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Vayne Build Guide by ifound1dollar

ADC Vayne, the On-Hit Menace (Patch 14.10)

ADC Vayne, the On-Hit Menace (Patch 14.10)

Updated on May 16, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ifound1dollar Build Guide By ifound1dollar 857 71 3,279,759 Views 46 Comments
857 71 3,279,759 Views 46 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ifound1dollar Vayne Build Guide By ifound1dollar Updated on May 16, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Vayne
  • LoL Champion: Vayne

Runes: press the attack (damage)

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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Champion Build Guide

Vayne, the On-Hit Menace (Patch 14.10)

By ifound1dollar

Hi! I'm ifound1dollar, a Diamond Emerald Vayne main in North America. I first played Vayne in early season 5, immediately taking a liking to her playing her non-stop for quite literally years. Vayne has a very versatile kit, especially for a marksman: Mobility, hard CC, Invisibility, and True Damage! That's a dangerous combination on any champion, let alone a marksman, which is what makes Vayne such a fun and unique Champion.

This is my in-depth Vayne guide, but many of the concepts here can be translated to other champions as well!


+Passive True Damage
+Hard CC
+Exceptional duelist



-Weak early game
-Easily countered
-Weak to hard CC
-Low effective range
-Difficult to master


Silver Bolts -> Tumble -> Condemn

This is the standard ability sequence for Vayne. Tumble should always be taken level 1 for the mobility, auto attack reset, and damage steroid. Level 2, Silver Bolts should be taken; however, Condemn can be taken if necessary (to disengage or stun, for example). At level 3, all three basic abilities should be available.

Silver Bolts should always be maxed first, as it's Vayne's highest-damage ability; the base and %max Health True Damage damage increase significantly per level. Tumble should always be maxed second since it's her most reliable ability; the cooldown decreases and the AD ratio increases per rank. Condemn should always be maxed last; it's her least used ability and maxing Tumble earlier is always better. A point in Final Hour should be taken whenever possible, at levels 6, 11, and 16.

Passive: Night Hunter
Cost: None
Cooldown: None
Range: 2000

Vayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers. She gains 30 Movement Speed while moving toward a visible enemy champion.


Q: Tumble
Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2s
Range: 250

Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. She rolls towards the cursor and her next attack deals bonus damage equal to 75 / 85 / 75 / 105 / 115% (+50% Ability Power) of her total Attack Damage. This bonus damage is not increased if the attack Critically Strikes.


W: Silver Bolts
Cost: None
Cooldown: None
Range: Self

Vayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack against the same target will deal 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% of the target's maximum Health as bonus True Damage (Max damage vs. monsters is capped at 200).

Silver Bolts' damage bonus cannot fall below 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110.


E: Condemn
Cost: 90 Mana
Cooldown: 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12s
Range: 550

Vayne draws a heavy crossbow from her back, and fires a huge bolt at her target, dealing 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+0.5 per bonus Attack Damage) Physical Damage and knocking them back (475 units).

If they collide with terrain, they're impaled, dealing 150% of Condemn's initial damage again and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.


R: Final Hour
Cost: 80 Mana
Cooldown: 100 / 85 / 70s
Range: Self

Vayne gains 25 / 40 / 55 bonus Attack Damage for 8 / 10 / 12 seconds, extended by 4 seocnds whenever a champion damaged by Vayne dies within 3 seconds. Additionally, during the duration, Night Hunter instead grants 90 Movement Speed. The cooldown of Tumble is reduced by 30 / 40 / 50%, and grants Invisibility for 1 second.


Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive
(5.4 AD)
+10-180 Health

Most of the time, Attack Speed and Adaptive Force should be taken on Vayne. However, really any of the defense options are viable. Flat bonus Health can be beneficial when dealing with very weak early levels, Tenacity and Slow Resist can be useful against champions like Ashe, and level-scaling bonus Health can be a great option for late-game survivability.


