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Jarvan IV Build Guide by Staszko

Jungle the versitality of jarvan IV - 4 builds for any lane

Jungle the versitality of jarvan IV - 4 builds for any lane

Updated on May 17, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Staszko Build Guide By Staszko 3,233 Views 0 Comments
3,233 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Staszko Jarvan IV Build Guide By Staszko Updated on May 17, 2021
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Champion Build Guide

the versitality of jarvan IV - 4 builds for any lane

By Staszko
basic idea
I made this quick guide in contrary to everyone abusing the same old conqueror bruiser. If you have any question please ask them, that will help me with upgrading the guide.
Thanks to the long range Q jarvan is pretty good at poking down the opponents that you cannot stand a chance in straight up 1v1 (like Aatrox), but quickly runs out of mana, (thats why I usually run pressence of mind, but its not necessary).
Midlane jarvan is bit less about poking and more about forcing trades. I myself tend to dash onto enemy midlaner, proc my rune (either Electro or HoB) and retreat using W to mitigate damage and slow enemy down.
Tank Support
Tank support Jarvan is a very situational pick that struggles against more mobile ad carries. Most important thing in lane is to proc aftershock, which paired with W allows jarvan to take no damage during the trade.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Staszko
Staszko Jarvan IV Guide
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the versitality of jarvan IV - 4 builds for any lane

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