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Fiddle relies on silencing and fearing, but with your main damage being autos, if he lands silence, you can run around him. He won't have any follow up with how fast you actually are in this build.
He builds a lot of armor, he's one of the most threatening tanks in the game. Rely on counter jungling after one or two clears. His Q early won't match up to your crit speed, making it easy to juke him. Just be careful.
Probably who I played against the most while testing this build. A well versed Jhin can easily counter this divey one shot man. You can dodge his Q and his W after your crit. If he ults you, crit a nearby champ or creep to bring him towards a tower or your team.
He is just as mobile as you, due to his auto reducing CS on his his dash and all. He may out damage you. My best advice would be to follow up if he is ganking. Always counter-gank, don't let him get fed. You win early.
Starting to get into the skill-based matchups. Hecarim, as well as Graves, is very mobile. His dashes and fears will fuck you up if he combos right. Luckily, you're fast, and ranged, so if you play your cards right, play him around fog of war and bushes, you should win.
He's gonna spank you. Even if you land an auto, he'll belly bump, smack, and guzzle you down. Just rely on your laners to play safe and not get caught by his lethal ganks. Keep scuttle and drags away from him, and you have advantage.
Jarvan IV
Anti-Fun matchup. While you can beat a J4, it is a toss up on positioning and foresight to win early fights. Be smart around him, late game, you are at a heavy disadvantage. He can knock up to cancel your ult, catch you with his own ult (which you have no flash, so glhf there), and combo with his team to eliminate you in a jiffy. Best advice is to pressure his jungle, early invade, and spot his weakness to expose that early.
Master Yi
Master Yi's ult speed, plus his alpha make him a tough matchup for Jhin. Good luck rooting and counter-ganking. It's similar to Xin Zhao, in that he can easily fight you and win. His W can save him from your fourth shot, but leaves him vulnerable from your root, and a follow up by nearby laners.
Xin Zhao
Extremely similar to Yi. He will focus you in fights, take you on with his ult, and force you to fight in his reworked circle. Hopefully melee and supports will help you with his fights.
Sejuani, as we know, does a ridiculous amount of damage for a tank. She has enough CC to negate your speedy VTEC build, and can coordinate an efficient counter or invade with her team. Keep vision in your jungle at all times, as well as drag and baron pit.
Jax will tear you a new one. Smart players keep vision down in your jungle, and counter you easily. He will be in your bushes most of the time. If you play against one, take sweeping lens after first back.
Nothing to say about this guy. Play like a retard and you'll still one shot him. Don't worry about the tree, just keep vision up.
Rengar and Kha'Zix are mechanically the same champion. I say you have a better time with Rengar, because you have the opportunity to play in the open with him, and beat down the kitty while he desperately tries jumping from bushes. Keep your distance late game, he will one shot with ult if you're not careful. Use your E wisely.
More of a threat than Rengar, because he can invis whenever and wherever. Just make sure to buy control wards to keep up true sight. If his duskblade procs, you know where he is. He will try to counter-jungle you, so stay ontop of your CS game and back more often than not.
A surprisingly difficult match-up. Shaco relies on box fear to back stab, so sweeping lens and at least two control wards at all time to beat this guy. I would even say consider a duskblade against him to deactivate his boxes. Make sure your laner wards your opposite buff so he doesn't steal.
Wukong is very elusive. Thankfully, you can crit his clone to get away. He will have no quarrels with diving you anytime, anywhere. He can easily kick your ass if you don't play correctly, and it will be tough. Try catching him ganking, ping target if he does, root him and have your laner damage him, so you can follow up.
Nocturne will have a similar path to you. You will be faster than him, so only worry when his ult is up, because he may try to sneak kills away on you. Be very aggressive after your bloodrazor, and poke him out. Don't let his fear land, crit and run or he has a huge advantage.
Easier than jungle match-up, and a definite room for air. You keep range, he can't stop you. Silence is practically useless against you. Keep a hard poke and pressure onto him, keep him from farming. If he farms under tower, you're doing a good job. Keep vision in river or you will get a Dyrus treatment.
Gangplank will spank you with his barrels if you don't get rid of them. Stop him from ulting other lanes by giving consistent pressure. Snipe his barrels faster than he can Q them. He will W any stun you throw at him, so dont rely on that too much.
