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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
+Best Peeler
+Good late game +Good CC and Team fighting + Unbreakable is a life savior +One of the best support passive |
-Hard to use
-No damage output -Takes time to learn -Dependent on your adc -Always banned (Right now) |
Note: I will be adding more pros and cons soon, as well as describe them in detail
These are pretty much self-explanatory, but I provided a little not for each of them if you are interested:
- Greater Mark of Armor Gives you some nice armor to start the game with and makes you more sturdy during the early game stage at bot lane
- Greater Seal of Scaling Health Will give you some additional health late game, which is nice, since there is never too much health on a peeler tank, and Braum's Winter's Bite scales off his Max Health
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist Will help you if the enemy support is some an ap poke champion, like Annie or Karma. These are also nice for additional Magic Resist which you will need during the teamfighting stage.
- Greater Quintessence of Armor Will give you even more Armor
These are the masteries that I like using on Braum:
Defensive masteries
- Block will reduce the damage champions deal to you by 2. It seems useless at first, but when you think about how many attacks the enemy is going to land on you since you are the tank, it does add up. You'd rather escape with 30 hp left that die, wouldn't you?
- Enchanted Armor Some extra MR and Armor are never bad for a tank. This gives you additional 5% for both, which will add up to a lot late game.
- Unyielding Similar to Block , but this is for any champion damage not just auto attacks.
Veteran Scars
will give you more flat health, and percent health (which is really nice late game)
Utility Masteries- Phasewalker reduces your recall time by one second, which can some times be the difference between life and death
- Meditation will give you extra mana regen, which will help you use more abilities and not run out of mana as fast
- Scout increses your trinket range, making it safer to ward bushes
- Summoner's Insight will reduce the cooldown on summoner spells. Your Exhaust will be ready faster to save your adc from an assasin or shut the enemy ad carry down
- Alchemist incresed the duration of elexirs. As a tank, you will almost never play long enough to buy elexirs, this mastery is just a passing point to get access to Culinary Master
- Culinary Master makes a standard health pot give you 30 extra health and 10 mana immediately when consumed. This helps you stay in lane a little longer.
- Greed as a tank without gold earning runes/quints you will want this to get you some extra gold to buy your items
- Scavanger is like a mini version of Ancient Coin that will give you 1 gold each time your ally kills a minion close to you. This along with Greed helps a lot for you to get as much gold as you can while not killing creeps
- Wealth gives you 40 extra gold at the start of the game. That will let you buy the second health pot and will make you last longer in lane
- Bandit will give you some more desired gold when you get an assist
will reduce the cooldown of your [face of the mountain] , Randuin's Omen, Locket of the Iron Solari and other activated items
[*} Wanderer will help you get to your lane or walk around the map a little faster by granting you 5% additional movement speed while not being attacked
In this section, I will talk about Braum's skills and give tips for using them
Concussive Blows marks a target once you attack them or land Winter's Bite on them. After 3 more attacks from you or your ally, the marked enemy is going to be stunned for 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds and deals magic damage. This is one of my most favorite passives in the game and one of the things that makes Braum so good. This gives you a huge potential in lane, as when you manage to land 4 attacks on an enemy together with your carry they get stunned for a long enough time for you to either kill them or deal tons of damage to them.
Winter's Bite sends a projectile in front of you that will slow the first enemy (minions and monsters can be hit too) by 70 % rate that will decay over time, deal magic damage(+2.5% of your max health) and apply one stack of your passive. This is a great initiation tool in lane, as it lets you apply the passive once so that your adc can start building up stacks on it, and slows the enemy hit so much that you can catch up to them. The projectile flies pretty fast, so its not very easy to dodge. Another great use of Winter's Bite is counter initiation/coming out of a gank. You can hit one of them with it, slowing them a lot and letting you run. If you also see the enemy jungler coming in advance, and you know your jungler is going to come soon, you can use Winter's Bite on the approaching jungler, stun him together with your adc, and come out positive when your jungler gets there.
Description to be added. Read the tips
Description to be added. THIS CAN BLOCK A LOT OF Ultimates, which is epic. Read the tip
Description to be added
Here are the 2 skin spotlights for Braum. Huge thanks to Skinspotlights Youtube channel for letting me use his videos. You can click on his name or on this link to go see his channel : link
Classic Braum:
Dragonslayer Braum:
Classic Braum:
Dragonslayer Braum:
I am still working on this guide, and there is much to be added, but I feel like it can help some people already. Here are the things I am going to add soon:
- Skill descriptions and tip for the ultimate
- Skill leveling priorities + why and what I chose to level first
- Item explanation + situational item description
- Synergy with adcs
- Hard opponents
- Expand pros/cons section
- Add some more general tips
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