Press the Attack
Since Lethal Tempo's removal with patch 14.10, Press the Attack becomes Vayne's best keystone in the Precision tree. Press the Attack's update also makes it less single-target focused since it now increases the user's damage until the end of combat instead of increasing damage the target takes for a short time. Additionally, it synergizes quite well with Silver Bolts because of the 3-attack requirement. That said, Fleet Footwork can sometimes be useful on Vayne in weak lanes and when more Movement Speed is desired, but the healing from minions is dramatically reduced so it's often not the best option. Lastly, Conqueror can be viable on some marksmen, but the other options are generally better for Vayne.
Triumph is a great secondary rune to have; it heals and grants a small amount of gold upon slaying an enemy champion. It's a safe and consistent option since the healing can mean the difference between dying and surviving during a fight. However, Absorb Life can be a good alternative when more healing in lane is desired. Vayne is not Mana-reliant, so Presence of Mind is not a good option.

As an attack-based marksman, Vayne will benefit most from Legend: Alacrity. Its bonus Attack Speed is quite impactful after reaching max stacks, and Attack Speed is generally more useful than the bonus Life Steal that would come from Legend: Bloodline. That said, Legend: Bloodline may be useful in some cases like when facing heavy poke lanes and team compositions. Legend: Haste is not useful for Vayne because she is not cooldown-reliant for the most part.

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace is a very consistent rune that will be useful every game, as enemy champions will frequently be below 40% Health. Alternatively, Cut Down is a great option when facing tank-heavy compositions since tanks will usually remain above the damage threshold for some time. Last Stand, however, is generally a poor option because marksmen should not rely on being low Health to deal more damage.

Coup de Grace

All three options in the middle row of the secondary Resolve tree are viable in different situations. That said, Second Wind is often the best option because Vayne is highly susceptible to enemy poke damage in lane. Similarly, Bone Plating is a useful survival tool in lane against heavy burst or all-in enemies. On the flip side, Conditioning does nothing pre-10 minutes but becomes an increasingly useful defensive tool as the game goes on.

Second Wind
Unlike the middle row, the bottom row has only one (maybe two) decent options for Vayne. The best option is typically Overgrowth; it has little effect very early in the game, but grants quite a bit of bonus Health as the game progresses. That said, Unflinching can situationally be useful when facing heavy-CC lanes and compositions. Revitalize is rarely a viable option, as it is best equipped on Champions that provide healing.


Blade of the Ruined King seems like it's designed specifically for Vayne. Its stats aren't particularly special, but both of its passives synergize extremely well with Vayne's on-hit, tank-busting gameplay. Bonus Physical Damage to targets based on their current %Health helps shred tanky enemies, and the Movement Speed slow activation helps kite enemies. The Movement Speed slow is especially useful because Vayne has short effective range and benefits greatly from distancing herself from her target.
Guinsoo's Rageblade is a must-buy item for on-hit Vayne thanks to Seething Strike's (item passive) interaction with Silver Bolts. Even when the enemy team lacks Health-stacking champions, the Guinsoo's Rageblade and Silver Bolts synergy is simply too strong to pass up. On-hit effects applying twice on every third attack means that Silver Bolts effectively deals 33% increased True Damage. With the Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and bonus on-hit damage from Seething Strike, Guinsoo's Rageblade becomes the single most efficient item for Vayne (even though the Ability Power granted by the item is mostly useless). It synergizes even further with other items that apply on-hit effects like Blade of the Ruined King and Wit's End.
Vayne has multiple options for her third item, which will typically be her last Attack Speed-focused item. The three best options when paired with Blade of the Ruined King and Guinsoo's Rageblade are: Terminus, Wit's End, and Phantom Dancer. Terminus is a great well-rounded option against many team compositions. Its Juxtaposition passive grants on-hit either Armor and Magic Resistance or Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration. However, when facing heavy-AP compositions, Wit's End is often the better choice because of the Magic Resistance it provides. It now also grants Tenacity, which can be very helpful when facing heavy-CC compositions. Finally, Phantom Dancer can occasionally be a good option in situations where better mobility is preferred over resistances and/or damage.
Vayne can choose to build from a wide variety of items after completing her core. These items should always be situational, based on various factors like the enemy team's composition. For instance, if the enemy team has heavy healing from champions like Soraka or Dr. Mundo, building Mortal Reminder will be incredibly beneficial. Or, if the enemy team has heavy CC from champions like Amumu or Veigar, Mercurial Scimitar might be a much better choice.
Fortunately, unlike many other marksmen, Vayne's kit allows her to build full-tank items without sacrificing much damage. When facing heavy-Attack Damage comps with champions like Yone and Graves, a Randuin's Omen is a great choice to help survive. It's important to remember that surviving is a priority; a dead marksman is a useless marksman.
Vayne's fifth and final item should be chosen with the same considerations as her forth. The choice should be based on factors like both the allied and enemy team's compositions, as well as other factors like that game's dominant dragon. If the enemy team is heavy-Magic Damage, a Spirit Visage or Force of Nature could be quite effective. Is the enemy team full of assassins? Guardian Angel could be a great choice.
However, Guardian Angel might not be a good choice if the enemy team can easily kill a target as they revive (think: Caitlyn placing a trap under the reviving enemy champion). In that case, a different Armor item with exclusively defensive stats might be better; Vayne can instead build Randuin's Omen or even Thornmail if she needs healing reduction but can't safely build more damage.
Attack-based marksmen like Vayne should almost always build Berserker's Greaves. They're incredibly cost efficient at 35% Attack Speed and 45 bonus Movement Speed for only 1100g (800g with Magical Footwear). However, there are some rare situations where defensive boots are a better option. For instance, Plated Steelcaps can be a great option when facing full-AD teams with champions like Yasuo and Lucian. Mercury's Treads may also occasionally be a good choice when facing heavy-Magic Damage teams with a lot of CC.
That said, Berserker's Greaves are usually the best option.

