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Why Vi ?
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She is a great jungler with above average clear speed. Compared to other junglers like elise she might be a little slower but she has one of the best ganks in the game with her Cease and Desist and Vault Breaker.
Jungling: Great! Team Fights: Perfect! Hardness: Avarage. |
Ad Carries power level increased and they became more important for the team:
Meta is much more squishy now, so you can assasinate a carry by yourself.
New items/masteries have a LOT of life steal and they also punish you for building health. Basiclly health doesn't help as much after 3k health.
Wards are a lot more common now, so you should buy sweeping lens in most cases.
Dont forget! you can use Relentless Force or Vault Breaker on a creep to trigger your passive when you have a DoT effect on you.
This is your Damage ability, and Gap Closer, and Escape, and CC. Use it wisely !
Dont forget! you can use Vault Breaker to interrupt a Channeling enemy like Katarina or Fiddlesticks. This ability can also hit multiple Champions if they are next to each other.
Pasive: If you punch a target 3 times; it reduces targets armor, deals a percentage of their max HP as physical damage and gives you an Attack Speed boost.
Dont forget! Your Relentless Force and Vault Breaker also applies a stack. This is BY FAR the most effective skill to start jungling with.
This is the best way to trigger your passive, it lets you deal some additional damage.
Dont forget! This ability resets your Auto Attack so you should ALWAYS use Relentless Force right after an auto attack.
This lets you to catch running enemies, to eliminate a squishy Carry, or to start a team fight by dashing through the enemies.
Dont forget! This ability also damages/knocks aside the enemies that you hit while dashing to your target. So try to use it as an AoE but dont target a Tank with your ultimate.
If your team isn't warding enough you have to buy this. Dont forget! You can always Smite raptors before going for gangs. |
If your team seems to ward enough you should take this. It is very important to use while doing Baron, Dragon and ganks |
You should buy this if you need both scanning and warding. And you have to buy this against champions like Vayne Twitch to throw on them in fights |
Good Against: Tryndamere Jax Udyr Jinx Vayne Kalista
Buy this over Ninja Tabi against very high AP copms. For example a champion like Gnar might build AD but he also deals magic damage.Perfect against high CC.
Good Against: Gnar Thresh Braum Leona
New best armor item in the game. Always buy this before any other armor item.
Good Against:Every AD
Gives you a nice AOE slow and crit resistance, but not as good as before. Only buy if you have trouble with crits or you desperately need armor and a slow.
Good Against: Jinx Graves Gangplank Yasuo
Since this only works on basic attacks. Buy this if their AD is fed.
Good Against: Jinx Sivir Graves Kalista
Gives great AD and great MR. Buy this when you have a lot of HP and lacking MR or AD.
Good Against:Squishy APs
Spell shield isn't necessary but still very nice considering these stats. Buy this when you need HP and MR.
Good Against: Morgana Zyra Orianna Elise Lux
you can buy this item to protect carries from burst. It is a usefull but very expensive item, buy it if your team is squishy or their APC is fed.
Good Against: Orianna LeBlanc Vel'Koz Ekko Kennen Fiddlesticks Lissandra
Lets put this in parts. A sheen that scales of ad ? Perfect. A zeal ? Good enough. A phage ? Perfect If you are lacking damage, buy this aftter your first Defence item.
Good Against:Anything that can take damage
Gives some CDR, AD and HP. The armor reduction usually helps your team more than yourself. Buy if you have an AD orianted team comp.
Good Against: Darius Garen Skarner Elise
Gives you some extra damage depending of your Max HP. Buy this as one of the mid-early items since the active helps a lot at bursting down squishies which are a lot more common in this patch.
Good Against:Less CC orianted enemies
Heals you for all physical damage you deal and some normal life steal with a good amount of AD. It also transforms some of the damage taken into DoT so you can heal in the while. Buy this as one of the last items since you are not focusing on life steal as much.
Good Against:Bursty and squishy champions
Gives size and speed boost for allies. It helps blocking off skillshots like Ezreal and Nidalee. Buy this if you are the Tank of the team. aaaaa |
At full build you might feel like a bit too tanky. This is a great damage boost with a great healing effect that turns you into a threat. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa |
Vi is not a good split pusher. And other elixirs are way better than just +250 HP. aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
Going Base After 3
Smite/kill krugs -> Kill Red -> Smite/Kill Raptors -> Go Base without using any potions. Than buy Stalker's Blade and a few more potions.
Going Base After 6-7
Smite/Kill Krugs -> Kill Red -> Smite/Kill raptors -> Kill Wolves -> Smite/Kill Blue -> Kill Groump
--OPTIONAL--> Kill Crab -> Go Base buy Stalker's Blade and CHOOSE ONE: Cloth Armor Long Sword Boots also some Potions and a Ward.
Ganking Mid After 3
Smite/Kill Krugs -> Kill Red -> Health Potion -> Smite/Kill raptors -> Gank mid from Lake -> Go Base. Buy Stalker's Blade and a few potions.
Ganking Top After 5
Smite/Kill Krugs -> Kill Red -> Smite/Kill raptors -> Kill Wolves -> Smite/Kill Blue -> Gank top from Lake -> Go base Stalker's Blade and CHOOSE ONE: Cloth Armor Long Sword Boots also some Potions and a Ward.
Sneaky Baron Ward
High Elo Tip: If you ward that place, your ward can't be seen by
any pink wards or sweepers and you can still see if they are doing baron or not.
I learned this trick from a video of Jeremy "Gaming Curios".
Go check him out if you want to learn more high elo tricks like this one !
The Bush Blink
Just step in and out of a brush to make your enemies think that you did it by mistake.
Then they will think that you are still in it, so they will play passively while you are doing other stuff.
I learned this trick from a vide of Scurb (Arkadian)
Go check him out if you want to learn more tricks like this one !
Hope you liked the guide!
Give a +1 if you did.
This is my first guide, it took me 7 hours to complete.
Pardon me for my flawful english.
And Thanks to jhoijhoi's awesome guide about Making a Guide!
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