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Yuumi Build Guide by Wicked Cherry

Support [WIP] Yuumi - Catching enemies like fish.

Support [WIP] Yuumi - Catching enemies like fish.

Updated on April 23, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wicked Cherry Build Guide By Wicked Cherry 1054 83 1,579,100 Views 99 Comments
1054 83 1,579,100 Views 99 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wicked Cherry Yuumi Build Guide By Wicked Cherry Updated on April 23, 2023
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Fruxo (327) | July 2, 2020 1:21am
Hello there Wicked Cherry, here is the review you requested.

click for review

This is probably what I'd be considering as a "decent" guide in terms of depth and quality. You've gone far with the gameplay stuff and it shows that time has been put into it and the basic info & formatting is mostly there. Other than some of the potential improvements I suggested in my review, I think the biggest goal here for your guide that I'd recommend to focus on is expanding the depth of information you have, especially for the Gameplay section. I am with 100% certainty sure that there are definitely more things that you can do in a game as a Support so I think bringing out that information to teach people more about the role will eventually let people evolve as a Yuumi player or as any other champion for the role.

I hope you find the review helpful and good luck with the guide!
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