TL;DR: Vayne's early game is very weak, but she makes up for it with her late game. You'll be stuck farming most of the time, but look for opportunities to outplay the enemy botlane. Level priority in lane is incredibly important, so try to hit level 2, 3, and 6 before the enemy does. Always try to be a part of contesting objectives.

Vayne is a champion designed to have a weak early game but excel late game. This is because two of her 4 abilities have no actual base damage, and instead grant a stats steroid. Tumble is a prime example of this. It causes her next basic attack to deal bonus damage equal to a PERCENT of her total Attack Damage, so early game it will only deal a percentage of <100 AD, while late game it will deal a percentage of 300+ AD.

Because of Vayne's weak early game, she's often forced to play very passively/defensively in lane or risk dying and snowballing the enemy lane. However, there are a few ways she can actually excel in the botlane.

Let's imagine a scenario where you're facing a Sivir in lane. You're both full health, level 6, and are even in gold/items (supports don't exist). She's low on Mana and just used her Boomerang Blade, so you now have two options: you can make the safe choice (continue to play passive and farm) or the aggressive choice (capitalize on her having low Mana and no Q). In this scenario, a skilled Vayne should quickly engage on the enemy Sivir who doesn't have enough Mana to ult and attempt to kill her or blow one or two of her Summoner Spells. If Sivir had her Q up and enough Mana for her full rotation, Vayne could have easily lost the 1v1 in this scenario, but the player was able to capitalize on Sivir's misplay.

A winning lane for Vayne is a rare occasion, though. The majority of the time, she'll be facing champions who are much stronger in lane, like Caitlyn or Miss Fortune. When playing a losing lane, your goal should be to farm up as much as you can, as safely as you can. You're probably going to be poked down by the enemy support and/or ADC, so you'll likely be stuck sitting near your tower for much of the early game.

Tip: Make sure to have vision in your tri-brush when farming under tower, because if you're low Health, the enemy jungle or midlaner can roam down and dive you. If you see an enemy coming to dive you, ping your team to come help, but if they can't, leave the tower.

Vayne gets a large powerspike when she hits level 6, thanks to Final Hour's Invisibility and bonus Attack Damage. While this opens up a lot of opportunities for her in 2v2s, it's important to remember that the enemy botlane also gets a large powerspike at level 6, sometimes even moreso than Vayne.

Tip: A single level difference can mean the difference between winning or losing a 2v2, especially in the early levels, so keep an eye out for when each botlane is going to hit level 2. When the first three melee minions in the second wave of minions die, you'll hit level 2, so it's a good idea to try to kill them before the enemy botlane. If you do, engage or zone the enemies away from the wave; you'll either get a kill and/or blow enemy Summoner Spells, or deny exp and gold. The same goes with levels 3 and 6.

