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Xin Zhao General Guide by segerhult

AD Offtank Xin hyprid op

AD Offtank Xin hyprid op

Updated on September 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author segerhult Build Guide By segerhult 1,580 Views 0 Comments
1,580 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author segerhult Xin Zhao Build Guide By segerhult Updated on September 27, 2013
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step 1

first don`t ruche revenues hydra!! for crying out loud be a litebit creative
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step 2

next you ap and ad balanced whit bofe being machete together because of the healing effect on your W and try to take it easy and take more minius rather then kills so that you will have money to buy your items.

note that guinsoo`s rageblade can be good to have and also nashor`s tooth.

trinaty force gives you alot of difrent stuf like attack speed, movement speed, crit chance, sheen whit the AP!!!!! which is pritty nice.
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new thing

if there is eny problems whit this build i like to here it from other sources then my class but

there is one thing moreif you realy whant it easyer to get kills start whit the rage blade and get more tanky whit life steal it mostly always works
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League of Legends Build Guide Author segerhult
segerhult Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin hyprid op

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