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Tryndamere Build Guide by KinglyJester

ADC Tryndamere Tryndafear

ADC Tryndamere Tryndafear

Updated on October 7, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KinglyJester Build Guide By KinglyJester 1,464 Views 0 Comments
1,464 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KinglyJester Tryndamere Build Guide By KinglyJester Updated on October 7, 2013
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Hey Guys, n1Wd0G here and this is my first build, i know that my name on here is KinglyJester and my IGN is n1Wd0G, but i am the same person do not worry, i made this build a while ago with the help of some friends, i was a boss Tryndamere ADC, and then i stopped playing League for a bit and now Trynd is soooooo nerfed that he cannot do anything without being killed super fast. Anyway, this build is incredibly strong, i was able to 1v5 with it thanks to the INSANE amount of lifesteal and Trynds ult, which would let me stay alive in combat for a long time.
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The runes i chose focused mainly on Attack Damage, Critical Strike Damage, and more Attack Damage, however you can feel free to throw in Attack Speed, more Crit Chance, or more Attack Damage, whichever fills your Tryndafear needs.
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Try to go with masteries that would increase your attack damage and health, since Tryndamere gets more AD the more health he is missing, the more health you have, the more health you can miss, and the AD you have.
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The items sequence is simple (since this is my first build idk how the build line is going to look as i am writing this) you start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots, build Berserks Grieves and go straight for a Statikk Shiv, after the Shiv is built go for an Infinity Edge, which will give you MASSIVE AD and great Crit Chance, after the IE is built aim for a Ravenous Hydra, that splash damage and lifesteal is useful combined with the Attack Speed from the Statikk Shiv, and as the last items i like to build two, yes TWO, Bloodthirsters, because they give good lifesteal and great Attack Damage, however you could at least build one and throw a Phantom Dancer in there for extra Attack Speed, whichever fills your Tryndafear needs! (Yes i shall repeat that a few times)
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Skill Sequence

When starting game start with your W and max it first, always engage with it when possible, right after you get that go for your Q as the healing factor will help immensely in lane when your stuck, max this skill second because its passive is pretty OP, and finally your W, max this last and only use it if your target is gonna get away from you and you have the ability to kill them.
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I enjoy heal and ignite, no matter who i play, Heal so i can help my allies in team fights or help myself to win a 1 on 1 fight, and ignite to do that last bit of damage in a 1v1 or when im trying to quickly take out a support, tank, or ADC from the other team, however ghost, flash, or cleanse would all do good as well with Trynd, feel free to use whatever fills that Tryndafear need. (muahahahhaha)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KinglyJester
KinglyJester Tryndamere Guide
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Tryndamere Tryndafear

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