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Zed Build Guide by RoonTMC

The Unseen Blade Is The Deadliest [RoonTMC's S5 Zed Guide]

The Unseen Blade Is The Deadliest [RoonTMC's S5 Zed Guide]

Updated on September 29, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RoonTMC Build Guide By RoonTMC 2,397 Views 0 Comments
2,397 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RoonTMC Zed Build Guide By RoonTMC Updated on September 29, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Hello my name is RoonTMC and im a Silver 5 player who has been playing Zed for quite some time. Even though im in Silver i still feel that i can offer some helpful insight on how to play Zed.
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Zed has an excellent laning phase. Your passive should help you CS with ease and if worst comes to worst you can always farm using your Q [Razor Shuriken]. Zed is very dangerous throughout the whole game so make use of your great early game power. Be sure to harass constantly with your w-q combo and avoid all ins until level 6. Zed has a large amount of easy match ups and generally has a good time against other burst assassins. Overall Zed does very well in lane and can put your opponent on tilt with ease.
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Summoner Spells

Many people including me like to take the Flash, Ignite combo but there are many other options such as Teleport, Cleanse, Barrier and even sometimes Ghost. Cleanse and barrier are good if the enemy team has a lot of cc such as something like a Maokai top and Nautilus/Leona support. Teleport Can be good if your team needs a split pusher because Zed can split push very well and Ghost can be used if there is a target you need to assassinate in every fight.
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For me I always like to go for the BORK [Blade of The Ruined King] First. Then i usually go into the Yoummus. Hexdrinker is also a common first buy because of AP match ups like a Diana. I always, always go for Last Whisper because it really helps get through that pesky armor and gives you a lot more kill potential plus the Youmuus also gives you armor pen. After the BT is usually a rare occurrence its generally into a Hydra or IE. QSS is very situational for when you aren't running cleanse and for when the enemy team has a lot of cc and finally Banshees is just a situational against a heavy AP Team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RoonTMC
RoonTMC Zed Guide
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The Unseen Blade Is The Deadliest [RoonTMC's S5 Zed Guide]

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