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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
If leona is good, her cc will cause huge trouble with a high burst damage adc (ezrael etc)
But even her we can trick with our Stridebreaker!
If she hits her q it's 100% death
Trust me
If she hits her q it's 100% death Trust me
Champion Build Guide
Obviously, for how long i've been playing Jhin i've tried a lot of dumb and strange builds. But sometimes you can find a needle in a haystack, and that's what this build is.
Previously I was playing with Eclipse, like many other Jhins.
But not with a fleet footwork or Dark harvest. I prefer playing with Electrocute because of easy high damage combo(w, auto, q). In late cause of Jhin's AD scaling electrocute will deal A LOT of damage.
So, the idea, basically, is the same for lethality jhin, but more fun and efficient
When you grab a Striderider, you are able to make a little engage with a slow on top and also you a little bit thicker. Also it will help you dodge a lot of control(like leona, for example) and it has only 15 SECS COOLDOWN
So, grab your friend and lock into duo, make him pick one of the supports I mentioned earlier. In a lane phase you should get lvl 2 faster than the enemy to engage them. After your support hits his cc, you W the enemy, q and then FOUR. If everything is done right, and your support used ignite, its 100% FB even with used sums from them.
After you get your Striderider, use the same strategy, but after w you run fast to the enemy and then use Striderider to deal damage, slow them, and also prock an electrocute.
Your basic combo if you engaging solo is auto+w+q+strider+FOUR
Fun Fact: Strider has 100% AD scaling on active damage. It means that in mid\late game you in fact get a 5 VERY HIGH DAMAGE SHOT. And a cooldown on that is only 15 secs. Think about it!
Honestly, I wasn't thinking about it as real ranked games build, but now im playing only with stryder, because of it's low cooldown, high damage, cc dodging and engage. You just cant miss your w after you used stryder)

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