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Thresh Build Guide by DHDS Potato

Support Thresh Support S5 [WIP]

Support Thresh Support S5 [WIP]

Updated on September 2, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DHDS Potato Build Guide By DHDS Potato 1,494 Views 0 Comments
1,494 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DHDS Potato Thresh Build Guide By DHDS Potato Updated on September 2, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hello, and welcome to my ULTIMATE THRESH GUIDE. In this guide I will be teaching you everything I know about my main and favorite champion, Thresh. I will be going over what to build on Thresh, how to use your combos, and what you can do to win the game. I hope you will enjoy my guide and find it helpful in all your ranked endeavors.
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The reason you start Flay but do not max it is for poke and harass. You get the point in Flay level 1 to help with your Relic Shield and to harass the ADC. You only really need 3 points in your Flay before you max Death Sentence, because by then the cooldown will be short enough and you wont need more damage than that. You should then max Death Sentence next for the cooldown, it's as simple as that. After you finish maxing Death Sentence at level 10, you should max Dark Passage or Flay according to 1. Your team's needs. and 2. Your personal playstyle. You would max Dark Passage if your teammates are getting caught out or you want a bigger and better shield for your teammates, while you would max Flay if your team is lacking engage or you just happen to be that Thresh that always goes in.
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Ability Combinations and When to Use Them.

Thresh's easiest combo is Death Sentence into Flay. Fairly simple, it involves you landing your hook first, reactivating to travel to them, and Flaying them in the desired direction. If you want to be fancy, you can do the Death Sentence into Flay, but spice it up by laying down a Dark Passage before you use Q. This is easiest done if you know you can land the Q.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DHDS Potato
DHDS Potato Thresh Guide
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Thresh Support S5 [WIP]

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