Dragon is a very important objective that should never be underestimated, especially early in the game. If your team is contesting dragon, you need to be there; don't put your team at a disadvantage by allowing them to fight with one less teammate. If you have a wave of 10 minions crashing into your tower, you should still be walking to dragon pit to help out your team, even if you miss gold/exp as a result.

TL;DR: Mid-game is when teamfighting begins, so it's important that you play with your team and stay alive. It's also when baron nashor comes into play; it's the strongest objective in the game, and should always be played around mid/late-game. Remember to farm.

Mid-game is when Vayne begins to scale up, though she's still somewhat weak. Teamfights are starting to occur, so this is when your mechanical skill finally starts to actually matter. The most important thing to remember is your job as an marksman: attack what's in front of you, and stay alive.

Each team will have a front-line and a back-line; the front line will typically consist of Tanks and Bruisers/Divers, while the back-line will typically consist of Mages, Supports, and Marksmen. It's your job as a marksman to attack the enemy front-line and kill them as fast as possible, while your front-line dives their back-line and does the same. Remember: if you die, your team may lose the fight, allowing the enemy to take objectives uncontested. Staying alive needs to be a priority.

Mid-game is also when baron nashor comes into play. Don't underestimate the power of baron buff; it empowers minions and buffs champions' offensive stats, granting priority for whichever team that secures the buff. This is difficult to defend against as Vayne, since she already lacks wave clear. If the enemy team secures baron buff, your best bet is to try and stall out the baron buff and continue farming as much as possible.

On the flip side, if your team kills baron nashor, your job is to push lanes and seige with your empowered minions. The enemy team won't be able to wave clear easily, so it shouldn't take long to destroy objectives. However, while pushing, it's important to ward and watch for enemy flanks. If they get a successful flank on your team, they can ace you and completely halt your seige.

Tip: baron buff is most effective when used in multiple lanes simultaneously. Because the buffed minions are so much harder to kill, having them in more than one lane makes it near impossible for the enemy team to effectively wave clear. So, one or both of your solo laners should try to split push while the rest of you push as a group in another lane. Be careful, though, as this gives the enemy team the opportunity to engage 5v3 or 5v4 and kill you. This is why it's important to ward your flanks.

TL;DR: Late-game, it's crucial that you stay alive to deal damage, as a single mistake can lose you the game. Stay in the back-line at all times, and remember to watch closely for a good opportunity in teamfights. Objectives are incredibly important, and can win/lose you the game in a heartbeat.

Vayne finally begins to shine late game. At this point, both teams have probably pushed up to each other's inhibitors, and elder dragon has likely spawned. This is the point in the game where decision making is the most important aspect, because a single mistake can lose you an inhibitor or elder dragon, or even the game. Similar to mid game, it's your job as a marksman to survive and kill the front-line, but now, staying alive is even more important.

While the enemy Diver will have a much harder time killing you outright in teamfights, the enemy carries your biggest threat. They'll try to follow up on the Diver's engage and eliminate you from the fight. This makes it a little more complicated to survive, because you're going to have to rely on defensive items and your front-line to stay alive. This also makes it incredibly important for you to be in the back-line to prevent being jumped on by the entire enemy team.

Objectives are usually the deciding factor late-game. You need to pay close attention to baron nashor and elder dragon at this stage in the game, because losing one can easily lose you the game. They both greatly increase your chances to win a teamfight with baron nashor's increased stats and elder dragon's DOT/execute, so your team should be forcing fights if you get either of them.

Setting up for an objective late-game is a team effort; you can't safely walk up alone. You need to wait for your team in order to get vision and clear enemy wards, then just sit back and wait for the action to begin. When a fight finally breaks out, it's important to wait for the enemies to blow their important abilities and Summoner Spells on your front-line before safely engaging and DPSing. As a hypercarry in the late-game, you're probably the best form of DPS to kill the enemy front-line, so staying alive is critical.

Tip: When an ally Control Ward is placed in the baron or dragon pit while taking the objective, don't destroy any non-control wards it's revealing and disabling. By attacking the wards, you grant the enemy team vision of you, your team, and the objective's Health bar. The wards will already be disabled, so there's not actually any reason to destroy them anyway.

Shoutout to jhoijhoi's Making A Guide for helping me make this guide.

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ifound1dollar Vayne Guide
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