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Choose Champion Build:
- The Tanky Blob
- boy you high
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Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
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just run best idea you could have all day.
About Me
Zac is a tank. That's blatantly obvious. Zac is a champion that is meant to engage extremely hard. There is almost no other champion that can do what he does. He has incredible base damage and self-healing, providing himself sustain to 1v1 other tanks or sometimes even carries, if you're good enough. You die for your team, that's your job. I play Zac as a second support. Although this doesn't always mean supporting your ADC, this could mean your jungler, mid laner, or even top laner. It all depends on who is fed and who does the damage. Zac is the ultimate peel. See a Talon hop on your carry? Ult him away from them and then e then q him to a minion. You MUST keep the assassins away from the team. Do that, you win.
Probably the easiest thing to do. Because of his E's immense range, he is able to gank from any area in the fog of war. This is what makes him a top tier jungler. Not having to use bushes before getting to the lane allows you the have the element of surprise on the laner, and allows you to carry your team to the victory screen.
There are 2 ways to build Zac. Beefy and tanky. Both are very viable it really just depends on the champions you're playing against. Say their adc is going crit, a randuins, and thornmail, and a ton of health will prevent him from killing you easily, if at all until he's late game. The tankier more armor/ MR stats is definitely strong, their autos/ abilities will do mostly nothing to you and unless they have life-steal, you can probably kill them. It's honestly a personal preference, but I recommend going beefy when your team is doing fine and they have no one fed, if they have someone getting fed, I build towards a more tankier build.
This is a pathing for your first jungle clear. The Green Represents Your jungle pathing, the red represents when ganking is most optimal from your jungle pathing. Do not feel pressured to gank this early in the game, as it may go wrong, make sure the enemy is pushed up, or unwarded/low health. Click here to see map of what was just explained. Sorry you have to do this, I couldn't figure out how to just post the damn picture in here.
Right now, Zac is very weak, and playing as him isn't as easy as it used to be since the major nerfs. Honestly, right now I wouldn't recommend playing Zac in ranked unless you have major experience with him. Even then, it can still be a struggle. There are just better junglers that can carry, and/or tank better than him right now.
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