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She can bully you out of lane if you don't play your early levels properly with her 150 range advantage. You win the fight with her if you can make it to level 3 and W a headshot or her Q.
not as obnoxious as caitlyn. save W for her ult or her Q aa's. you win the fight if you dont take too much damage before level 3
as long as you dont fight aphelios shurikens you will eat him alive. after you kill him make sure to throw a coin at his corpse and laugh at him when you out season 10 him.
W his W or his Q or both :D. dash through him during his ult and its free. kill it
if you W his axes he cant pick them up :O. he still hurts though :(
you can W his 4th shot or the w if it would root you. if ur feelin frisky you can even block the ult but this lane isnt too hard and unless something strange happens in lane you should be fine.
jinx cant really do anything by herself and is entirely dependent on her support other than early rocket poke/ zap you shouldnt have any issues.
she can output similar damage alot faster than you can but your W can give you free advantages by preventing her from popping her passive with it. you can also prevent her from randomly engaging on you from a distance by blocking her W.
i wouldnt recommend you take extended trades with kalista because if you fail to kill her shes gonna rip all of the spears out. your movement speed should help you keep up with her but your best option is to block the Q and take really short obnoxious trades like aa>Q>aa or just poke with your Q from max range.
he can straight up murder you level 2 so just respect his early damage and try not to get too crazy. w one of his abilities or the passive after to lower his damage output by quite a bit. wait for your support to land cc and its not too bad.
early game poke is kind of obnoxious but its not too threatening if you dont lose too much hp levels 1 and 2. W her W and you should be fine to hit her in the face :D
W or dodge her Q. dont stand too close to minions when her ricochet is active and you should be fine. it doesnt matter if she spell shields anything if ur trying to kill her but she can delay your passive stacks.
you cannot W her Q so try your best to dodge it. W the ulti and pray that your support is close to you.
bait her into jumping on you and use your W for the auto attacks after she puts the bomb on you. free win after that.
just kill him :P
if you dont block his ult bad things will happen. other than that you can block his WQ if necessary but he cant do a whole lot if you dash directly on top of him.
her early damage can be delayed with your W to prevent her from stacking her silver bolts. later she can be a problem if you don't get a lead in this lane early on.
as long as you dont forget to W the feathers its not too bad. you can also dash behind her so the feathers dont hit you unless she flashes. if you dont block or dodge the feathers she can kill you pretty easily. other than that this lane is pretty free.
there is no outplay here other than flash. just wait for your support to do something.
if you block his stun you'll be fine. not much else to it
dont get caught with your W on cooldown. he can also just flash R or W to catch up to you for an easy E into hook. play safe early levels.
she can punish you for dashing in with her W and her early poke can push you out of lane relatively early if you arent careful. wait for your support in most cases.
buy anti heal
block the hook if he leads with it but theres a good chance he just flays you first. dont get caught with your W on cooldown or you'll either die or be forced to recall.
this champion has damage output starting from level 1 and there is no outplaying his W stun. pray your support lands a cc on the enemy adc so they cant burst you down as a unit.
you can dash through something to get away from his stun if need be but your W is useless against him.
her silence can put you in some really unfortunate situations considering your mostly ability based. other than that its mostly just making it harder to kill her adc.
you can block his q. tbh no one really plays this champ on pbe so im not even sure if you can block his ult but either way you can dodge it with your e so i dont see this champion being too much of a threat.
hes gonna test your dash reflexes and his charm isnt something you can block so just play safe until your support lands cc.
you can block the zenith but her ult and her q are fair game. dont get caught out and wait for your support to land cc on the adc.
you can block his hook and when i was playing on pbe the W was also blocking his stun. not sure if that was intended but i'll update this when i can confirm it.
block or dodge the Q and its not too bad. early poke can be annoying but unless she hits a Q you should be fine
block the stun or the ult and he still kinda hurts. early poke will be annoying. wait for your support to land cc.
you can block the tornadoes and her W so its not too big of an issue other than the shields. her damage output isnt anything crazy so you'll be fine. if your support lands cc shes either forced out of the lane or she dies.
ban this
polymorph is annoying but other than that its basically just janna. kill it with your support.
use your E to dodge her bubbles and punish with your support.
block or dodge the claw and you'll be fine before 6. his all in with 6 is something i wouldnt really contest unless you have a big lead.
if you can predict her ult you'll feel like a god. if not its kinda awkward. try and kill her quickly after shes cc'd by your support if you dont want to deal with the added stress.
