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Poppy General Guide by Kalaaver

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Updated on December 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kalaaver Build Guide By Kalaaver 2 5 5,122 Views 28 Comments
2 5 5,122 Views 28 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kalaaver Poppy Build Guide By Kalaaver Updated on December 24, 2013
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Welcome to the AD/AP Poppy guide, i want to start by saying Poppy isn't as hard as everyone thinks! She takes a little while to learn but once you have learned her nothing will stop you on the battlefield! So let's begin this guide to AP/AD Poppy, or just straight ad :)

Let me explain how much i enjoy playing Poppy, lets say i'm on a 2 loss streak and feeling kinda down. The next game i get into i think about playing Poppy, i think hmmmm i don't know if i want to Poppy....BUT i buckle down and do it. Once i'm in game i'm laughing and remembering how much i love to play Poppy. I highly recommend not only because she deals some insane burst damage but because she is extremely fun.

Now on a side note the straight AD Poppy guide is pretty much just a standard AD guide, it is good and also very fun so i recommend trying all the builds and seeing what suits you. Everyone enjoys playing Poppy different and that's one of the things that makes her so great, is how many different ways you can build her.
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Essential Items

This is a must have item, because it is Ap aswell as Ad, and it includes life steal and spell vamp.

Poppy needs GA because she is so squishy, and Poppy engage's team fights quite often, so because she is so squishy they all target you, but because you have GA your team will clean up.

You really need this item, Poppy becomes almost unstoppable once she has it. Trinity Force has so many things that benefit Poppy that you must have this item.
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Skill Sequence

If you are playing against a tanky top laner examples being - Garen, Singed, Dr. Mundo, Renekton and so on, go with Paragon of Demacia as you're first ability. This gives you armor and attack damage allowing you to win most trades in your lane, if you are not vs a tanky champ such as Riven, Fiora, Kha'Zix, Rengar and so on, start with Devastating Blow.

Second I usually like to get Heroic Charge, and i'll try to go around and get them from the side and slam them against a wall then hit Devastating Blow. Then i usually continue to max Devastating Blow.

Then obviously at level 6 get your ult which is Diplomatic Immunity. From then on you are are one bad***, Ahem excuse my language ;) but Poppy is awesome.
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What are Poppy's Abilities?

Devastating Blow - Poppy crushes her opponent, dealing 20/40/60/80/100 (+1*AD) (+0.6*AP) plus 8% of her target's maximum health as magic damage. The base plus percent health bonus damage cannot exceed 75/150/225/300/375.

Cost: 55 Mana
Range: 600
Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4 Seconds
[Q] Ability

Paragon of Demacia - Passive: Upon receiving damage from or dealing damage with a basic attack, Poppy's armor and damage are increased by 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 for 5 seconds. This effect can stack 10 times.

Active: Poppy gains max stacks of Paragon of Demacia and her movement speed is increased by 17/19/21/23/25% for 5 seconds.

Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 Mana
Range: 600
Cooldown: 12/12/12/12/12 Seconds
[W] Ability

Heroic Charge - Poppy charges at an enemy and carries them for a short distance. The initial impact deals 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.4*AP) magic damage. If they collide with terrain, her target takes 75/125/175/225/275 (+0.4*AP) magic damage and will be stunned for 1.5 seconds.

Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 Mana
Range: 525
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 Seconds
[E] Ability

Diplomatic Immunity - For 6/7/8 seconds, Poppy is immune to any damage and abilities from enemies other than her target enemy champion.
Poppy deals 20/30/40% increased damage to the marked target.

Cost: 100 Mana
Range: 900
Cooldown: 140/120/100 Seconds
[R] Ability
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Poppy Is a God. (Pro's & Con's)

Poppy is a God.

Insane Burst Damage
High mobility
Can Easily Target Champions in Team Fights (Like Adc's)
Can be built Tanky
Has good CC
Amazing Tower diving ability's.
Incredible Middle and Late game.
Unstoppable Hyper Carry.

Have to hit target into wall to stun.
A bit hard to lane with.
Takes a little learning.
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Lane Phase

The Laning Phase
While laning, your focus is always to get last hits in. There will be times when you can go on the offensive, as Poppy does indeed counter enemies who sit in the brush. Because the brush is so close to the wall, as soon as they pop out of the brush, you're in a potential range and position to slam them into a wall, stunning them and dealing massive damage with Heroic Charge (E). You can then simply use your Devastating Blow (Q) to deal enormous early-game burst, and run back out of range of getting retaliated upon.

However, the situations in which you can get a kill in the laning phase is rare. For the most part, you are utilizing your passive, Valiant Fighter, and your Paragon of Demacia (W) to take minimal damage and farm up. Face to face mid and end-game, you will be able to win in a 1v1 situation against any squishy ranged carry. Make sure that you don't fall behind in last hits, or you'll find that your assassinations later down the road will be unsuccessful.
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Poppy's Job In Team Fights

Her role in teamfights is to kill the squishy champions, and then come back and kill whatever your team may have left behind. Which mostly means you go for (In Team Fights) "Mid Laner", Adc/Marksman, and Jungler if not tanky. If you built tanky, then your job is still the same, it doesn't really change much. If you're team has no tanks then go ahead and target tanks and take damage, or just Heroic Charge (E) them out of the fight.
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Understanding Her Passive & Ult

Valiant Fighter - All physical and magic damage dealt to Poppy that exceeds 10% of her current health is reduced by 50%. This does not reduce damage from structures.

