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Vi Build Guide by ogogo

AD Offtank Vi will carry dat SH1T !!! Jungle Guide

AD Offtank Vi will carry dat SH1T !!! Jungle Guide

Updated on January 5, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ogogo Build Guide By ogogo 2,425 Views 0 Comments
2,425 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ogogo Vi Build Guide By ogogo Updated on January 5, 2013
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Lets start.....

Hi im Balaur and Play on EU West Server this is my first guide and i hope u like it.
If you have any feedback or criticism please leave a comment below, thanks!
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Pros / Cons

  • Very fast jungle speed
  • 2 CCs for Ganking
  • Fast travel speed cuz her Q - like through the woods
  • Ulti cant get easy get interrupted

  • her Q can easy get interrupted / like alistar kicks u during the charge >.<
  • ganks without ulti depends sometimes on luck if u can hit with Q
  • ur ulti can even be ur death , like trist jumps back and u will follow her
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[ will be soon updated ]

3x 2% Lifesteal : Get the lifesteal runes if u think the jungle is too hard will save u lots of HP

9x 1,28 ARP instead of attackspeed : Cuz it will help u much more in the lategame u will need the ARP to get high burst
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Jungle Route

Wolves -> Blue -> ( Depends on TOP if u can easy gank get now Q and gank if u wanna play safe then keep jungling ) gank / wraiths -> Red -> golems -> Wraiths MIDGANK

it depends on ur runes ( lifesteal or extra dmg ) u can gank or maybe u need to go back just try to gank arround lvl 4-6 ur midlane / toplane they will need it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ogogo
ogogo Vi Guide
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Vi will carry dat SH1T !!! Jungle Guide

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