to get those stacks!


I switched the item order to put Mejai's 3rd after sheen instead of last. if you are not doing well, do not use mejai's as i stated above.
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Skill Sequence

you want your barrel. you love your barrel. your barrel is your forever best friend. it gives you so much damage early game that by the 3rd rank you should be blasting sorc minions off the face of Runeterra. you do want that one rank in Body Slam early, though, for escapability and chasing. as well, you want Drunken Rage to get some mana back and reduce incoming damage.
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Summoner Spells

you want Ghost. i always go ghost]. it gives you the ability to chase or escape depending on the situation. the second spell is up to you. i would reccomend [[flash or Ignite as your second simply to help pick up kills. but again, anything would be good. except Rally. i dont know why you would use it, but never with this build.
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Well this is it. Gragas the OP barrel roller. i should hopefully have my tank build for him up soon. i personally like tanking him better, but this build works perfectly well if you want that AP harass or even want to lane 2v1. Hope you have fun and enjoy this build. again, thank you for the comments and votes in advanced.
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07-11-2011: Build was first made

08-05-2011: reformatted with new coding skills
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ragnarson
Ragnarson Gragas Guide
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The AP gragas of a lifetime

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