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Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Yorick? Easy
Welcome to my small guide to jungle Yorick
Even though he is not played too often, he is a pretty solid pick at least until higher Platinum. He got a pretty insane sustain in jungle, in most of the cases you will not need your heal pots unthil min 10 or after a fight. That is why I choose to go with mana potion. with your w you got the slow for ganks, always make sure you can cast as many ghouls as possible for more dmg (passive). You will want to max your q first but if you can not get in range go for e max. Try to gank early, especially the lanes with low armor will at least have to flash or back.
Rush your tear as soon as you can, get triforce then. If you back, get at least a green, maybe a pink ward and sweeper at first back.
You should be aware that you can easyly 1v1 most of your enemies with your ult, your e gives you a crazy amount of sustain and with your passive you deal a lot of dmg. Care of strong kiting ranges, you will need to get into close range.
In late try to ult your ADC so you got his dmg twice. You have a nice split potential by good waveclear, so try to use that.
Hope I was able to help you guys a bit, I think Yorick should get his way back into the meta, because he has great potential! :)
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