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Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
The start can give you a strong lead, if you play your cards right.
First you need to look at the enemy jungler. If it's a jungler that will guaranteed start his red buff side: Go to their blue and take it solo. You'll be able to clear it with Q and Smite, since the ghost will temporarily tank the autos from the blue buff. After the blue, level E and regen on scuttlecrab. leave the enemy jungle.
If the enemy jungler might start at their blue/gromp side, ask your bot/toplane to help clear gromp. try not to use your smite and use their damage and your tanking ghost to clear gromp. After gromp, go to your blue and take it with your smite. you should be full health after blue using your E regen and Q tanking blue, and if not, go take out scuttlecrab using your E mostly. After you cleared scuttlecrab take dragon. It might sound a bit overly confident, but you should be able to do it. if you're half health before dragon is, leave it be.
After dragon defeats you or you defeat him, leave your wolves be for later and go to red side. Clear red, krugs, and raptors in that order. After this, your blue buff should just about run out. If you have full mana, you should be around level 5 if not higher. your health is about full. Perfect opportunity to gank mid.
Try to pick up a kill midlane, or at least try forcing their summoners. use your W to slow them down - you don't have chilling smite yet. Go in behind them! W slow and Q auto should give your midlaner enough damage to take the enemy out, or at least deal enough to burn their flash.
First you need to look at the enemy jungler. If it's a jungler that will guaranteed start his red buff side: Go to their blue and take it solo. You'll be able to clear it with Q and Smite, since the ghost will temporarily tank the autos from the blue buff. After the blue, level E and regen on scuttlecrab. leave the enemy jungle.
If the enemy jungler might start at their blue/gromp side, ask your bot/toplane to help clear gromp. try not to use your smite and use their damage and your tanking ghost to clear gromp. After gromp, go to your blue and take it with your smite. you should be full health after blue using your E regen and Q tanking blue, and if not, go take out scuttlecrab using your E mostly. After you cleared scuttlecrab take dragon. It might sound a bit overly confident, but you should be able to do it. if you're half health before dragon is, leave it be.
After dragon defeats you or you defeat him, leave your wolves be for later and go to red side. Clear red, krugs, and raptors in that order. After this, your blue buff should just about run out. If you have full mana, you should be around level 5 if not higher. your health is about full. Perfect opportunity to gank mid.
Try to pick up a kill midlane, or at least try forcing their summoners. use your W to slow them down - you don't have chilling smite yet. Go in behind them! W slow and Q auto should give your midlaner enough damage to take the enemy out, or at least deal enough to burn their flash.
After this, the game should look a bit like this: Mid is a free gank due to the previously forced flash, or is ahead in the kill and farm due to your gank. Clear your jungle as much as you can, and help bot and top with ganking regularly. If mid happens to turn bad for your ally, gank them once or twice more. Take second drake as soon as it spawns.
Once you get frozen gauntlet in combination with manamune and youmuus, your damage is ridiculous and surprisingly unmatched. Use your ult on yourself and Q the enemy directly after activating your ult to flee, if a fight turns out bad. But you should have a possible lead, and if you're ahead on the enemy: Yorick will literally destroy the enemy team and game. Your ulti makes a 5v5 teamfight a 6v5. Because of this:
If your ADC is ahead in lane, ult your ADC in teamfights.
If your ADC is behind in lane, ult yourself in teamfights.
Once you get frozen gauntlet in combination with manamune and youmuus, your damage is ridiculous and surprisingly unmatched. Use your ult on yourself and Q the enemy directly after activating your ult to flee, if a fight turns out bad. But you should have a possible lead, and if you're ahead on the enemy: Yorick will literally destroy the enemy team and game. Your ulti makes a 5v5 teamfight a 6v5. Because of this:
If your ADC is ahead in lane, ult your ADC in teamfights.
If your ADC is behind in lane, ult yourself in teamfights.
From level 8 and upwards, you can solo rift herald. Try contesting it, or grab it for your toplaner. don't take it yourself!
From level 16 and upwards, you can solo baron if all goes right.
At EGF, with this build, you can legitimately one-hit certain ADC's and Assassins.
I hope this guide has helped you play Yorick with a new mindset on the champion which I got Level 7 the week that the new masteries went live with. I love this champion, and if you win early game, they have a very very small chance of turning it around.
GL HF, summoners!
From level 16 and upwards, you can solo baron if all goes right.
At EGF, with this build, you can legitimately one-hit certain ADC's and Assassins.
I hope this guide has helped you play Yorick with a new mindset on the champion which I got Level 7 the week that the new masteries went live with. I love this champion, and if you win early game, they have a very very small chance of turning it around.
GL HF, summoners!
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