His Q will silence you. Get your speed fast. With the semi-tank build, you will be able to crit him and get away from his spin. Farm close to your tower, your jungler will feel inclined to gank for you.
Surprisingly annoying match-up. Aatrox players will dive you, and give little way out. You can't fight him because by the time you kill him, he comes back with blood well and has the chance to turn the table on you. Play back, watch for his dark flight, and avoid his E.
If your spirit is pulled, attack her. Be very mobile, dodge anything she throws. If she ults you, crit and leave before she spanks you. Illaoi does a surprisingly insane amount of damage for how tanky she is.
If this rumble is smart, he will perfect shield your fourth every damn time. He will harass with harpoon and flamethrower. Just play it cool, don't get too aggressive, because Rumble is very tough early game.
It's easier than it seems. DO NOT CLOSE IN! His close-range damage will easily just fuck you up. If he sees through your build, he will poke until he can full combo with his dunk. Play back, get help from jungle when he nears tower.
Dr. Mundo
If Mundo has ulti, he will hurt, and he will not die. Don't worry, the build makes cleavers easy to dodge, so all you have to do is fake him out, and poke him into using his ultimate. He rushes Visage and Sunfire most times, so just poke him to make him fearful.
A smart kled won't think twice before giving your ass a piece of his axe. Once he is off skarl, you're more vulnerable than you think. Force him off, and fall back, harass while he farms minions and watch his courage.
You can speed out of his slow, but with stormraiders, he will most likely catch you anyways. Be smart with ghost, farm under tower so he is forced to push up, and get early ganks from jungle to give you a big advantage. This will secure early lane for you to roam and take out the competition from mid and jungle.
This is an easy match for you. Your speed will keep the stinky boy away from you. Crit, run, crit, run, crit run, etc. You will have a breeze, up until his righteous glory. Then you must play safe. Harass his proxy, it's more important than you think.
REEEE! This scaly fuck is gonna rape you, and cuck you in front of your kid's eyes. His slice and dice is very powerful against you. His stun will make it more difficult to get away, I suggest flash against this match-up.
Early game is a breeze. Once you get her first back, you get ahead in farm after her wave. his will force her TP. Recall while minions attack her tower. Don't expend your TP coming back to lane. Don't get near her. Just attempt to outfarm her and get help from your jungler.
Extremely annoying. His ultimate is easy to dodge, but if he lands charge, q, w, you're gonna lose some health. Debate replacing one item with a ruby sight stone to counter his w, as weird as that sounds. Play under tower if you're <50% HP.
He has an auto block as his passive. Best way to fight him is poke it out with your first shot, farm creeps, poke him with your fourth shot. Rinse and repeat any time his passive is back up. Pantheon's combo is very lethal, so play back under your tower if he starts getting ahead. This may require jungle's help, but you will out damage him.
This ranged top laner will be just as annoying as you. Gnar is extremely aggro, and will dive you because why the fuck not. Stay away from him when rage is full. You can counter him if you dodge his Q and try to stay out of the line of him activating his W off of you.
If you know Olaf, you know this match-up. Be careful of his axes, don't let him pick them up. I would lace them with your E if he runs for it, and root him with W to poke and trade equally. His ultimate isn't super amazing against you, considering you can auto him and outspeed him, while dodging his axes.
Most Yasuo's who go top build semi-tanky. (IE. Mallet, d-shield, titanic, all that weird shit.) But you can beat it. Try to expend his wind wall as much as possible by being extremely aggressive early in the game. You can rush an easy first blood out of him if you do so. Make sure you expend wind wall before your ult.
I never found Jayce an actual problem when I was matched agaisnt him. He's very predictable, and easy to dodge with your movement. Considering you'll be a little tanky, dont let it go to your head, he can combo and kill since he builds lethality.
I've tried my best into calculating certain matchups. Jhin is one of my mains, and I thought it would be fun to make a guide about my jungle adventures with him. Going jungle with him, you have to utilize your E and Q a lot. Nowadays, my build is just a regular Jhin build. Back in Season 7, my build was all based around getting as speedy as possible off your autos, while also staying with in some good damage ranges.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
Fast enough to easily avoid any skillshots
Best chase in the game, up there with Kayn
Each auto is a critical hit, meaning every auto you proc your passive.
Not the usual damage as other Jhin builds
Pretty sloppy early-game
Difficult jungle farms if you don't have vision. (Easy invades)
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