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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Spudicus

Top The Best Offense/Defense is an Unkillable Mundo That One Sho

Top The Best Offense/Defense is an Unkillable Mundo That One Sho

Updated on June 9, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spudicus Build Guide By Spudicus 23 3 230,293 Views 3 Comments
23 3 230,293 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spudicus Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Spudicus Updated on June 9, 2018
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Grasp of the Undying

Nimbus Cloak


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


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Hi. My name is Spudicus Stew. Or at least my summoner name is. I am a Dr. Mundo main. Dr. Mundo is the guy who tanks a tower for a full minute while the rest of his team kills everyone and gets the tower. Just won a team fight and there are no minions to get the tower? Call Dr. Mundo. He can fight Baron, do a team fight, win the team fight, get Dragon, and come out with full health. The sustain with this guy is insane. I have always hated getting bullied in lane. So I started playing Dr. Mundo. He just heals back any poke you receive. So few people play this champion anymore. I think I have only gone against another Dr. Mundo maybe 5 or 6 times. Im hoping this guide will help you get to learn this great champion or at least get better at him. This guide is still a work in progress but I don't get a lot of time to work on it. So with out ado lets get into it.
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Pros / Cons

* Super tank
* Crazy health regen
* Long range poke
* High tenacity
* The highest AD steroid in game
* Very annoying in lane
* Good burst and sustain damage

* Squishy early game
* Uses own health for abilities
* No escape besides ult
* Falls off late game
* Hard to engage with

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Champion Abillities

Adrenaline Rush: You passively heal based on your max health.
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Infected Cleaver: (Q) You throw a cleaver in a strait line and it deals current percent health damage and slows.
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Burning Agony (W): You're so tanky you can light yourself on fire to do damage to enemies in an area around you. Somehow lighting yourself on fire boosts your tenacity.
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Masochism: (E) You increase your attacks to hit like a truck for 5 seconds. You get increased AD when you have less percent HP. Your fisrt attack does extra damage based on your max HP and gain range.
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Sadism: (R) You take a percentage chunk of your current health to heal for a percentage of your max health over 12 seconds and you get increased movement speed.
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Skill Sequence

No matter what, max your Infected Bonesaw. It is amazing damage and poke. Max Blunt Force Trauma second for the big damage. Max Heart Zapper third for wave clear and long team fight damage. Without explanation always max Maximum Dosage at levels 6-11-16.
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Grasp of the Undying is the best keystone rune for Dr. Mundo. You get massive damage both in lane and late game. It is best to get the proc as often as you can in lane. Just auto minions till you get the 4 seconds and then bop them real easy.

Next, either get Demolish to get first tower and get objectives for your team, or if you are in a rough match up, take Bone Plating to survive the early game.

Next, in my opinion, the only good rune is Conditioning to get tankier for late game.

Then, finish the resolve tree with Unflinching for some tenacity.

For secondary, you must go sorcery. Nimbus Cloak is insanely over powered on Dr. Mundo you get even more MS and it feels so strong.

Then take Celerity to get lots of AD when you proc Maximum Dosage and Nimbus Cloak and to get even faster through all parts of the game.
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Just build your first item against your lane buddy and then build against their team. If they have a fed Vladimir then build more MR or tons of health. Always build Spirit Visage even if they only have one guy who does one magic damage ability. It's passive increase your healing and Dr. Mundo does a lot of healing. Building as Dr. Mundo is not hard. Just build tank, specifically health. I like to rush either Sunfire Aegis or Spirit Visage, getting their two boots very early. If you are ahead, get Titanic Hydra second and then finish your other tank item, or if you are not ahead, finish the other tank item and then get your hydra. Then Sterak's Gage is wonderful to get. You become even harder to kill and you get even more tenacity and AD and Heath. The shield is massive. Then round it out with a tank item to counter who ever is going the most damage.

Doran's Shield

This is what I start no matter what. With this, one Health Potion and a Stealth Ward you should be able to stay in lane far more than your opponent.

Sunfire Cape

This item is amazing. As a tank you will be next to enemies for a while. When you practically have 2 Heart Zapper's, it's gg. Plus the health and armor is great too. It also helps you push so you can get to towers better. I will build this every game.

Spirit Visage

This item was made for you. Health, MR, CDR, and increased healing. Need I say more? BUILD THIS EVERY GAME! Without it, your ultimate, Maximum Dosage, will not heal you for very much. If you need more MR you can build Adaptive Helm.

