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Very high damage early can punish you really hard if you don't go for a zhonyas rush.
Probably won't kill you in the early game but he will snowball out of control because it is hard to punish him on Ryze. Try to shove the wave all the time until you jungler comes and help kill him.
Can windwall all of your damage. Pushes you hard in the early game and will make you lose a lot of minions. To counter him use your E W combo on him when he uses his Tornado so he won't be able to ult you.
Can kill you at all stages of the game. His minions slows you so you don't get close and there is nothing to dodge so you die real easy.
Get Mercury Treads and try to avoid him.
Outranges you and can ult you really easy. Watchout for her early game all in and you must dodge her ulti and q to win a fight.
Xerath has good poke but if you get close with your phase rush and you dodge his E he is pretty much ded. In late he outranges you and can kill you without you get close to him so try to shut him down in lane.
Ekko mid has become popular and with ignite he can be very dangerous. Watchout for his level 3 it can be deadly and if you see his w on you don't be afraid of flashing. You counter him with your E W combo because then he can't ult..
If you get hit by her e prock your phase rush and E W her and run out of there. Otherwise it should be a clear lane which you outscale with.
Can maybe kill you up to level 6 but then you are stronger for the rest of the game.
Has a good poke but can't really do much if you buy mercury treads.
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