Block the hook and Dash away behind minions if he leads with his ult instead.
he has 3 different things you can combo off of with your passive. level 2 you can potentially kill/force someone out of lane with his hook + auto chain.
basically the same as nautilus. plenty of cc to combo off of.
lots of early kill pressure with his pull + E combined with your passive.
regular alistar combo or if he flash Q W towards you will probably net a kill/summoner spell.
level 2 W aa Q from him plus your knockup and the rest of your damage either leads to a kill or burned summs. this is probably my favorite.
not quite as strong as nautilus but you can get similar results.
you can escape through him or engage with him with your E. not as much of a kill lane as nautilus/leona/pantheon but he makes up for it with a little bit of sustain and an escape route.
you hate cats now
not the worst support you could be paired with but if you feel like you need the protection then go for it. you can combo with his cc but its not as quick as your other options.
1 form of cc that you can actually combo with which isnt horrible but hes going to be leaving you alone alot and your range doesnt really approve of that.
if for some reason karma is just allowed to walk into the adc and press W without dying for free then shes fine i guess.
if you absolutely feel like you cant walk up and just want to sustain then i guess this is ok. you want nami though.
if someone gets hit with her Q then they have to burn spells to live or they just die to both your damage and her damage early on. her shield is also helpful for you getting in and out of short trades.
there is a world where you dash in and she knocks them up with her ult and you combo off of the polymorph as well but the attack speed shes giving you is basically worthless. go with nami if you want an enchanter.
battery pack isnt horrible but with an unreliable cc to try and combo off of its definitely not ideal. go with nami instead.
if she can land bubbles you win for free. She can keep you healthy in lane, speed you up, AND slow them down for easy pickups. best enchanter to play with samira hands down.
not as strong as the nautilus pairing but offers a little more protection.
unless your duo is smurfing this probably isnt the way to go.
this will be one of your favorite junglers now. moving is illegal
ur banning this. if your support picks this though its pretty solid. youre extremely safe with her black shield and your W and her binding is a really nice form of cc to combo with. her ult flash zhonyas is a great way for you to enter a fight with her in front of you and she can soak alot of cooldowns if necessary.
she gives you ad i guess.
hes a lot better to have during the later stages of the game. lane phase wont be horrible but youre definitely more focused on surviving.
high damage and its not super hard to play with but she's doing most of it by herself you just happen to be there with her.
a worse taric/zyra. id go with them before id recommend this one.
Tahm Kench
not the greatest but he can keep you alive i guess.
he has 3 different things you can combo off of with your passive. level 2 you can potentially kill/force someone out of lane with his hook + auto chain.
basically the same as nautilus. plenty of cc to combo off of.
lots of early kill pressure with his pull + E combined with your passive.
regular alistar combo or if he flash Q W towards you will probably net a kill/summoner spell.
level 2 W aa Q from him plus your knockup and the rest of your damage either leads to a kill or burned summs. this is probably my favorite.
not quite as strong as nautilus but you can get similar results.
you can escape through him or engage with him with your E. not as much of a kill lane as nautilus/leona/pantheon but he makes up for it with a little bit of sustain and an escape route.
you hate cats now
not the worst support you could be paired with but if you feel like you need the protection then go for it. you can combo with his cc but its not as quick as your other options.
1 form of cc that you can actually combo with which isnt horrible but hes going to be leaving you alone alot and your range doesnt really approve of that.
if for some reason karma is just allowed to walk into the adc and press W without dying for free then shes fine i guess.
if you absolutely feel like you cant walk up and just want to sustain then i guess this is ok. you want nami though.
if someone gets hit with her Q then they have to burn spells to live or they just die to both your damage and her damage early on. her shield is also helpful for you getting in and out of short trades.
there is a world where you dash in and she knocks them up with her ult and you combo off of the polymorph as well but the attack speed shes giving you is basically worthless. go with nami if you want an enchanter.
battery pack isnt horrible but with an unreliable cc to try and combo off of its definitely not ideal. go with nami instead.
