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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
This build is still in adding new stuff and build. Now u can simply just read what you can found here now and test the build number 1. Thank you for your understanding.
I think you will laugh a lot by reading this guide, becouse my english is no so good.
I think you will laugh a lot by reading this guide, becouse my english is no so good.
Attributes: Assassin, Stealth, Melee
Cost: 1350 IP Points or 585 RP Points
Health Weak
Attack Average
Spells Strong
Difficulty Hard
Health 414 (+86)
Attack damage 48 (+3.3)
Health regen 6.95 (+0.55)
Attack speed 0.658 (+3.84%)
Mana 180 (+42)
Armor 12.5 (+4)
Mana regen 7.1 (+0.6)
Magic res. 30 (+1.25)
Range 125
Mov. speed 315
Cost: 1350 IP Points or 585 RP Points
Health Weak
Attack Average
Spells Strong
Difficulty Hard
Health 414 (+86)
Attack damage 48 (+3.3)
Health regen 6.95 (+0.55)
Attack speed 0.658 (+3.84%)
Mana 180 (+42)
Armor 12.5 (+4)
Mana regen 7.1 (+0.6)
Magic res. 30 (+1.25)
Range 125
Mov. speed 315
- Boots + 3x Health Potion is now for my the best choice. Why? Becouse u can easy and fast FINISH your jungle and possibly (if u want) go gank.
- Cloth Armor +5x Health Potion is also good option u can make the jungle with no stress and go gank lane.
What now?
- Now make that, what all junglers made: Wriggle's Lantern. Lifesteal, armor and dmg is very helpfull
- Choose one of this. I always buy Berserker's Greaves, and then once I had the DPS from other items i change my boots to Boots of Swiftness or Sorcerer's Shoes.
Now choose one of builds
My Main: DPS Build
Why I so like this build? Let me explain.
- Boots of Swiftness and Trinity Force will give you ~440 mov. speed.
- Trinity Force Wit's End Madred's Bloodrazor and Ionic Spark /or/ Malady will give you +150% of DPS (2.2 AS), but when u launch E it's will be much more (2.5 AS) so...
- On every hit you will deal ~305 DMG from autoattack + 4% of enemy maximum health + 42 Magic Dmg + every fourth attack 125 magic dmg to four opponents. Remember about your DPS.
- It's very, very great to ambush up to 2 enemys with that combo of speed.
- Remember that you heal also have lifesteal!
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