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Runes: Recommended Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
the glacial Augment Runes what i want to share with you is about lane dominace.
Synergices well with Supports that Heal or have hard initiation. But it requires your support to play passive until you first backed.
I realized the strength of Glacial Augment by mistake but i realy enjoy playing it. As obvious the runes are an adaption to the old clapto build.
Thanks for feedback in advance
Kobbit out ;)
the glacial Augment Runes what i want to share with you is about lane dominace.
Synergices well with Supports that Heal or have hard initiation. But it requires your support to play passive until you first backed.
I realized the strength of Glacial Augment by mistake but i realy enjoy playing it. As obvious the runes are an adaption to the old clapto build.
Thanks for feedback in advance
Kobbit out ;)
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