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Blitzcrank Build Guide by foohy270

AD Offtank The great steam golem

AD Offtank The great steam golem

Updated on January 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author foohy270 Build Guide By foohy270 2,889 Views 0 Comments
2,889 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author foohy270 Blitzcrank Build Guide By foohy270 Updated on January 24, 2015
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Hi my name if foohy270 i play on the North america server and this is my first build so please tell me what you think about it and if you like it please rate up. please leave comments telling me how to make this build better.
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Pros / Cons

-strong early gank potential when level 3
-strong attack damage boost with Power Fist
-fun to play.
-fast clear after a few items.
-good for catching mobile champs Rocket Grab

-relies on team early (when ganking).
-relies heavily on Rocket Grab to secure kills.
-if you fall behind its hard to come back unless you get kills for you or your team.
-if you get stunned or snared you become useless
-relies heavily on first blood (kill or assist)
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I chose these runes because the bonus 2% lifesteal helps you stay in the jungle for longer amounts of time before backing.

The two attack damage quints give you nice attack damage bonus for early game clear with Power Fist doubling the amount of basic attack damage you do.

the flat attack damage marks are for the same reason as the attack damage quints.

the flat armor seals are a good choice for any jungler as the jungle damage is physical which armor prevents.

the magic resist glyphs are for reducing the amount of magic damage you may or may not take when ganking you can change these out for Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

we want to utilize the double damage buff from you E Power Fist and the attack speed and move speed buff of your W Overdrive in the jungle to our advantage with clear speeds and great ganks.I start ganking lanes at level 3 when I have all 3 of my Q W and E spells with a point then just make sure the lane is ready for a gank and secure the kill with your lock down.
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Team Work

With just a few pings or a typed message from the lane you're ganking early in the game you should be able to get a lot of secured kills fairly easily. when mid - late game comes and you start fighting you will want to focus the enemy champ doing the most damage usually the attack damage carry or the middle laner. you will want to W Overdrive to them Q Rocket Grab them then E Power Fist them then if they're still alive after your Power Fist that does tons of damage ult them with Static Field and they should be dead then just kill the next your burst will be so much that no carry should be able to live.
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this is still a work in progress so tell me what you think in the comments section below. and please rate this guide up if you liked it i feel jungle blitz will be a thing soon with this build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author foohy270
foohy270 Blitzcrank Guide
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The great steam golem

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