if she can land bubbles you win for free. She can keep you healthy in lane, speed you up, AND slow them down for easy pickups. best enchanter to play with samira hands down.
not as strong as the nautilus pairing but offers a little more protection.
unless your duo is smurfing this probably isnt the way to go.
this will be one of your favorite junglers now. moving is illegal
ur banning this. if your support picks this though its pretty solid. youre extremely safe with her black shield and your W and her binding is a really nice form of cc to combo with. her ult flash zhonyas is a great way for you to enter a fight with her in front of you and she can soak alot of cooldowns if necessary.
she gives you ad i guess.
hes a lot better to have during the later stages of the game. lane phase wont be horrible but youre definitely more focused on surviving.
high damage and its not super hard to play with but she's doing most of it by herself you just happen to be there with her.
a worse taric/zyra. id go with them before id recommend this one.
Tahm Kench
not the greatest but he can keep you alive i guess.
Riot gave us another champion to make solo laners/junglers upset and im all for it. hope you like Devil May Cry because you'll be juggling enemies with your passive after your team lands any hard cc. plenty of outplay potential with her W and plenty of presence in a teamfight with your ultimate. you can even throw coins at enemies, dead or alive, to add just the right amount of bm. perfect
Passive: The movement speed you gain from ranking up your style grade is really useful for getting in and out. It allows you to dodge any random ability that might be flying your way in teamfights/skirmishes. all of your melee abilities will do bonus magic damage increased based on missing health
Make sure to alternate between AA's and abilities because your style will not upgrade if you hit the same thing twice in a row. ex. AA > Q > AA will work . AA > AA will not
short trades
AA > Q > AA
AA > E > AA > Melee Q
AA > E > Q during E > AA
AA > E > Q during E > AA > W
Oh You Fancy
AA > Q > AA > E > AA > W > Cancel second swing of W with R
AA > Q > AA > E > AA > Q > AA > W > Cancel second swing of W with R
AA > E > AA > Q > AA > W > Cancel second swing of W with R
if i come up with any new combos i will update this list
Early laning
her laning phase isn't fantastic unless paired with a support with consistent hard cc and or high damage output early on. you'll typically wait for your support to land something and then activate your passive to extend the duration of whatever cc they were already affected by giving you the extra time you needed to land your abilities. level 1 it'll be a lot of farming with your Q considering you'll more than likely be at a range disadvantage since you only have 500 range with your autos. level 2/3 is the best time to try and gain an early hp advantage with your support if you didnt take too much damage level 1.
level spikes
level 2: gives you access to Q and E and gives you more windows to take aggressive trades if your support lands hard cc. level 3: is basically the same + the ability to outplay oncoming damage from ranged supports/adc and makes it even harder for you to die if your support lands cc to start off with. level 5: your Q is on a 4 second cooldown and you get to be super annoying given the low mana cost. level 6: is where the fun really starts. your ult is a static 3 second cooldown and before items the damage isn't super crazy but once you have some items bought you'll start shredding champions left and right. level 9: your Q is maxed out and is on a 2 second cooldown. 2 seconds. just think of the possibilities :O level 16: your ult doesnt cost any mana anymore. what more do i need to say
item spikes
you already had no troubles in terms of mana but once you have essence reaver the cdr/crit/mana sustain will keep you active in lane for much longer than i think should be legal. when you have deaths dance you dont have to worry about making mistakes as much but you should still be careful. dont forget you are definitely still an adc and nowadays you just sorta die for free.
your scaling is pretty average UNLESS you get the opportunity to ult in teamfights. her damage output with her ult is absolutely disgusting and is essential to being relevant in the later stages of the game.
the best teamfight is the one where you don't have to start by using your w defensively but never be afraid to do so. once you get your style to S you can just pretend you're katarina and spin through the enemy team. if there are melee threats that don't leave you the potential to outplay them with your w its sometimes best to wait for them to use cooldowns on your teammates before you enter. deaths dance + whatever defensive item you opted into for your 6th item will typically give you more than enough survivability to last long enough to ult at least once.
Unfortunate Circumstances
if you fall behind in laning phase or your support is playing super passive/bad synergy then i would highly recommend just farming with Q if there are big threats in the lane. if its a lane with a lot of outplay potential for you then you can look to poke with Q when possible and look for an all in situation where your support's input isn't as necessary
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