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Xin Zhao Build Guide by DestinysKill

The TRUE Warrior's Spirit.

The TRUE Warrior's Spirit.

Updated on March 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DestinysKill Build Guide By DestinysKill 2,348 Views 2 Comments
2,348 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DestinysKill Xin Zhao Build Guide By DestinysKill Updated on March 20, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Xin Zhao
    Top Lane
  • LoL Champion: Xin Zhao

The Build

Xin's Role has changed from assassin to tanky dmg dps. Therefore warmogs is highly recommended. With blade of the ruined king, you can dish out tons of damage and still get in-battle sustain with its lifesteal and activate. Black Cleaver is still a great item on Xin giving him some tankyness, and more damage.
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I pick the AD runes because early game they help alot, With the runes, your starting AD is about 74. With the DPS runes, you should have around 0.7 - 0.8 to atk speed to start off. This extra AD is GREAT for helping you get a start. It starts the snowball and it just keeps rolling down the hill. If you get a dorans blade to start off, you should have 84 AD + the 15 extra damage from the Q means MASSIVE damage at level 1.
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Pros / Cons

    Great Damage Overall
    Can build health - still does good damage.
    Low cooldowns
After the charge, easily kitable
with nerfs to his ult, it doesnt do much damage anymore
ult is mostly for armor/mr per champion
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1. Wolves
2. Blue Buff
3. Possible gank top
4. Wraithes
5. Golems (Golems first because smite will still have a 30 scd CD)
6. Red Buff
7. B
8. Gank
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DestinysKill
DestinysKill Xin Zhao Guide
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The TRUE Warrior's Spirit.

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