Her passive is a bit challenging to understand. Basically, any damage you take that's over 10% of your current HP is reduced. By how much varies. For example, if you were to take an good amount of damage that would take you down 12% of your current HP, the damage you take over 10% would be 2%, which would be then cut in half (reduced by 50%) down to 1%. So you would end up taking a blow for 11% of your current HP rather than 12%. As your current HP goes down, attacks will deal much more of a percentage. For example, if you were at only 100 HP, and you were going to take a blow that would have otherwise been 150 damage, Valiant Fighter would take the damage over 10% of your current HP (150 – 10 = 140) and reduce it by half. You would take only 70 + 10 = 80 damage.

Diplomatic Immunity - For 6/7/8 seconds, Poppy is immune to any damage and abilities from enemies other than her target enemy champion. Poppy deals 20/30/40% increased damage to the marked target.

Basically she takes no damage from outside targets, the only damage she takes is from the champion she targeted, she also does extra damage to the targeted champion.

Diplomatic Immunity is a great ability to tower dive with. If you're afraid of taking tower damage but think you can kill your target otherwise, use it and gain immunity from tower damage for its duration. However, be wary of killing your target. When you've killed the person you use your ultimate on, the shield from other sources of damage wears off immediately, leaving you vulnerable to tower hits and other enemies.
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While other young yordle girls played skip-step and braided wreathes out of posies, Poppy spent her youth earning calluses and grease stains in her father's armor shop. Blomgrun, her father, was Bandle City's finest smith. The only thing he loved as much as his work was his young daughter, Poppy - named for the sprightly sounds of the sparks that leapt from his ever-burning forge. He welled with pride the day she was first able to lift his trusty hammer, Whomper. Poppy immediately took to his art, demonstrating a natural gift for smithing, which Blomgrun honed with devoted instruction.

One day, a Demacian general named Florin Berell commissioned Blomgrun to craft a helm, glorious beyond comparison. Blomgrun toiled away on this project, determined to present Florin with his finest work. He let Poppy set the center jewel, entrusting her with the most important piece. When the pair finished, they departed for Demacia to deliver it in person. Word of the general's order, however, was leaked to the Noxian High Command, and two Noxian assassins were dispatched to intercept the delivery. Blomgrun was able to occupy the assassins long enough for Poppy to escape with the prized helm. She watched helplessly from the brush as her father was slain. Instead of fleeing home, she carried the helm the rest of the way to Demacia alone. She refused payment for it, saying that no amount would compensate for her father's life. Instead, she offered it as a gift, honoring her father's final intentions. Florin saw the grim determination behind the tears in her eyes, and requested that the leadership of Bandle City appoint Poppy as the yordle ambassador to Demacia. Soon after, seeking to crush Noxus with her father's hammer, Poppy volunteered for the League of Legends.

Poppy may be small, but Whomper - or her will - is not.

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Counters to Poppy and Countered By Poppy (End Chapter)



The only reason why Poppy can lane against traditional bruisers is stacking armor through runes and her w. Olaf removes this through his true damage. Olaf's (E) is also unaffected by poppy passive, which pretty much serves as a hard counter.


Really. Irelia doesn't counter Poppy until mid-game once Poppy has Triniy Force and Irelia has Wit's End, Trinity Force or Whatever she's getting, and by then you should be roaming and teamfighting. How to counter Irelia? Don't fight her when her W is up. It's as simple as that. When it's down, you win trades. When it's up, you lose them.
auto-Q back off, she will probably try to retaliate with E-W-Q-W, etc. But once her W is down, go back in and retaliate. Take advantage of cooldowns. Worst comes to worst, you can farm around her. She shouldn't deny you too hard.


Teemo has a large amount of poke making it hard for her to cs.
If you are Poppy, run Flash + Ignite and Max E. Use Flash to re-position for wall stun because a well timed stun will do about 50% of Teemo's health bar at any stage of the game. One kill off Teemo and you can completely snowball the lane



Riven advantage early game is huge, but with 1400 gold and even items into her build, poppy has an advantage if riven isn't ahead a kill or in cs and if she has any knowledge about how Poppy works. If she uses ignite wrong on her ult and gets riven pinned against a wall, riven can lose 1v1. As the game goes on assuming even farm, poppy just continues to scale better. And if at around level 12-14, if even items, poppy can usually just go in on riven anytime with ult and win.


With enough armor Poppy can shrug off most of GP's harass and after a couple of levels in Q trade with him favorably. In laning phase Poppy hasn't got any big advantage, on the other hand Poppy is a late game champion and GP isn't able to shut her down early game.


Poppy counters Tryndamere so hard. He needs to be very lucky with 10 crits in a row to even think about killing poppy. And even when he does, his crits proc her passive so that she only gets half of the damage....Tryndamere cannot crit Poppy.

Well i hope you enjoyed my build, and that you will play and enjoy Poppy! GL HF!

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