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Darius General Guide by Kindroid

Tank They Call Me.. They Call Me Micheal Jordan!

Tank They Call Me.. They Call Me Micheal Jordan!

Updated on December 25, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kindroid Build Guide By Kindroid 1,271 Views 0 Comments
1,271 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kindroid Darius Build Guide By Kindroid Updated on December 25, 2015
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What is Darius?

Well Darius is a rampaging basketball player without a career, which is why he's constantly trying to dunk you in the Rift.
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My Runes of Choice.

9x 1 Armor

9x 0.95 Attack Damage

6x -1.67% Cooldown Reduction at level 18

3x 3 Magic resistance at level 18

3x 2.25 Attack Damage

I Choose these runes in order to maximize the value of my build, i wanted CDR runes to reach maximum CDR to increase my AoE damage and my healing in battle, I also choose the flat AD runes to increase my early game damage so i could out damage my enemies in a 1v1, and i also want to farm with ease. I chose Resistance and armor to fill in the spot.
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Darius - Pros / Cons.

- High Sustain
- High Damage output
- Excellent Peeling in fight with Darius (E)
- Great at kill securing ;)
- Low Mobility
- Has to stay close to an enemy to deal Consistant Damage.
- No Gap closers or stuns, Darius pull or slows will not stop champions from getting away.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kindroid
Kindroid Darius Guide
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They Call Me.. They Call Me Micheal Jordan!

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