Titanic Hydra

Build it every game. Health, AD, and your AA scale with HP in a cone attack. Very good. You also will hit a massive power spike when you complete this item and will have some huge one shot potential on a squishy target. Only don't build this if you are way behind. It is a common rule of thumb that if you and your team are behind to stop building damage and build tank. If you are playing a tank.

Sterak's Gage

This item is beast on Dr. Mundo. A good amount of health. Good AD. Huge shield and tenacity in fights. It helps you stay alive to wreck the enemy back line.


It is a great item against people like Master Yi, Tryndamere, or Vayne. It is much more viable now with the update.

Warmog's Armor

HEALTH. You just won a team fight and you tanked 5 people and a turret. You used your ult and you are low on health. just don't take damage for 8 seconds and its like your ult, Maximum Dosage, is back on. :) It can also be used as a taunt if you just stand in front their turret and gain all your health back. It is a good last buy.

Dead Man's Plate

Health, Armor, and a passive. You get increased MS and a slow. Amazing. If you are getting kited or need to move around the map more, this is a good item to build. Good last buy.

Randuin's Omen

Health, armor, AS slow, critical strike damage reduction, and a slow. Build when their ADC builds crit or they have a Yasuo, Jhin, Tryndamere or other high crit damage champion. Also give an active slow. Good last buy.

Guardian Angel

This item is a good last item if you are the one that is carrying the game and need to be the one who lives.

Zz'Rot Portal

Armor and MR. SPLIT PUSH. The best split push item. Try to place the portal near the tower you are trying to get but not in it. The tower will focus it first and kill it in one hit. Don't buy this if they have no outer turrets. It is hard to get inner turrets with it as you are so close to their base and it is easier for them to kill if you back away.

Adaptive Helm

This item is good if you are going against someone with constant Magic Damage like Teemo, Azir, or Cassiopeia. But get Spirit Visage first.

Abyssal Mask

No longer viable on Mundo because of the addition of mana.

Knight's Vow

I like to buy this if I have a hyper carry adc that needs to live like Kalista, Kog'Maw, Vayne, Draven, Jinx or Twitch.


Mercury's Treads

MR and tenacity. I build it when they have mostly AP or have lots of cc like Morgana, Nautilus, or have lots of hard cc champions.

Ninja Tabi

Armor and AA damage reduction. I build it when they have mostly AD and AA reliant champions like Kalista, Master Yi, or Yasuo for example.
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Your Role

As a top laner and tank you have jobs. You need to know about each and every champion. You must know whether a champion does magic damage and you need to build Spirit Visage first, or if they do physical damage and you need to build a Sunfire Aegis first. You have to know that an enemy Corki does mixed damage, a Riven will do only physical damage, and a Maokai will do only magic damage. If an enemy team has lots of CC, then you need to buy Mercury's Treads

In team fights, your job includes splitting the fight into two fights. You vs the enemy back line, and the rest of your team vs their front line. Their back line can't kill you because of all the tankiness and healing, you kill them because of all the big damage you do and MS you get from your ult. It is a good idea to flash to get to the carries so you can take them off guard.

You also must know when people hit power spikes. You must know that Pantheon and Renekton have very strong early games and people like Gangplank and Nasus are late game scaling champions.

You must get attention. If the other lanes aren't doing good, you need to either roam or do whatever you can to call the enemy jungler to you. Make the enemy mid laner come to you so you can soak up lots of pressure and give your team breathing room. You can do this because you are just so tanky and you can almost always get away if you have your ultimate on. By hopefully killing your enemy top laner and pushing in their tower a lot, you should get the attention of their mid laner or jungler or both. If you die, you die. Don't get mad for getting pressure up top. Since you don't have hard cc, you need to do well in the early game because you will fall off. You need to make the enemy think you are worth their time while you are strong. Later on in the game you will fall off hard, so make yourself useful while you can. If you have a good chance, have the bottom lane deep ward and make a Teleport bottom and maybe take a tower.
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Farming with Dr. Mundo is clockwork. I farm with Infected Bonesaw if I'm not going to poke my lane buddy in the next 4 seconds. Use E Blunt Force Trauma if you miss judge your attack strength for an AA reset. Use Heart Zapper if there are at least 3+ minions that would get hit. I usually don't turn on Heart Zapper until levels 5 and up. I will only turn it on pre level 6 if I'm trading with my lane buddy. You must learn to farm good because you need early items to get really strong and soak up all of that damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spudicus
Spudicus Dr. Mundo Guide
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The Best Offense/Defense is an Unkillable Mundo That One Sho

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